Friday, September 25, 2015

"Happy Birthday To My Husband In Heaven"

Today September 25, is my husband, Charles, 89 th birthday. He has been gone for 2 years and 9 months. Died January 19, 2013. My greatest loss ever. 9-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.
As I went to empty the trash I noticed this dancing sun very bright and very preforming. I got a message from it. On my husband's 89 th birthday, He is dancing in heaven. I always loved to dance with him.  9-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today has been a very special day for me. It is my husband, Charles’, 89 th birthday. I went to empty the trash and saw this dancing, bright sun moving so graciously in the sky. I read the message that was there for me. On his birthday God wanted me to know that My husband is dancing with the stars. It seems like yesterday that we were watching news on TV and giving each other our opinions as to what would happen next. Charles was a big John Wayne fan, and every time I left the room for a minute he switched to a John Wayne movie that he had probably see a half dozen times before. He was never one to talk bad about anyone. He could always quickly forget anything that someone did to him that was bad. I asked him several times how he could just forget some of the awful things that people had done to him in the past. He always answered “I am not one to hold grudges.” A trait that wasn’t exactly born in me. My memory is far too good to forget when people have treated me badly. I have never tried to get revenge, but I can’t forget bad stuff that should have been buried, and rotted years ago. I heard just recently a statement made by a celebrity on TV and I can’t think of the person’s name, but I had not heard that comment made before. It was about forgiving. The well known guy said something like this, “The spirit can forget, but the body can’t.” I took it to mean the brain is a physical part of the body and as long as the body lives normally the brain lives. I have given this comment much thought, because I have always had trouble forgetting something bad that someone did to me. I do not hold grudges, but that tiny bit of anger just seems to not want to go away. I get very emotional when I read my bible and am informed about all the evil, and unjust beatings our Lord Jesus, had to go through. The human I am makes me want to still hunt them down and give them a piece of my mind. Then I back away and remember I am as a filthy rag just like all the rest, because God told us so. Our rescue from this sinful earth will be the last, and best thing that ever happened to us. Until then let us struggle along doing all we can to help others endure the pain and sorrow that was meant to be.

The last words my husband told the doctor was this. “I am ready to go, but I hate to leave her, pointing to me.” That love will always be with me, and no matter what, I will prove to Charles, that God is taking good care of me, just for him. I believe that is why he is dancing in heaven at this time. I have everything to be thankful for and nothing can steal it from me. Pain and sorrow I continue to bear, but like Jesus I will carry my cross to the end.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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