Saturday, September 12, 2015

"My Life What Is It"

A tiny white butterfly was the object of this picture, but it wouldn't open its wings so you cannot see it. It is one of the little white objects at the bottom of the pic. 9-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Fall is such a sad time for me. I wondered through the yard today and all I could see was dying foliage. Only two live creatures did I see. A little white butterfly and a frog. A few birds were dashing around just a bit. Yes, my backyard almost looks like a graveyard. I don’t have the energy that I had last fall when things began to die. I gracefully raked and cleaned off all the dead stuff making it look nice and groomed for the next spring. This year I am more like weeping over it. I suppose I have been watching too much bad news on TV. It certainly can drain the joy from your heart pretty quickly. There is only one thing I am positive off. Nothing, no not nothing can separate me from the love of God. When I look up and say Father, He is always instantly on the scene. No matter how heavy the load, my heavenly Father always lightens it. Since my companion is gone, I have only half the strength I used to have, but I have the faith to know he is still encouraging me, even though I can’t see him. The scripture tells us we walk by faith and not by sight. This is so true for me. My physical contact with others is very near zero most of the time, but that too is the way I choose it to be. I need the peace, and quit, that only myself can produce. I love people, and sometimes I enjoy being with them, but nothing can satisfy like being alone with Jesus. This gives me a chance of listening to His words that I have just read the night before when I was going to bed. I usually fall asleep before sorting through the lengthy chapter I read. A time later when no one is around, I think upon those words, and try to apply them to my own life. I read where so many times Jesus left His disciples and went to be alone with His Heavenly Father to gain new faith. I believe this is important for all of us sometimes.

The bible does tell us also that an idle mind is the devils workshop. I feel it important to keep busy doing something that will occupy our mind, even though it may not seem as any value to us. If we want to call a friend or relative just to chat once in awhile, I think that is a God given blessing. Or maybe we need to unload some of our feeling on paper for others to read just as I am doing now. I am determined to keep moving and not allow any pressure sores to collect on my body. No joking, At the end of every day I am ready for some rest with longing for the sun to hurry up and rise. Some may call it anxiety, but I call it energy that needs to be excelled. “Bless me Lord as I sleep tonight.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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