Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"My Friend Donald Trump"

I'm blaming the camera for this picture of Donald Trump not looking good. ha ha. 9-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I have to apologize for not getting this picture of Donald Trump more real-like. I was rushed for time since my paintings were suppose to go up for viewing this week, I had to call it quits. Anyway he is still my guy, and I think he will win the nomination for the GOP candidate. In all of my lifetime I have never seen politics so unfairly thrown out at us. There is a force of determined politicians that will go to any length to stop the one man who is suppose to be elected to the office of the U S presidency, even though they are going against the will of the American majority. What is happening now, today, is the height of evil beatings for our American citizens who still believe in God. It didn’t happen by radical Muslins, it happened by both radical democrats and republicans, including the sitting president. The Catholic Pope is in the U S A for no other reason, my opinion, but to satisfy the determined, ignorant, and ungodly, minority who want to get Donald Trump ousted at whatever the cost. A very sleazy way of tricking the people into turning away from supporting Trump by giving all the media attention to the Pope who has never been in America before now. I do not think it will work. With no disrespect to the pope, I don’t believe the American citizens needed him here at this time. I never dreamed the evil power would go this far. I would not be surprised at anything drastic that might happen next. I do believe the man the losers are trying so hard to beat down, is a figure put were he now is by someone other than the self-righteous, egoistic, losers of good leadership. They have no clue as to what they are fighting against. This may, although I hope not, lead into a war that has never been one fought like before. I am convinced that all is in God’s control, and whatever He sees necessary to save His people, He will allow. Just let me warn you, because I truly believe God is in this picture in a very big way, anyone who don’t deny him or herself, and put it all in God’s hands, will suffer beyond imagination. It is now pay-up time for America. I am sorry to say but the Pope nor anyone else can stop God from doing His will.

You and I as believers of Jesus Christ must never lose our faith in Him. Its true that the good has to suffer with the bad, but our Lord will not leave nor forsake us. We are headed in the right direction. Let the evil doers enjoy their bad. They will not win in the end. There may still be time for them to repent. I truly do hope so. “Watch and pray, for in such a time as you think not, The Lord cometh.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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