Monday, September 28, 2015

"Keep Your Eyes On The Goal"

Blood moon at 1:30 a m this morning September 28, 2015, Perryton, Texas.
The same moon taken at the same time, but a close- up shop. Colors don't show in close up. 9- 28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today is the next morning after the blood moon appearance last night. At this time I haven’t heard anything significant happening in Israel, although the news has been constantly covering the U N meeting. I did hear that this is the time of year for Jewish celebrations. John Hagee, a well know T V evangelist and modern day prophet, did predict in his book that this blood moon that was to happen on September 28-29 2015 would be the sign of something significant happening in Israel. Here is his quote.

“I think the thing that people will take from this is that it means, based on past history, that something is about to change in the middle East concerning Israel that will effect the nations of the world and everyone on  planet Earth. No one knows for sure what it will be, but  based on the pattern of the past it will involve Israel. It will began with tears and end in triumph and change the course of history forever. “

Not everyone accepts Hagee’s theoretical paradigm. Christian expert Hank Hanegraaff, the “Bible Answer Man” who is no stranger to speaking out against certain end-time prophecies, is among the many critics of Hagee’s theology. Taken from The Blaze.

Its no secret that Israel is in the spot light of the world. God’s chosen people live there, and He has promised to never let them suffer again as has been before. He also warns any nation rising up against them, saying “woe be unto them.” I feel like America has already done that, and I pray for mercy to all who was against our president doing such a thing. Judgment is surely coming, and who will be able to stand?

Our life has to go on until it is our time to depart this world, but I believe we all have a part in keeping the sanctuary of our churches clear of ungodly believers, and destroyers of His word. We absolutely must not compromise the beliefs that our parents, and grandparents instilled in us. I understand not all parents, and grandparents were Godly, but the normal person knows the difference, and they can make the choice to either follow the voice of the righteous or the unrighteous. Believe me it is a choice. Christian values have been part of America’s way of life ever since it was chosen to be the new homeland of freedom-seekers, our ancestors. How could any descendant fail to keep up the Christian tradition? Accepting false prophets, and giving into idol worship is a doomed descendant. We all have the same bibles, fortunately, as our ancestors brought to this country several hundred years ago. There is no excuse for not knowing how to read and understand them. Only those who don’t want to obey the word are the ones who don’t care what they do or say to open afresh the wounds of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A day is coming when all will have to give account. Blessed hope I give to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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