Monday, September 21, 2015

"Football Players Today Will Be Enemy Fighters Tomorrow"

This guy is busy getting the football practice field ready for the season at Perryton, Texas.
the bleachers are in the background. I can stand in my yard and watch the game including the scoreboard. Not as well as being on the bleachers, but fairly well. 9-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Perryton has already played a couple of games of football this year. They won one and lost one. Every other Friday night my house is surrounded by as many vehicles as a college football stadium. Bands and yelling are filling the air all around. I think the excitement last most of the night as so many like to celebrate whether they win or lose. I remember the time when my husband and I were part of this noisy crowd. We had two sons who played football, and we were so proud of them. I’m not a yelling fan anymore. It takes too much energy to jump up and down screaming your lungs out. However, I am so happy to see these players running to the field like it was the greatest day of their life. I have to be proud of them also.

I have to wonder if our tradition of school sports will continue much longer. It seems like everything is changing fast in America. Our great nation is now under attack by extremist religion that is being boosted by our highest branches of government, starting with the president. Everything good about America is becoming obsolete, especially our laws and our constitution. We are being forced to forsake God and His son Jesus the Christ, or be put to death. A vast majority of our U.S. born and raised citizens have chosen to join forces with the strange practices of foolish people who have flooded our country from other lands. They are the ones responsible for the evil that now over rides the good in our nation. The suffering they will have to endure will be greater than the ones doing the evil. They fought against God’s army and joined hands with our enemy. If only they would have listened to their forbearers instead of the evil voices of what they thought was cool and exciting, they would not now be trying to get freed from all the demotic power that processes them. I know the prophesy in the bible has to be fulfilled, but you or I didn’t have to be part of the bad. We had a choice, and I listened to my parents and grandparents, and tried to follow their teachings as much as possible. Many of the unfortunate people today can not boast of a good Christian up-bringing, but many did have that privilege and have thrown it by the wayside. To whom much is given much will be required. Luke 12:48.49. In plainer words, those who were taught the word of God were given much, and will be required of God to do much for Him. But to those whom were taught the word of God, and ignored it choosing to do their own thing, those will be punished much. It is just that simple. Even the love of God will not forgive the punishment. His love will forgive after the punishment just like your earthly farther punished then forgave you. My prayers are with all who have failed to obey God’s word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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