Thursday, September 17, 2015

"The Last Days"

The Seasons of Perryton, Texas. An assisted living place where seniors have every kind of luxury they could ask for. 9-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today as I was going to see my son, Rick, in the hospital I passed by this lovely place called, “The Seasons.” It is very nice and well kept inside and out. The large building facility has several efficient apartments where seniors can live in comfort and pleasure at the same time. This is the last stop before they are moved to a more restricted nursing home. I have found it interesting to visit people there in the Seasons since most are able to walk and carry on a conversation. They are surrounded by entertainment interest of all kinds. A Baby Grande piano, an arrangement of sofas and chairs with TV’s available. Card tables are scattered about with jig-saw puzzles and a small chapel is furnished where church is held every Sunday afternoon. A large beautiful dinning room is in open view to all who walk through the place. Nothing seems isolated except the privacy of the peoples apartments. Perryton is so blessed to have such a nice place as this. Of course the cost of living there is beyond a lot of peoples reach, but for those who can afford them the Seasons is a joy to live in. When the residents reach a certain point where they cannot take care of themselves with only a little help, then they must either hire an attendant to stay with them or move to the Nursing Home. There is also a nice Nursing Home in Perryton. Many larger cities don’t have the luxury in nursing care as Perryton does.

Speaking of health and nursing care, Perryton has a large hospital with all modern and sophisticated equipment provided. The latest in all detailed care service is used. Five or six full time Perryton doctors use this hospital and one or two from other towns practice there also. My son, Rick, was admitted there yesterday with a blood clot in his leg. He is well pleased with the service he has been receiving, although he has more health issues than the blood clot. We are praying that the problems can all be taken care of here instead of having to be transferred to a major hospital. No one likes to be admitted to a hospital, but life won’t have it any other way. I thank God for His mercy in giving us strength to accept what He decides is right, if that time comes. Whether its me or one of my precious loved ones, I want to be willing to accept. I have been with several friends and loved ones while they were breathing their last breaths. It is a very hard decision to make when choosing not to leave them to die alone, but I have managed to see it through till the last breath. Sometimes it feels like I will die with them just from the sorrow I have to bear. I could not have handled the  grief if I had not already shared in the death of our Great Lord, Jesus Christ. I told my Lord I wanted to go through the crucifixion that He had to do. He answered my prayer by showing me His blood dripping hands. I though I could not stand it, but He also gave me courage to get past it. I am sure that is why I have been able time after time to stand by and watch the life go out of many dear souls. I believe I was baptized in the blood of Jesus Christ. That is why I will never doubt, or feel alone, when I am breathing my last breath. A few more days and we all must go home.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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