Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Stones Breaks Bones But Not Spirits"

This big beautiful Monarch butterfly was looking for food this morning. It always closed its wings before I could get the picture of them wide open, and so colorful. It is eating on the orange flower the second from the right. 9-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I reached quickly for the camera when I saw this beautiful Monarch butterfly flying around the flowers. It was large, and had deep orange wings with black spots. When it landed it closed its wings, but I did get a picture with them partly open. The color is faded, but it still is amazing. In a very short time I will be pulling up all the dying flowers from the beds. Several are already dead and making the beds looks bad. I have already uprooted my own self-pity, and like the flowers I am awaiting to show off my beauty again. I am hoping to have a winter show, that will be just as pleasant to view as the summer ones. For awhile I felt like someone had sprayed me with weed killer. Whatever it was I am now recovered, and in good shape to face the future. The intended killers of my faith, will no doubt be punished for their effort to stop my blooming face. Not that I want them to be, but God does not allow evil spirits to keep on attacking His own. The survivors of such stone-throwing fools are always rewarded for their willingness to be humble through it all. Life without pain is not life at all. It is bones walking around in dead man’s shoes. The pain feels so good when it heals. It certainly made a tougher skin for the stones to puncture next time. The demotic force that tried to destroy the good Samaritan will never heal. Their wounds go on without ever closing the gap. This makes me sad, just like Stephen in the bible said when he was being stoned to death, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing,” I too pray that same prayer.

Whatever it takes to keep vengeance out of my heart that’s what I ask for. I believe we are required by God to tell people about his word no matter how much we are stoned for it. The carnal person is happy when they see someone paying dearly for their mistakes after they have been warned not to do it. But the spiritual minded person still loves and asks God to be merciful to those who thought they were smarter than God. Satan was jealous of the other angels, and that’s why he was cast out of heaven. To any who may now be harboring jealousy, I plead with you to dump it now because it will always cause you pain and regret. It only causes you to hurt the ones you love the most, because jealousy is one of the worse sins one can have. It makes you strike out to innocent ones who have loved you the most. When you realize what you have done, its too late to mend the terrible scare you left. A scare is an awful reminder of where much pain has been suffered. They never go away, just like the tattoo’s people put on their bodies. Even with all the love God is, He will not allow those who abuse themselves and others to escape much pain themselves. You have read this. You are not still ignorant of some of the wrongs you’ve been doing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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