Monday, April 19, 2021

"Welcome To The Search For Healing"

“Welcome To The Search For healing” Recently my mind has been troubled with a few people I know who are enduring a lot of pain physically. It is also causing loved ones to endure a lot of pain both mentally, and physically. We all know that pain is part of the human body God created. Therefore, we all have to suffer some pain in our bodies,. but we have to wonder why. What is Pain? I believe this is the answer God gives me when I ask Him why pain to our bodies. Pain happens when the flesh and blood in our bodies are abused either by a natural cause, by accident, or by purpose. Pain also happens when the body fails to keep functioning properly. I believe this could be caused by some fault of our own or any number of other reasons. Why does these mortal bodies have to endure pain? That is a question that will never be answered correctly until God decides when the time is right. Life is long, short, or not at all after conception. In ancient bible history people lived to be several hundred years old. But the bible teaches us in James 4:14 that life is like a puff of smoke which appears for a moment and then disappears. As stated in the Good News Bible. Today's English Version. Pain can also cause suffering mentally. The brain is made to grieve over the suffering of others, or at the loss of a loved one. This kind of suffering can cause the body to suffer physically as a lack of sleep, and rest, also for loss of appetite. Pain is sure and certain, therefore the Creator himself is the only real healer of pain. Medicine, surgeries, exercise, and other remedies are used to help heal physical discomfort, but these remedies were created by scientists. They are a short cut for the real healing. Their wisdom for these remedies came directly from God. We all thank God for giving wisdom to the human being .to help us live longer with less pain. Why do people chose to live longer even though they are in pain so much of the time? I believe it's mostly because of the way God chose for His creatures to be. There is always a question of what's out there after death. This is the hardest part of living just knowing that some day you will die, and what then. The bible teaches that to die is to gain, but even the most dedicated Christians have trouble welcoming death, unless the pain is so severe they cannot have hope for peace any longer. The bible also teaches that death is the last enemy we have to conquer. So as I continue to ask God for healing for those whom I love so dearly may He be my shield and buckler from all doubt the enemy throws at me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 18, 2021

"Relax And Wait For The Best"

“Relax And Wait For The Best” Well bless my soul. I made it to the car wash this morning before church, I felt like shouting before I even got to church, Now the yard man just finished mowing my yard, so I am feeling excited about taking a week of vacation next week. I also had a good visit over the phone with a son, and my daughter. This has been a nice Sunday for me. I do have a full week ahead of me trying to wrap things up before I leave for vacation. We had a visiting minister in church this morning who preached a very good sermon. He is a Teen Challenge Minister from Amarillo. He has filled in for our pastor several times when the pastor can't be here. A revival is scheduled for June 25,26,27 at our church, and we are looking forward to that. Harvest Assembly of God Church is the place to be on those dates if you need a reviving for your spirit. I don't know of anyone at this time who don't need a good old fashion reviving. Times are hard to deal with now, and it seems to be getting worse by the day. We are thankful for the small group of people in our church that always seen to be on a victorious side of life. We never know when the tide will change, and we have to fight some raging battles, but we do know for sure that our Lord will be there fighting for us, What a happy feeling to rest assured of that. It is always nice to be with positive thinkers. Everyone knows that evil is a real enemy, and it attacks mostly those who are always fearful. Evil knows it boundaries, and it usually will back off when it realizes the chances of defeating certain people are zero. I would rather be with a small group of “God Trusting” people than a large crowd of scatterbrains, which the world is full of today. Part of the Lords Prayer states, “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.” The visiting minister said this morning, when it is time for him to go the Lord will take him, and not before. Can we all keep an attitude like that during these evil times? We must start now, and not later. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 17, 2021

"Those Tears Can Make Rivers Of Blessings"

“Those Tears Can Make Rivers Of Blessings” A cool, windy day is keeping me inside when I need to be going out and doing some things. As always they can wait for another day, but that doesn't make things more interesting inside. I suppose I can call it a day of rest. I've had a lot of those kinds of days lately. In one week I will be going on vacation, and that makes me more lazy because I am ready to go now. This cool, rainy weather we've been having for several days has made me more anxious to get away. I just need to push the calm button, and forget all the bad stuff I hear on t,v. I have talked with two of my sisters this morning, and that is a help for my anxiety. Two of my three sisters sees nothing but excitement for today, and tomorrow. The other one sees nothing but working with older women trying to cheer them up in their old age years. She lives in a Retirement Center and doesn't leave the place very often. All the things the other three of we sisters like, and enjoy, she says no way would I do those things. We are glad to leave her at home when we decide to go out, and go wild, but not the kind of wild God doesn't approve of. Actually we just want to get away form the old grind, and laugh at ourselves for being crazy. After a few days it's back to the old grind. One thing we all four have in common is we are all widows, and we all share in a half person life. The other half of us left this planet with our husbands. The bible says that when a man, and a woman marry they two become as one. When death separates us we are left just a half of that one person. We are left defenseless except for our Heavenly Father who is always with us. While this day may sound null, and void to some, I believe I have used my faith to encourage others before I started this little non-effective chat. At least I made an effort to do so. Only God knows the results of my request to Him for a special need in our family. I try to never let a day go by without asking God to heal some person whether it be physical or mental. I believe He hears, and answers those requests. Boredom today, tiredness tomorrow, laughter is ahead, and faith never leaves me hopeless. Here's to everyone who feels hopeless, when you feel like you can't take another step, just remember God will pick you up and carry you. Give it all to Him. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp '

Friday, April 16, 2021

"An Island Of Paradise"

“An Island Of Paradise” Just finished a list of to do's including almost a hundred dollars worth of groceries. I was going to wash my car, but there are so many pools of muddy water still standing till I decided to put it off again. Sure hate driving it to church Sunday as dirty as it is. It seems like other people manage to keep their cars clean no matter how bad the weather is. Don't worry my children, I was just going to run it through the car wash. I'm still trying to take it easy for a few more days. I saw a good friend from the Center today at the grocery store, and I didn't recognize her by name for some time after we chatted. I knew her face, but couldn't place her. Finally I saw another friend talking to her which I had no trouble recognizing, Cliff McGarraugh, and I remembered Sharron. It has been over a year since I have been to the Center because of the covid, and I couldn't believe how much some people can change in a year. Others never change. I have had my covid shots now, so I'm planning to get back to my favorite eating place soon. It thrilled me to see these two at the store. I may forget their faces, but I will never forget their sweet friendship. So many of my friends have passed on so I need to show more appreciation to the ones still left here. Once they are gone our smiles will turn to tears. My precious church family sent me a lovely bouquet of roses today. I have missed the last two weeks of church from being confined to the hospital waiting for a long week-end to pass so the doctor could put a stint for my heart in. No surgeries are done on week-ends except emergencies. My case was not an emergence. However, I was suppose to take it easy for two weeks. I am feeling almost 100 percent now, and the beautiful flowers had a lot to do with it. I appreciate my church family so much. I waited a long time to find the peace, and joy I have now found in this church. No doubt it is a favorite of God's because He has recently placed a miracle to it's advantage, and the people all know it. We don't know what's next, but we are certain of receiving many more miracles. I feel safe, and secure in this little Island of Paradise. I'm sure there will be battles yet to conquer, but the battle is God's, and not ours. “Where two or three are gathered together there will I be in their midst,” sayeth the Lord. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 15, 2021

"Oh Ye Foolish Generation"

“Oh Ye Foolish Generation” I haven't seen the sun all day, but I really haven't had time to look. I was busy catching up on my work at Chuck's house today. We need some rain, but I wish it would hurry up and let the sun come out again. My yard has to be mowed this week-end because that's the only time my mower can do it. He has a full time job through the week. Whatever will be, will be. Otherwise things are going great for me. Today is my youngest sister's birthday, and I had a good visit with her over the phone. I will be spending a week with her, and another sister on the 26 of this month after I see my doctor for a check-up appointment. My three sisters mean the world to me. I am the oldest, but they won't let me boss them. However, I won't let them boss me neither. That's why we like to be together so much. The news about our great country isn't getting any better. I fear that God is not going to intervene until things get a lot worse yet. America is guilty of some very bad, and wicked things. God is showing us who is in control. Some will never wake up to that fact, so we must continue to suffer for the unbelievers bad actions. I am trusting my God for strength to survive the bloody battle. As long as we're here we have to trust, because the doomed are here to stay also, I do believe. Many would rather die than admit their mistakes. I can't believe how many millions of people on earth still cannot see the fake of this deadly disease that was created by man to be a weapon against the Christians. Of course it is a real disease, and like any other disease it can kill, but the fear that it has caused by evil enemies is never going to stop. They will keep using it to gain power of the whole world. They created it, and they can continue to create fear with it. Needless to say I believe the entire purpose of this disease was to gain power from God's righteous ones, but I also believe God allowed it to happen. Why? Because the Satanic power had been successful enough to spread wicked, evil, and sickening acts of ungodliness to a large population of luke warm parents who in turn failed to instill the importance of the bible teaching to their children, mostly because they themselves didn't want to live up to their own teaching. Luke warm now, and ice cold sooner than later. I believe we must turn the heat upon those who are cooling to the point of freezing to death. How? Start preaching the bible instead of praising the foolish who have no shame for anything the bible teaches. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

"Sorry But Not Sorry"

“Sorry But Not Sorry” Good afternoon to all my readers. Physically I am feeling much better, but spiritually I cannot say the same. My heart is breaking after reading on social media this morning about another gay man coming out with his sinful habit, calling it a birth thing. He was a well known star on a show that attracted many young viewers. The thing that makes me the saddest was reading all the comments spoken by his viewers who praised him for coming out of the closet, and being “who he was,” so to speak. They admired him for letting it be known, and believed he would be happier now. This celebrity claimed he had never been sexually active with a same sex partner, but was now starting to search for one. The Holy Bible declares that homosexuality is a sin in sever different places within it's pages. It even dares to say just how harsh a punishment should be for anyone guilty of it. How can the younger generation now deny the Bible teachings, and say it is o k and encourage this evil act to others. This great abomination to God is becoming more numerous than any drug which has taken so many lives. The gay population say they are so proud to be gay, and have no shame at all about showing it in the public places where most people are embarrassed, and sickened at their behavior. Outside of murdering babies this evil habit is the worst that one can possible commit. I truly believe that God is about to announce judgment upon the people whom have cursed his name. I will never believe those who say they are sure God is pleased with their sinful acts, since He says in His Word that sex with the same sex partner is an abomination unto Him. I am sorry to say, but I would be sorry if I didn't say, anyone who agrees with homosexuality as being o k with God, is as guilty as those who engage in it. Wake up, my dear innocent , ignorant, hot-shots. You will be judged without a doubt. Not by me, or any other earthly judge, but by The Almighty God who created you. My sins are many, and I pray daily for forgiveness, but never, never would I do things so terrible sinful as those I've just pointed out. My sins are human nature like, but it is not human nature to change the Word of God to suit your own desires. The Word plainly says God created man, then formed the woman from the man's rib to be his wife. No editing is allowed. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

"Getting Back On Track"

“ “Getting Back On Track” I have just finished a six hour shift today as a caregiver for my son. As always I am pretty tired when I come home, but I need to keep up my normal, daily routine after my recent heart stint procedure. My words may not come easy, or may not be of interest, but I will type whatever comes to mind as I sat at my computer. First I want to say I am so thankful to be doing very well, after four days in the hospital waiting for the procedure. I am well pleased with all the kind, and professional care given me at BSA in Amarillo. It was much better that I had expected. I had asked to use the North West Texas Hospital as that is where we have always gone before. But due to a long Easter Holiday week-end my local doctor was unable to get me scheduled there for some reason. God was with me all the way, and I knew I could trust Him. I am also thankful to have four loving, caring children to keep me calm. How blessed I am. My week of vacation with two of my sisters is still on. I am excited for that date to arrive. They will be the icing on the cake, and I can completely feel satisfied when I leave them to come back home. In fact they will be driving me home since my children didn't want me driving so soon after surgery. My son will be taking me to Oklahoma City to meet them. Our other sister cannot be with us, but she will be with us in spirit.. Later on this year we all expect to be together. As of now I feel pretty numb about shouting out for victory, although I still have that held up in this recovering body. My doctor told me to take it easy for two or three weeks. I'm trying hard to do that. The only yard work I've done since surgery is cut a couple of messes of asparagus in my garden for my dinner. It was so delicious I just can't miss bending over and cutting more. I just do a meal for one, at a time. I put a few tomato seeds in a planter today at Chuck's house. When I get back from vacation I will be putting the plants in the ground, and Chuck will take care then on. I don't think he has ever missed a summer raising big, delicious tomatoes for he, and his neighbors. His body strength is limited just like mine. But we do a little in spite of it. I am ready to start writing what God wants me to write, but He will let me know when He is ready. Until then have patience with me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 11, 2021

"Tell It To Jesus Alone"

“Tell It To Jesus Alone” How long can we keep our spirits up? I stayed home from church today because I was not quite up to getting ready, and sitting 1 ½ hour on a pew. I spent three days in the hospital last week having all kinds of tests done on my heart problem. Blood was taken from me almost every two hours the entire time I was hospitalized. I don't know at the EKG's I had, and x rays. My neck was pressed hard with a little machine that fed a screen figures, and numbers for about 15 to 20 minutes deciding if I had any blockage there. Finally after three days I was having a stint put in to give my heart more blood flow. This was the second time in my life I had been admitted to a hospital except when I had been involved in an automobile accident, or when my babies were born. I was released from the hospital a few hours after the procedure. I truly believe the delay in me feeling 100 percent by now is nothing but concern over the deterioration of God's beautiful world. People are dying by the millions with probably fifty percent just from fear. Depression has caused thousands of young school aged students to commit suicide caused by hardship, and punishment from no fault of their own. The fear keeps being shot at us daily like a fire ball cannon. We all are being made slaves to Satan. This evil disease is not just an American one. It is world wide created by Satan himself. My friends we have always said we will never let Satan rob us of our faith in God, but I am very sure he is doing just that very thing every day of our lives now. When our bodies are being made weak from fearful doctors who are going above, and beyond what they did for many years to treat sick people, our faith is made weak also. We might as well to admit it. This world is about to become “no more.” What about the fire the bible tells us will destroy the world the second time. My thought on that point is this. The corona 19 virus was created by man so many scientist have claimed. It is the ignition that possible could cause the powerful atomic bombs to be set off on purpose. After all the bible says a time will come when people will cry for the rocks, and mountains to fall on them because of misery. Anyone with a serious mind can see where we are approaching with fastness this very destination. Is there any hope? I still believe the saint of God will be protected if they keep their Armour on, and band together in prayer caring not if the evil enemy piles in on them to kill. We cannot be afraid to stand up for Jesus. I would rather die standing up for Jesus than sitting down for Satan. I am not preaching perfection by any means. I am simply saying keep your prayer life current, and keep your eyes on Jesus. Love, laugh, and be happy in spite of all the fear that tempts us every day. Family and friends are priceless in these times. But keep your guards up from tricks from Satan. He will even use our most loved ones to sap our victory. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 10, 2021

"My Great Inheritance"

My Great Inheritance Feeling excited today. After my doctor's appointment on April 26 I will be going to Oklahoma City to spend a week with two of my sisters. This will be a happy, relaxing time that I've been needing for awhile. There are four of us girls, and we all are still living. One sister lives in Albuquerque so we don't get to be with her a lot. All three of our brothers have passed on. We were raised in a loving, Christian home, so we know what closeness means. When one in our family circle passes, it's very hard for the rest of us to carry on. But we have always been there for one another. Heaven is our destination, and our dad's prayers will get us there by-by. He left us about forty years ago. I will always believe God promised him that all of his children would meet him there some day. He left this world owing no man nothing. He always managed to pay his debts. He left us kids with a wealth of love, and faith. I have this to thank God for every day of my life. Surly God has let him know what a good father he was, because he left this world telling his children how he wished he could have given us more earthly goods than he had been able to afford. He left us all we needed to be happy, and enjoy this life in spite of all the hardships. I may be getting close to the end of my journey, but I still am enjoying life to the fullest. When that comes to an end I am ready to go. My children are doing everything they can to make my life last a lot longer. My sisters are helping them with that. How blessed I am. My only concern is what my children, and grandchildren will be faced with in this evil, wicked old world. It is growing worse by the day, and I feel sure it is going to be unbearable for some of them. However, I feel like my dad's prayers had them covered also. I have done a lot of preaching against the evil that has been growing by leaps, and bounds, but I feel like it is time for me to rest my voice, and let God do the rest. Hopefully my words will linger for a long time in the ears of those whom have heard me. That's all I ask of God. Now for my shower, and hair fixing for Church tomorrow. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 9, 2021

:A Speck Of Worth Viruses A Star of Wealth"

“ A Speck Of Worth Viruses A Star Of Wealth Minute, by minute, hour, by hour, day, by day, we must trust God. We must not let Satan sidetrack us by listening to his lies. The bible teaches us not to be swayed by every wind of doctrine. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, and He alone is who we need to listen to. He will never lead us down the wrong path. Fear, and doubt are not put upon us by The Holy Spirit. No, none of us are God's within ourselves, but we are God's children, and He will never leave us alone. It is when we yield to God that He can completely heal our bodies, souls, and mind. I just came through a procedure that was risky in the eyes of man, but I trusted my God as I have done many times, and I am home recovering very well. I cannot say the concern is over, because Trust is something that must be a continuous part of our lives. I can live a happy, and useful life without fear of dying tomorrow, although that is possible. I will put it like this. I am not a good swimmer, but I made it to shore, and I am going to help others make it to shore. That's what God created us for. Many all around us are sinking without fully realizing it. I pray that God will use me in some way to rescue the perishing. We all have different ways in which God can use us. That is why He made no two people alike. I saw something happen this week that made me to know what I've just said is a fact. My daughter was bringing me home from the hospital in Amarillo. We stopped at Dyer's bar-b-q to get food to bring home to eat. We just gave our order to the cashier, and waited for it to be filled. I use a debit card for nearly all of my business. I gave the cashier my card then we left. I saw my daughter looking for something in the back seat, so I turned around and saw a hand full of bills she was going through. I asked her what she was doing. She said I am going to take a tip back in there. I felt so badly, but I thought you only tipped when you were served at a table. I felt sure God let it happen like that, and I am so thankful for my daughter's thoughtfulness. I have witnessed other times when a generous gift was offered that made me nearly cry, but it was not to a waitress. It was in a place where you would least expect money to be given away. Who knows how many souls might have been saved just by someone showing love, and compassion to another? We do not have to be liked by everyone to be of service to God, but it does make a difference when people put aside their self righteousness, and admit it to their God, and ask for forgiveness. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

"When It's Over It's Over"

“When It's Over It's Over” Good morning to all my readers. After a few days of being hospitalized I am now at home feeling well, and blessed again. I had a stint placed in my heart which was a simple, and painless procedure. My daughter, and son was there for me all the way. My doctors, and nurses were the best ever. Of course my Heavenly Father was making sure they did everything right. I have to admit I thought it might be my time to say good-bye to this old world, and .enter a new one. After having had four heart by-passes twenty one years ago, I had to wonder if my time had finally come. I guess the Lord still had work for me to do. As I read through the book of Job I am finding myself comparing my own life somewhat to the life of Job. Why did God allow Satan to cause Job to suffer so terribly? My own opinion is The Father God wanted His children to be strong warriors in the natural life, and suffering is the way to bring strength to the flesh, and bones of this human earthly body. I think about the scripture found in Psalms, “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” I am still in the waiting room, so to speak, to be taken up to be with my Lord. That sometimes can be a long, hard wait. I must find something to keep me busy, although I'm told not to be weed, and feeding my yard anymore. If the time has come for me to be more mentally active, and less physically, then I must start a new chapter in my life. I pray for obedience rather than what I am used to doing. If I am to start a new chapter in my life, only God can fill the pages. I have no idea what they may contain, but I trust I can yield to the very sharp teeth if that is the sign I see. Yes, I would prefer a pacifier, but maybe it's time to give it up. But like unto Job I will not be made to admit something I am not guilty of. There is an end to everything be it good, or bad. “Happy are those who trust the Lord.” God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp