Monday, August 31, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "My Three Hats"

Jean's Comment's: "My Three Hats": The third hat is nearest the flowers. It is special. A new trend for me. 8-31-2020 Perryton, TX   I am the owner now of three hats. ...

"My Three Hats"

The third hat is nearest the flowers. It is special. A new trend for me. 8-31-2020 Perryton, TX

I am the owner now of three hats. A friend gave the first one to me, and I liked it so much I bought two more to go with it. I am always on the look out for another one to add to the collection. I have worn all three of these hats to church, and I can almost hear all the comments. But I only get smiles from the ladies as a reaction to my wierdness, They did tell me I am not weird, that they liked them. I have always had a shoe, and purse collection, but now I have a hat collection. Some days life is so exciting, and other days I think I am tired of everything. I had never thought of wearing a hat until this dear friend gave me one of her favorites. I didn't think I would recognize her anymore after she gave me her trademark. But she had another one almost like it. I don't think she ever goes anywhere that requires dressing up, without her hat. This has been her trademark ever since I've know her which is years. She is a special kind of person, and I feel special when I wear her hat. The two hats you see good in the picture are my frickies, and the special one does not show as well. Just the same I need a hat to top me off whatever I am wearing.

I have enjoyed quilting today while I watched some boring television from Democrat president candidate, Joe Biden. I feel sure every word he spoke was coming from a teleprompter, and almost every word was a lie. How on earth did America get turned into a mental institution that lets some of it's out patients run for president? No harm for Joe Biden, but behold those who have used him for their political ambition for they are headed to the woodshed. I must find some way to stop watching television so much. No joke about it we are being exposed to every evil thing in hell, and only if we wake up and take notice will we be able to keep our sanity. I don't know how to impress the weaklings enough, but I am sure Satan is on one of his warpaths like never before. The Christians can stay strong, and keep the victory, but no luke-warm person can stand the tribulation that keeps getting worse by the day. Nothing on earth should matter more than keeping our hearts right with God. We can do that by praying, and reading our bibles daily. There is no other way. I personally am fighting a battle daily, but because of my faith in God I always come out a winner. We all have that same opportunity. Never be denied.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "God Hasn't Forsaken Us"

Jean's Comment's: "God Hasn't Forsaken Us":                   Rain after all. Almost an inch. Thank you Lord. 8-30-2020 Perryton, TX   Praise the Lord! we did get a nice rain l...

"God Hasn't Forsaken Us"

                  Rain after all. Almost an inch. Thank you Lord. 8-30-2020 Perryton, TX  

Praise the Lord! we did get a nice rain last night. Almost an inch. It's been much cooler today, and yes enjoyable also. I haven't seen that rainbow yet so maybe we will get some more rain.

We had a good church service today, and it was obvious that everyone was happy, and feeling blessed. The pastor was preaching from the Old Testament, and since I am reading through the Old Testament everything he talked about was so fresh on my mind. It was almost like having a big, jucy t-bone steak straight from the grill. And just like t-bone steak some of the Old Testament is hard to digest. I believe we all would be better off if we took it more to heart. The same God that blessed, and disciplined the Israelits is the same God that does the same with us today. Some people would like to think only the New Testament is for them, but I could not disagree more. Yes, we are now living under grace, but we still have some Old Testament laws to follow. Jesus said, “ I came not into the world to destroy the Old Testament, but to fulfill it.” I believe every word in the bible is just what it says. Those who try to make something else out of it is just making their own lives more miserable.

My Sunday afternoon has been nice. I took Chuck some lunch, then came home and ate my lunch of nachos, and cantaloupe. Had peach pie for dessert. After lunch I started working on my quilt. I'm making progress, but oh my at the work involved. I've set a goal to have it finished in one more week. I know I can do it.

What I'm really looking forward to is coming up in just over a week. September the 9th, I have been invited to a special meeting at Perryton's most posh club to show support for our President, Donald Trump. The Republican candidate for our district, Ronny Jackson, will be present also. This is a wake-up call for all Republican voters who want to keep our country from becoming a socialist, and ruled by China, communist if you please. Our county does not have to worry about enough Trump supporters to cause a land slide, but the worry is having the votes robbed from us. Hopefully we will learn some ways to help prevent this Satanic evil. I am hearing from many of our wisest Politicans that this is the most important election our country has ever had. And it is the most apt to be rigged by the left, and their powerful China country. The latest news today stated that China is preparing for one of the greatest defeat efforts ever know of. All Christians should be praying around the clock for God to intervene. Don't be like the foolish virgins who did not have enough oil in their lamps to meet the bridegroom. Do not depend upon someone else to help you. This is your deal.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Youngest Of The Sun Flowers"

Jean's Comment's: "The Youngest Of The Sun Flowers":             In the garden alone, but look how beautiful. 8-29-2020 Perryton TX  This perfect sunflower is one of a few that is sti...

"The Youngest Of The Sun Flowers"

            In the garden alone, but look how beautiful. 8-29-2020 Perryton TX 

This perfect sunflower is one of a few that is still lingering on. The bees have had a good eating place for quite awhile now. I tried to catch a shot of a big bee of some kind who was eating away on a flower, but it always flew before I could get a picture. This summer has been a very hot, and unusual one, but I hate to see what is coming to take it's place. I am not a winter person, but I guess I would miss it if it didn't come. We still didn't get any rain, and it keeps teasing us. However, I'm thankful I don't live on the east coast. Hurricane Laura has done a lot of damage down there. Our President is down there at this time checking things out. He lost no time getting there. Most people know he will quickly bring comfort to those who has lost everything they had. This President is God's man of the time. Oh! how I love to pray for him every night before I go to bed. He certainly doesn't feel like a stranger to me. I would welcome him into my home for a cup of coffee. He knows how much I have worked for him out of my home by internet. I suppose someone keeps him informed. He actknowledges me often, and I am the proud owner of a signed document by President Trump.

I have had the pleasure of watching, and listening to different commentators on television today while working on my quilt. I hardly put my quilt down long enough to eat. I'm anxious to get it finished. After church tomorrow I will work on it again. I had to quit for the day and get my bubble bath, and fix my hair. Always anxious to see what God has for us each Sunday. I love being back in the church I became a member of, and was active in for many years. It's been like 64 years ago, but because of difficulties the church suffered from I became a member of another church for 35 years. I am still a member of that second church, but am fully attending my “first love,” church. I pray God will let me live out the rest of my life there. I raised all four of my children here, and they have to feel like it is the church they remember as a home church also. There has been some changes, but not anything I cannot accept until God says “I'm calling unto you to keep my first instructions, and I will bless you again.” It is coming without a doubt, but I just don't know when. I followed my call, and I'm hoping others will do the same. If my husband can see me now, I know he is shouting the glory. He loved this church so much, but was hesitant to follow the orders he felt ungodly. I feel sure that attitude will never take center stage in our church again.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp


Friday, August 28, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Rain Bless Us Now"

Jean's Comment's: "Rain Bless Us Now":                         The sun is surrounded by rain clouds I hope. 8-28-2020 Perryton, TX   The picture I have posted is a true im...

"Rain Bless Us Now"

                        The sun is surrounded by rain clouds I hope. 8-28-2020 Perryton, TX

The picture I have posted is a true image of the sun today, August 28. 2020 at 6:30 p m. with a temperature of 104. I hope it is a sign of rain. It would be so nice to have a good long period of slow rain. At night the temperature drops to 64 degree, but in a short while it is up in the nineties. Today it really showed off. I have stayed inside all day long except for a message I had to deliver early this morning for about ten minutes. I spent about an hour talking with my sister in Oklahoma City. She said there it rained yesterday for thirty minutes with the sun shinning. She looked for a rainbow, but never did see one. I would love to see a beautiful rainbow, and would take a picture of it, and post it on face book. I have been lucky enough to do that before, but not in a long time.

I have spent eight hours today working on a quilt top that I had put away about ten years ago. I have it about one-third of the way finished, and then never no more hand work the rest of my life. However, I am proud of the way this quilt is turning out. It would not pass anyones inspection but mine. That's about the way with all of my creations. I do them to please myself. My daughter always cheers me on, or I might not keep making things. I like that I can listen to television while I work on sewing, or painting. Otherwise I would never miss the speaches, and conventions that President Trump gives. I would leave all creative ideas for the birds. At this time in my life God, and country are the most important things to me.

I'm not for sure, but I think I have been limited to less words on my blog anymore, and I better stop now. I usually write 500 words, but may have to settle for less. I hope I'm wrong, but we will see.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Patience Almost Gone"

Jean's Comment's: "Patience Almost Gone": I've shown this painting before, but I'm having trouble getting new pictures to post. I don't catch onto changes easy. Still t...

"Patience Almost Gone"

I've shown this painting before, but I'm having trouble getting new pictures to post. I don't catch onto changes easy. Still trying. 8-27-2020 Perryton, TX

This is a test to see if I'm back on track with my blog. I've lost two or three, and can't even retrive them. Somehow I get cut off in the middle of my writing, and cannot get back on. If this one work I'll try to get back on schedule.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

                                  One of my paintings from the sixties. 8-19-2020 Perryton, TX

Never Forsake Your Church

Never forsake your church What a dynamic sermon we heard in church this morning! The pastor was definitely fired up, and he was ready for bear. He was fed up with what is going on in our country today, in our churches, and in our schools. He said that people were going to have to get an attitude that reaches farther than the walls of the church. One of the words he used a lot was authority. Stating from scripture where the Apostle Paul told the people they had the authority to denounce evil, and do it without fear. He said over and over I'm fed up. Well I agree with him on that, but I believe I am lacking in authority power. I know what the bible teaches about suffering for Jesus Christ, and although we cannot be excused from that, I hesitate to bring it on. I had to wonder this morning if the Pastor really knew what we may be facing if we denounced this evil rioting outside our church walls. However, I could hardly wait to tell him what a great sermon he preached, and I hoped we would be hearing more. We must, just must, stand up for Jesus no matter what the price may be. Before the sermon began the pastor had all the children who attend school to come to the front of the church and be prayed over for all the problems they are facing in school. This brought tears to all eyes, and I was so saddened by the terrible situation which I knew about. My friends there is absolutely no hope for peace again unless God pours out His wrath much worse than He already has. We can give up, and give in, but our problem will still be real. In fact if we get God angry with us it will be much worse than our enemies anger with us. We are, no doubt, facing a time of choosing right or wrong. I don't think we can ride the fence much longer. I do believe all Christians should band together in their own church, and hold onto the unchanging power of God. No longer do I believe just a social gathering will ever get us through this crisis. Forsaking the assembling of ourselves together is also forbidden by God. Wake up ye Christians, and shake off the dust, and become active again in the House of God. I wait to hear that trumpet call to start up the shouting. The walls of evil shall also come down just like the walls of Jericho did. I do not want to call it quits. God has done too much for me to forsake His House of Worship now. I would rather be taken from the church than out of my home. I love my home, but God's House comes first. No one can say that the churches are not drying up. This was prophesied, and it is happening. I pray I will be one of the last ones to die from church fever. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Always A Smile Even If It's A Morning Glory"

Always a smile even if it's a morning glory The sun was late coming up this morning, cloudy skies; But God always provides another beautiful scene to start the day off with a happy attitude. The Morning Glories were so pretty, and I was surprised to see them blooming. They are just now starting to bloom this late in the summer. I had not watered them at all, so I wasn't expecting any blooms this year. I have to appreciate their determination to show up, and show off. They don't like the sun, and since the sun was late showing up, the Morning Glories were able to wait till I saw them as they are not in a very noticeable place. I noticed them from my computer room window. This room is the farthest in the back of my house, and very close to the fence. I'm so thankful for the love of God that never leaves us hurting for long. Yes, being humans we do get hurt oftentimes. That gives Satan a chance to pour it on us big time. He makes all our little worries seem like mountains. But God never fails to put him on the run. My spiritual strength is not to be taken lightly. As Paul the Apostle said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.” I share Paul's attitude. No one except Jesus ever suffered more than Paul. We cannot expect a bed of roses every day of our lives. Jesus never had it, and never could any of us expect more favor from God the Father than His only begotten Son received. I will count this day as a stepping stone for tomorrow. I expect blessings to follow all my worries, in spite of how serious they may seem today. “Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.” “My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” I trust I can make everyone who is discouraged to wait a little longer. Victory is nearer than you think. All things will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away. Everything happening in the world today is far beyond my understanding, but the Creator of all things knows exactly what is happening. It is He that is allowing it to happen. Trust Him, and never doubt because He has His big hand of mercy upon the redeemed. I refuse to believe what Satan is telling me about someone I love dearly. While it may be true, God is still helping that person/persons overcome the awful burdens. Whatever the case I will be in serious prayer to correct the problem whether it's with me or the ones I love. When Satan tells me I cannot withstand the awful pain if certain things do happen, I say to him, “yes I can Satan, God will see to that.” It may cripple me for awhile, but my healer will keep me walking down that lonely road to victory. I will never doubt. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, August 14, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Ugly Is Not Always Ugly"

Jean's Comment's: "Ugly Is Not Always Ugly": Ugly is not always ugly It's 97 degree in Perryton, Texas at this time of day, 3:45 p.m. And this picture of a sunflower is the hottes...

"Ugly Is Not Always Ugly"

Ugly is not always ugly It's 97 degree in Perryton, Texas at this time of day, 3:45 p.m. And this picture of a sunflower is the hottest, ugliest spot in my yard. The flower crossing the sidewalk is probably about 10 feet from it's root, just too tall to stand up. Since I have not worked any in my back yard this summer this sunflower has had it's chance to do it's own thing. The hotter, and drier the weather gets, the more this ugly, victim of flower osteoporosis gets. I feel bad now that I failed to help it through it's hard time of growing straight up. Just the same it will remain in it's own form until time for it to die. Everyone, and everything has a right to live as long as the Good Lord wants to use them, and this flower has not been mean to anyone. Isn't it strange what God can do with His creation even if we don't understand? I put myself in that category of mystery. I admit to being a bit weird, but I cannot change who I am, neither do I want to. I am happy to be free to do what I want to do. That may change before I die, but if so that too was my portion of who I am. I can love even the ugliest of sunflowers as long as they don't bother others. I have to admire them for being strong, and beautiful in their own way. I have worked hard today vacuuming, and cleaning house. I am tired, but proud to have gotten so much accomplished. I will do some more cleaning after writing this blog. Tomorrow will be my day to make myself look better as I too need personal touch-ups to go out in public. Saturday is my day to spruce up for Sunday church. I count it a blessing to do my best to look my best. I feel like Jesus will always be at church, and I want to feel properly dressed to suite Him. Like when my husband was living I always knew I would hear him say, “you look nice” when I finished dressing for church. Even though he is not here to tell me that any more, I feel like he still sees me every Sunday morning when I get ready for church. I guess I am trying to say Church is a more serious place to go to worship than a lot of people think. When I read the Old Testament I feel like the Worship Places were something right out of Heaven. Golden candlesticks, gold covered alters, Priestly robes of purple, and other heavenly colors. Somehow I feel like God would still like His place of Worship to be highly respected, and reserved. I'm not saying that everyone should dress “fit to kill,” so to speak, but I believe everyone should dress as if they were going to meet Jesus in person whether it be in jeans or robes, suites or dresses, as long as you are giving Him the best respect you possible can. Remember the church belongs to God, and not to be used as a common place of gathering just to say you've been to church. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Fried Okra And Fresh Tomatoes

Fried okra and fresh tomatoes Chuck's okra, and tomato plants are doing very well. He has a nice cantaloupe vine with lots of blooms also. He takes good care of his garden after I helped him get it planted. Due to his gout he cannot use a shovel to dig because the pressure makes his foot swell badly for several weeks. He really misses having a large garden of all kinds of vegetables. I miss it too because I put a lot of stuff in my freezer for him. It was 93 degree today, and I stayed inside all day. When I got home from Chuck's house I just wanted to get in my recliner, and relax the rest of the day. I'm taking a few minutes to write a brief blog, because I have been missing a lot lately. I finished the rag rug I had been putting many hours each day working on, and I just now loaded it in my car to take to Chuck's house next week. It was quite a chore for me to get it all figured out just how I was going to get it to the car, and up in the back seat. It does weigh about 100 pounds, because I am strong, and I had to pull, and heave to get it upon a plastic cloth after I finally got it folded. I used a rope to tie the plastic around it tightly, and dragged it to the car. I had a hard time getting it up in the back seat, but I finally made it. I'll worry about unloading it as soon as I need to do so. As for now I am resting, and feeling proud of my mighty strength. Tomorrow I will vacuum, and clean house after cutting rag strips and sewing them together for three weeks. My closets got a good going over since most everything I cut up came off the hangers. Really I could make several more rugs without missing too many garments. I am a hoarder of my cloths, and would keep things forever if it were possible. Over the years I have given a lot of things to charity, but I still had for too many things I didn't ever wear. My cook-top shorted out so I have been eating oven baked food mostly. However, I need to have my sausage gravy soon. I can cook the biscuits in the oven, but cannot make gravy in it, I have been eating a lot of micro-wave cooked bacon, and oven heated waffles. I will be getting a new cook-top next week. One never knows how much you miss something until you no longer have it. I can say this about all my loved ones, and friends whom I don't have with me any more. I can't replace them, and it's very hard to manage life without them. I shed a lot of tears, but God always comes to my rescue. One day at a time is my motto. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Really Roses On This Dying Bush

Really roses on this dying bush Now that the weather has cooled down the roses are starting to bloom. Too late for the full beauty they always gave, but just to see a few is a joy. The year of 2020 will never be forgotten. It has been a year of many terrible bad things happening to our country. The two years proceeding 2020 had been the most blessed for American that I can ever remember. God was merciful enough to give us a President who knew how to destroy evil, and was doing a great job of making “America Great Again.” However, as we all know when God starts moving to clean up a rotten nation Satan starts moving to stop Him. War is not always between two nations, The most destructive wars are between God, and Satan. Satan has followers just like God does, therefore, just like the Israelite's, God has to take control of evil, and much blood has to be shed because He will not allow Satan to rule His people. Those Israelite's whom chose to follow Satan had to pay with their lives. We had a visiting Minister in church this morning. He was like preaching to a graveyard, ( excuse the insulting statement,) but Ezekiel said it first. This Minister preached so hard, and powerful till a few people began to come alive. I must say I have much respect to the few people who are not giving up on God's Holy Spirit to pour out His Almighty Power on a needy people. It's coming, without a doubt, because Ezekiel's spirit still lives, and God will send it in many ways to raise up those dead bones. The visiting Minister did a little jig on the stage this morning, and I wanted to join him, but he stopped too quick. Look out people, for the old time gospel is coming back. The sermon this morning was all about witnessing. It was very good, and to the point. If we cannot witness for Jesus then we are not fit to be called His own. God gave Joshua a message to give the people after they had crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. He said I am giving you Jericho, and here is what you are to do. God said take your soldiers and march around Jericho every day for six days, Seven priests, each carrying a trumpet are to go in front of the Covenant Box. On the seventh day you and your soldiers are to march around the city seven times while the priests blow their trumpets. Then they are to sound one long note. As soon as you hear it all the men are to give a loud shout, and the city walls will collapse The orders were obeyed, and then the city of Jericho became property of the Israelite's. I have a hearing problem, but I did hear the Minister this morning saying something about blow the trumpet. I recognized the meaning was “listen, obey, and when the trumpet sounds let out a shout for the victory is yours.” I had just read this chapter 5 in Joshua last night. What a coincidence that the Minister would use it this morning. Something is definitely going to change for the good for America. Our church is waiting for the trumpet to sound, then we are going to give a loud shout. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Time To Rise And Shine

Time to rise and shine This light of the world I'm posting helped me to start off my day early this morning. I ate an early breakfast, and have already been crocheting on my rag rug for four hours. I took a short break to eat a light lunch of funyuns (onion rings) and a banana with another cup of coffee. The last cup in the pot. I was still tired so I decided to write a blog since it has been several days since I wrote one. I woke up early this morning to see this gorgeous sunrise. How could I not light up myself even after hearing that now our little town has passed the quota from mask exemptions, and now we will have to wear one every time we go outside our yard. I am becoming more bitter every day over this evil stunt the democrats has pulled with the help of China. They think if they try long enough, and seek the help of other countries they can get rid of our great president. They have been working on it now for four years. They are worried about going to prison for some of the criminal acts they have committed. I'm sure they don't know it, but they are not fighting agaist flesh, and blood, but against the Spirit of Almighty God. While they are destroying the lives of many good people they are making for themselves a horrible here after that will never cease for them. That does not make me happy, but some things we just have to accept. God helps us not to grieve so much like letting this gorgeous sun rise up this morning lighting up the whole world. I can let Him take my worries, and feel free to go on with my hobbies. He created pleasure for those whom have worked all their life to help make this world a better place to live. I still try, and can help some I hope, but my hard labor is no more. Things may not always suite me, but I can live with anything God allows to happen to me. I know it's always for a reason, and He said He would not put more on us than we were able to bear. He spoke those words to me many years ago through His Holy Word, and He has always kept that promise. I will always trust Him because He has never failed me yet. I have not been gone from home, or sick the past few days I haven't written a blog. I have just been busy doing the things that interest me most. Just using my creative thing-a-my-jig, satisfying my wonder to what might I do with the finished product. So glad I never out grew some of my childish ways. If I understand my bible we are all children of God. I hope I never out grow that fact, because that would make me a bad child. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Peace And Joy Are Mine Forever"

Jean's Comment's: "Peace And Joy Are Mine Forever":            My big yards got mowed today. Ready for more rain. 8-2-2020 Perryton, TX It's always nice to get your lawn mowed afte...

"Peace And Joy Are Mine Forever"

           My big yards got mowed today. Ready for more rain. 8-2-2020 Perryton, TX

It's always nice to get your lawn mowed after two weeks of a lot of rain. It's predicted that we will get some rain every day this week. I'm so glad I got the yard mowed today, even if it is Sunday. It was so wet this morning I had to leave my shoes at the door when I came in from emptying the trash. Late this evening the yard man got it mowed. This has been a dissapointing spring, and summer. Nothing like usual for flowers, and fruit. Then when the country shut down, I could almost see Jesus getting ready to make His appearance in the clouds. I'm still watching closely, because I know it's going to happen soon or later. Life could be very depressing if we didn't know that Jesau is coming to take us out of the wicked, evil world we are now living in. Every day is a challenge for us, and it gets more nerve racking day by day. I keep the victory most of the time, because I seek God daily. He is so good to cheer me up when I feel down. I have never had a nerve problem in my life, but at times I am experincing what it feels like. It's something that I have no control over like I always thought could be done in the past. It's a werid feeling when you feel like you are about to climb the walls. I can feel my nerves jerking, and that's about all I can explain about it. I just ask God to settle me doen, and He does very quickly. This has only happened to me twice just lately, and I'm so in wonder as to why. I do know now how to sympathize with people with nerve problems. No one in my family for a way back has ever been bothered with nerviness, as far as I know. I have never taken a nerve pill, or anything else that people say helps the nerves. I just haven't needed to. My sleepness is not because of nerves. I am totally relaxed when I go to bed, and for three hours or so I sing , and remember many songs we sang when I was a child. Every morning I wake up with a relaxed feeling, and just want to watch television, and drink a pot of coffee.

After church today I came home and recalled all the blessed feeling I got while there. The congeration is very small, and it's easy to see the expressions on most of the faces. I love this about a small group even though we are privileged to have a large, beautiful buikding that is only about fifteen years old. Something is being planned by God to bless this church that makes me anxious every Sunday to go and see what happened through the week. A visitor may not feel this peace, and joy, but the old faithful members are positive that great things are coming soon. They are contented with little, and even if nothing more ever happens they know God is in their midst. I am so happy to be back where I belong.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 1, 2020

"I Get The Last Word"

     There it is Kent, and I'm still standing on my feet. The rising sun. 8-1-2020 Perryton, TX
Last evening I posted a picture of the sun just moments before it left us for the night. I stated that the sun was the fastest moving part of creation God ever used to perfect his earth. My sweet son wrote back and said mom, the sun is stationary. Well this picture of the sun I'm posting today taken early this morning is for him. It came up in sight about 7 o'clock this morning in the far east. At about 8 o'clock this evening it will disappear from earth. I know the globe is a very large planet, and it would have taken 13 hours for the sun to move half way around it. That is what my eyes tell me. But my son believes in science books, and says the earth revolves around the sun. Since I am in the middle of earth if that is true how come I am not turned upside down part of the day. Wait a minute, if that is true maybe that is what is wrong with me. I may be upside down half of the day. Have I maybe just solved a mystery for some of us, or just myself?

While you're at it Kent, why does the bible speak of the four corners of the earth if the earth is round? Isaiah 11:12. Science has discarded that reference, but It is still part of God's Word. My dad never accepted that the earth is round, but I won't argue with son, Kent, and especially my older son, Chuck, who scored in the upper 10 percent of science when he enrolled for college. I will just still believe in my eyes. Kent and I have hours on end of discussions about the Bible. We both love the Lord, and everything that's in it except the evil that will never disappear. Of course I learned in school that the earth revolves around the sun, but when my eyes see it moving across the sky, I'm going to believe them, unless science proves that I am upside down.

I'm holding onto a few other predictions that I have shared with Kent, and it is plain to see that some are beginning to make sense, although I may not live long enough to see the final stage. I am 87, and like Moses of old, I may not have to suffer the consequences of the “New World Order. Moses lived to be 129, but surly I won't be useful to God that long. Although, I am in good health, as my last doctor's report stated, I could be called home any day. I do hope God waits till I get my rag rug finished. I have too many hours in it to leave it unfinished. I know my granny is watching me make this rug, because she taught me how to crochet rugs. I'm sure she is laughing at some of my mistakes, but I just laugh with her.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp