Saturday, August 8, 2020

Time To Rise And Shine

Time to rise and shine This light of the world I'm posting helped me to start off my day early this morning. I ate an early breakfast, and have already been crocheting on my rag rug for four hours. I took a short break to eat a light lunch of funyuns (onion rings) and a banana with another cup of coffee. The last cup in the pot. I was still tired so I decided to write a blog since it has been several days since I wrote one. I woke up early this morning to see this gorgeous sunrise. How could I not light up myself even after hearing that now our little town has passed the quota from mask exemptions, and now we will have to wear one every time we go outside our yard. I am becoming more bitter every day over this evil stunt the democrats has pulled with the help of China. They think if they try long enough, and seek the help of other countries they can get rid of our great president. They have been working on it now for four years. They are worried about going to prison for some of the criminal acts they have committed. I'm sure they don't know it, but they are not fighting agaist flesh, and blood, but against the Spirit of Almighty God. While they are destroying the lives of many good people they are making for themselves a horrible here after that will never cease for them. That does not make me happy, but some things we just have to accept. God helps us not to grieve so much like letting this gorgeous sun rise up this morning lighting up the whole world. I can let Him take my worries, and feel free to go on with my hobbies. He created pleasure for those whom have worked all their life to help make this world a better place to live. I still try, and can help some I hope, but my hard labor is no more. Things may not always suite me, but I can live with anything God allows to happen to me. I know it's always for a reason, and He said He would not put more on us than we were able to bear. He spoke those words to me many years ago through His Holy Word, and He has always kept that promise. I will always trust Him because He has never failed me yet. I have not been gone from home, or sick the past few days I haven't written a blog. I have just been busy doing the things that interest me most. Just using my creative thing-a-my-jig, satisfying my wonder to what might I do with the finished product. So glad I never out grew some of my childish ways. If I understand my bible we are all children of God. I hope I never out grow that fact, because that would make me a bad child. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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