Sunday, August 9, 2020

Really Roses On This Dying Bush

Really roses on this dying bush Now that the weather has cooled down the roses are starting to bloom. Too late for the full beauty they always gave, but just to see a few is a joy. The year of 2020 will never be forgotten. It has been a year of many terrible bad things happening to our country. The two years proceeding 2020 had been the most blessed for American that I can ever remember. God was merciful enough to give us a President who knew how to destroy evil, and was doing a great job of making “America Great Again.” However, as we all know when God starts moving to clean up a rotten nation Satan starts moving to stop Him. War is not always between two nations, The most destructive wars are between God, and Satan. Satan has followers just like God does, therefore, just like the Israelite's, God has to take control of evil, and much blood has to be shed because He will not allow Satan to rule His people. Those Israelite's whom chose to follow Satan had to pay with their lives. We had a visiting Minister in church this morning. He was like preaching to a graveyard, ( excuse the insulting statement,) but Ezekiel said it first. This Minister preached so hard, and powerful till a few people began to come alive. I must say I have much respect to the few people who are not giving up on God's Holy Spirit to pour out His Almighty Power on a needy people. It's coming, without a doubt, because Ezekiel's spirit still lives, and God will send it in many ways to raise up those dead bones. The visiting Minister did a little jig on the stage this morning, and I wanted to join him, but he stopped too quick. Look out people, for the old time gospel is coming back. The sermon this morning was all about witnessing. It was very good, and to the point. If we cannot witness for Jesus then we are not fit to be called His own. God gave Joshua a message to give the people after they had crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. He said I am giving you Jericho, and here is what you are to do. God said take your soldiers and march around Jericho every day for six days, Seven priests, each carrying a trumpet are to go in front of the Covenant Box. On the seventh day you and your soldiers are to march around the city seven times while the priests blow their trumpets. Then they are to sound one long note. As soon as you hear it all the men are to give a loud shout, and the city walls will collapse The orders were obeyed, and then the city of Jericho became property of the Israelite's. I have a hearing problem, but I did hear the Minister this morning saying something about blow the trumpet. I recognized the meaning was “listen, obey, and when the trumpet sounds let out a shout for the victory is yours.” I had just read this chapter 5 in Joshua last night. What a coincidence that the Minister would use it this morning. Something is definitely going to change for the good for America. Our church is waiting for the trumpet to sound, then we are going to give a loud shout. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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