Sunday, August 2, 2020

"Peace And Joy Are Mine Forever"

           My big yards got mowed today. Ready for more rain. 8-2-2020 Perryton, TX

It's always nice to get your lawn mowed after two weeks of a lot of rain. It's predicted that we will get some rain every day this week. I'm so glad I got the yard mowed today, even if it is Sunday. It was so wet this morning I had to leave my shoes at the door when I came in from emptying the trash. Late this evening the yard man got it mowed. This has been a dissapointing spring, and summer. Nothing like usual for flowers, and fruit. Then when the country shut down, I could almost see Jesus getting ready to make His appearance in the clouds. I'm still watching closely, because I know it's going to happen soon or later. Life could be very depressing if we didn't know that Jesau is coming to take us out of the wicked, evil world we are now living in. Every day is a challenge for us, and it gets more nerve racking day by day. I keep the victory most of the time, because I seek God daily. He is so good to cheer me up when I feel down. I have never had a nerve problem in my life, but at times I am experincing what it feels like. It's something that I have no control over like I always thought could be done in the past. It's a werid feeling when you feel like you are about to climb the walls. I can feel my nerves jerking, and that's about all I can explain about it. I just ask God to settle me doen, and He does very quickly. This has only happened to me twice just lately, and I'm so in wonder as to why. I do know now how to sympathize with people with nerve problems. No one in my family for a way back has ever been bothered with nerviness, as far as I know. I have never taken a nerve pill, or anything else that people say helps the nerves. I just haven't needed to. My sleepness is not because of nerves. I am totally relaxed when I go to bed, and for three hours or so I sing , and remember many songs we sang when I was a child. Every morning I wake up with a relaxed feeling, and just want to watch television, and drink a pot of coffee.

After church today I came home and recalled all the blessed feeling I got while there. The congeration is very small, and it's easy to see the expressions on most of the faces. I love this about a small group even though we are privileged to have a large, beautiful buikding that is only about fifteen years old. Something is being planned by God to bless this church that makes me anxious every Sunday to go and see what happened through the week. A visitor may not feel this peace, and joy, but the old faithful members are positive that great things are coming soon. They are contented with little, and even if nothing more ever happens they know God is in their midst. I am so happy to be back where I belong.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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