Monday, August 31, 2020

"My Three Hats"

The third hat is nearest the flowers. It is special. A new trend for me. 8-31-2020 Perryton, TX

I am the owner now of three hats. A friend gave the first one to me, and I liked it so much I bought two more to go with it. I am always on the look out for another one to add to the collection. I have worn all three of these hats to church, and I can almost hear all the comments. But I only get smiles from the ladies as a reaction to my wierdness, They did tell me I am not weird, that they liked them. I have always had a shoe, and purse collection, but now I have a hat collection. Some days life is so exciting, and other days I think I am tired of everything. I had never thought of wearing a hat until this dear friend gave me one of her favorites. I didn't think I would recognize her anymore after she gave me her trademark. But she had another one almost like it. I don't think she ever goes anywhere that requires dressing up, without her hat. This has been her trademark ever since I've know her which is years. She is a special kind of person, and I feel special when I wear her hat. The two hats you see good in the picture are my frickies, and the special one does not show as well. Just the same I need a hat to top me off whatever I am wearing.

I have enjoyed quilting today while I watched some boring television from Democrat president candidate, Joe Biden. I feel sure every word he spoke was coming from a teleprompter, and almost every word was a lie. How on earth did America get turned into a mental institution that lets some of it's out patients run for president? No harm for Joe Biden, but behold those who have used him for their political ambition for they are headed to the woodshed. I must find some way to stop watching television so much. No joke about it we are being exposed to every evil thing in hell, and only if we wake up and take notice will we be able to keep our sanity. I don't know how to impress the weaklings enough, but I am sure Satan is on one of his warpaths like never before. The Christians can stay strong, and keep the victory, but no luke-warm person can stand the tribulation that keeps getting worse by the day. Nothing on earth should matter more than keeping our hearts right with God. We can do that by praying, and reading our bibles daily. There is no other way. I personally am fighting a battle daily, but because of my faith in God I always come out a winner. We all have that same opportunity. Never be denied.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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