Sunday, August 30, 2020

"God Hasn't Forsaken Us"

                  Rain after all. Almost an inch. Thank you Lord. 8-30-2020 Perryton, TX  

Praise the Lord! we did get a nice rain last night. Almost an inch. It's been much cooler today, and yes enjoyable also. I haven't seen that rainbow yet so maybe we will get some more rain.

We had a good church service today, and it was obvious that everyone was happy, and feeling blessed. The pastor was preaching from the Old Testament, and since I am reading through the Old Testament everything he talked about was so fresh on my mind. It was almost like having a big, jucy t-bone steak straight from the grill. And just like t-bone steak some of the Old Testament is hard to digest. I believe we all would be better off if we took it more to heart. The same God that blessed, and disciplined the Israelits is the same God that does the same with us today. Some people would like to think only the New Testament is for them, but I could not disagree more. Yes, we are now living under grace, but we still have some Old Testament laws to follow. Jesus said, “ I came not into the world to destroy the Old Testament, but to fulfill it.” I believe every word in the bible is just what it says. Those who try to make something else out of it is just making their own lives more miserable.

My Sunday afternoon has been nice. I took Chuck some lunch, then came home and ate my lunch of nachos, and cantaloupe. Had peach pie for dessert. After lunch I started working on my quilt. I'm making progress, but oh my at the work involved. I've set a goal to have it finished in one more week. I know I can do it.

What I'm really looking forward to is coming up in just over a week. September the 9th, I have been invited to a special meeting at Perryton's most posh club to show support for our President, Donald Trump. The Republican candidate for our district, Ronny Jackson, will be present also. This is a wake-up call for all Republican voters who want to keep our country from becoming a socialist, and ruled by China, communist if you please. Our county does not have to worry about enough Trump supporters to cause a land slide, but the worry is having the votes robbed from us. Hopefully we will learn some ways to help prevent this Satanic evil. I am hearing from many of our wisest Politicans that this is the most important election our country has ever had. And it is the most apt to be rigged by the left, and their powerful China country. The latest news today stated that China is preparing for one of the greatest defeat efforts ever know of. All Christians should be praying around the clock for God to intervene. Don't be like the foolish virgins who did not have enough oil in their lamps to meet the bridegroom. Do not depend upon someone else to help you. This is your deal.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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