Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Always A Smile Even If It's A Morning Glory"

Always a smile even if it's a morning glory The sun was late coming up this morning, cloudy skies; But God always provides another beautiful scene to start the day off with a happy attitude. The Morning Glories were so pretty, and I was surprised to see them blooming. They are just now starting to bloom this late in the summer. I had not watered them at all, so I wasn't expecting any blooms this year. I have to appreciate their determination to show up, and show off. They don't like the sun, and since the sun was late showing up, the Morning Glories were able to wait till I saw them as they are not in a very noticeable place. I noticed them from my computer room window. This room is the farthest in the back of my house, and very close to the fence. I'm so thankful for the love of God that never leaves us hurting for long. Yes, being humans we do get hurt oftentimes. That gives Satan a chance to pour it on us big time. He makes all our little worries seem like mountains. But God never fails to put him on the run. My spiritual strength is not to be taken lightly. As Paul the Apostle said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.” I share Paul's attitude. No one except Jesus ever suffered more than Paul. We cannot expect a bed of roses every day of our lives. Jesus never had it, and never could any of us expect more favor from God the Father than His only begotten Son received. I will count this day as a stepping stone for tomorrow. I expect blessings to follow all my worries, in spite of how serious they may seem today. “Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.” “My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” I trust I can make everyone who is discouraged to wait a little longer. Victory is nearer than you think. All things will pass away, but God's Word will never pass away. Everything happening in the world today is far beyond my understanding, but the Creator of all things knows exactly what is happening. It is He that is allowing it to happen. Trust Him, and never doubt because He has His big hand of mercy upon the redeemed. I refuse to believe what Satan is telling me about someone I love dearly. While it may be true, God is still helping that person/persons overcome the awful burdens. Whatever the case I will be in serious prayer to correct the problem whether it's with me or the ones I love. When Satan tells me I cannot withstand the awful pain if certain things do happen, I say to him, “yes I can Satan, God will see to that.” It may cripple me for awhile, but my healer will keep me walking down that lonely road to victory. I will never doubt. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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