Friday, August 14, 2020

"Ugly Is Not Always Ugly"

Ugly is not always ugly It's 97 degree in Perryton, Texas at this time of day, 3:45 p.m. And this picture of a sunflower is the hottest, ugliest spot in my yard. The flower crossing the sidewalk is probably about 10 feet from it's root, just too tall to stand up. Since I have not worked any in my back yard this summer this sunflower has had it's chance to do it's own thing. The hotter, and drier the weather gets, the more this ugly, victim of flower osteoporosis gets. I feel bad now that I failed to help it through it's hard time of growing straight up. Just the same it will remain in it's own form until time for it to die. Everyone, and everything has a right to live as long as the Good Lord wants to use them, and this flower has not been mean to anyone. Isn't it strange what God can do with His creation even if we don't understand? I put myself in that category of mystery. I admit to being a bit weird, but I cannot change who I am, neither do I want to. I am happy to be free to do what I want to do. That may change before I die, but if so that too was my portion of who I am. I can love even the ugliest of sunflowers as long as they don't bother others. I have to admire them for being strong, and beautiful in their own way. I have worked hard today vacuuming, and cleaning house. I am tired, but proud to have gotten so much accomplished. I will do some more cleaning after writing this blog. Tomorrow will be my day to make myself look better as I too need personal touch-ups to go out in public. Saturday is my day to spruce up for Sunday church. I count it a blessing to do my best to look my best. I feel like Jesus will always be at church, and I want to feel properly dressed to suite Him. Like when my husband was living I always knew I would hear him say, “you look nice” when I finished dressing for church. Even though he is not here to tell me that any more, I feel like he still sees me every Sunday morning when I get ready for church. I guess I am trying to say Church is a more serious place to go to worship than a lot of people think. When I read the Old Testament I feel like the Worship Places were something right out of Heaven. Golden candlesticks, gold covered alters, Priestly robes of purple, and other heavenly colors. Somehow I feel like God would still like His place of Worship to be highly respected, and reserved. I'm not saying that everyone should dress “fit to kill,” so to speak, but I believe everyone should dress as if they were going to meet Jesus in person whether it be in jeans or robes, suites or dresses, as long as you are giving Him the best respect you possible can. Remember the church belongs to God, and not to be used as a common place of gathering just to say you've been to church. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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