Monday, June 29, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "One Red Rose Makes A Difference"

Jean's Comment's: "One Red Rose Makes A Difference":                     A little scorched, but still beautiful to the eye. 6-29-2020 Perryton, TX To my surprise I had one red rose waiti...

"One Red Rose Makes A Difference"

                    A little scorched, but still beautiful to the eye. 6-29-2020 Perryton, TX

To my surprise I had one red rose waiting on me when I got home from my trip. The three days I was gone was terrible hot, and everything nearly burned up. It is already 99 degree today, and suppose to reach 104. I have been watering all day. A good rain would sure be nice. I am expecting my son, and daughter-in-law to be here the last of the week. They have been on a vacation trip to Colorado. My house is on their way back home for them, and so I will get to visit with them awhile. I'm planning to grill a rack of ribs and have ready when they get here, but I can't reach them in the high mountains of Colorado. I'm not sure what time they will be here. I will go ahead and fix everything else because they will keep. I'm so looking forward to seeing them. I'm sure they will have lots of beautiful pictures to show. They have already sent some on I phone of the big cabin we used to own in Weston, Colorado. We had the cabin built, and it sits about 10 or 15 yards from a rushing river. We sold the cabin several years ago, and I was so thrilled to see a nice picture of it. I do have a large painting I did of it hanging in my kitchen area. It is a blessing every day to look at that painting, and remember all the good times we had with our children there. If anyone ever happens to go that way stop and look at it. It is a few yards off the road that goes west from Trinidad, and is in the Picket Wire cabin site. Approximately 26 miles from Trinidad. Stonewall is a short distance west of the cabin. I hear that two of my grandchildren want to buy it back, but it probably is not for sale.

I have no plans for the 4 of July since I am still resting up from my recent trip. Our lake is only 17 miles from here, but I know it will be extremely hot there. For many years our family spent the 4 of July there at Lake Fryer. Skied, fished, swam, cooked out, and watched fireworks that night. So very many wonderful memories that I probably won't get to take to heaven. No doubt God will have something even better. I just must be patient until that time. As for now I am helping to fight for our country, and the Almighty God who owns the world, and everything in it. I will never give up, and while I trust God, I will never fear. It just hurts me to see so many people gripped with fear. It tells us who are the least faith-believers. I will do what I am forced to do, but nothing more. Hang in all prayer warriors.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Trying To Hide My Feelings"

Jean's Comment's: "Trying To Hide My Feelings": Trying to hide my feelings. I'm suppose to have faith in my God, but it's hard to fight the enemy like the evil one that faces us ...

"Trying To Hide My Feelings"

Trying to hide my feelings. I'm suppose to have faith in my God, but it's hard to fight the enemy like the evil one that faces us today. 6-28-2020 Perryton, TX

I just got home yesterday from a three day trip to Oklahoma City visiting my two sisters. I had a nice time being with them, but I am trying hard to cover up my true feelings about all the things I saw that made me to know our country will never be the same again. It is obvious that our liberty is gone, and I feel so strongly that we will never get it back. I also feel like this is the beginning of punishment God is using on His people who have gone to His limit of mocking Him. Everywhere I went in Oklahoma City, and Norman people were almost 100 percent wearing the face mask, and trying to stick to the social distancing  rule. It was nothing to get called out by someone if they were violating any of those rules. If someone was trying to drink a coke with their face mask lowered they would be told to put their straw under the bottom of their mask.

My sisters and I went to the nice casino where we have enjoyed visiting for years only to have our face mask properly in place, waiting for a temperature test, having our picture taken, and a band put around our arm. Inside you must sit at least six feet from anyone else, and be constantly told to straighten up your face mask. All men and women who worked there who were in a supervisory position wearing black suits, white shirts, and ties had their face mask on just like everyone else. One could only have to look a few feet away any direction to see a person spraying a solution on the furniture, and machines wiping mightily No self service for drinks were available any longer. The many places where one used to draw their own drink, and flavor their coffee to suite their taste, had a dark, taped off entrance. When we went to our room we were told to put our face mask on before entering the motel. I tried to stay half-way normal while with my sisters, but it was just impossible. We had a three night stay, but it was very hard for me to stay the course. When I returned home I was much more aware of the serious condition our country was facing.

I attended church this morning, but there I am seeing the same cover-up on peoples troubled faces. No one dares talk about the evil that is engulfing our country or they will be quickly locked out from any contact at all with other people. I know of several on face book who have been put in face book jail, censured for so-called causing hatred. But my friend it will get to the point where everyone will be punished for anything that goes against the evil majority, as I see it now. I still have hope, and faith in our President, but only God will make the final decision. I am told face book deleted a bible scripture someone put on. This is the deleted scripture.

2 Chronicles 7;14 KJV

If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and heal their land.

I hate to be a doubter, but after thousands of years that people have been hearing this promise if they haven't believed it they won't believe it now. Pray for a miracle from our Almighty God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 19, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Rain Rain Oh What A Savior Thou Art"

Jean's Comment's: "Rain Rain Oh What A Savior Thou Art":                Thristy flowers got a big fresh drink last night. 6-19-2020 Perryton, TX   The nice rain we had last night has already...

"Rain Rain Oh What A Savior Thou Art"

               Thristy flowers got a big fresh drink last night. 6-19-2020 Perryton, TX

The nice rain we had last night has already perked the flowers up. Gotta be anxious now to see some of the others come back to life. The rain just does so much more for them than water out of the hose. The birds were also showing excitement as they seemed to be teasing one another in their bird-like way. I was so sad that I missed a shot of two beautiful birds sitting side by side on a line just outside my dinning room window. I grabbed my camera, but can you believe those two flew faster than a bullet making me to know they have an built in instinct when someone is watching them. They saw me through the window, and I'm calling them window-peepers. It really was a pretty sight since both birds were of the same breed, and were feathered in several different colors. They sat about four inches apart until I raised my camera. I went outside, but never did they get that close again. That's when I decided to photograph some flowers. They were so appreciative of the rain, and it is suppose to rain some more tonight.

As I write this blog I'm listening to the television behind me talking about all the details of the huge Trump rally to take place in Tulsa, Oklahoma tomorrow night. 100,000 supporters are suppose to be there. That many have requested tickets. My prayer will go up tonight, and I hope millions more will do the same, asking God to be in control of this serious event. I was born, and raised less than 200 miles from Tulsa, so I feel so blessed to have such a history-making event happening that close to my birth place. Oklahoma has a Supreme Court Judge who was born and raised in the same little town that I was. I went to school with her, and she was always a person I adored. Not only was she beautiful, she was very smart. I won't mention her name because I haven't kept up with her since I have lived in Texas nearly all of my adult life. She might have retired by now. I did meet her twenty years ago at a 100 year celebration of our small town. She gave a short speech, and my husband was very impressed with her. I trust the rally in Tulsa tomorrow will go smoothly, and finally we can begin to stop the fighting, and continue to “Make America Great Again.” I pray no more lives will have to be sacrificed for the “Land Of The Free And The Brave.” Thank God for the man who has risked his life day and night for over five years to keep our country, America The Beautiful.” Thank you also, President Trump. Your crown will have many stars in the new life we all look forward to. No President has ever given as mush as you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Sticks Will Not Break My Bones"

Jean's Comment's: "Sticks Will Not Break My Bones":              The hillbilly way to transfer trash to the dumpster. 6-17-2020 Perryton, TX The picture I have posted is some of the l...

"Sticks Will Not Break My Bones"

             The hillbilly way to transfer trash to the dumpster. 6-17-2020 Perryton, TX

The picture I have posted is some of the limbs and sticks that blew off the trees during the terrible wind storm the other day. My wheelbarrow had a flat tire so I came up with another idea on now to transfer the limbs to the dumpster. An old tarp was not being used anymore so I piled all the limbs on it to pull to the dumpster. This was the real hillbilly way of getting things done when modern conveniences where not available. How well I can remember those days. My parents taught us that where there is a will there is a way. I think it's kinda fun to hussle and bussle, and figure things out one step at a time. This pile of dead limbs would have made a great bombfire at a lake. I have helped create many bombfires in times past while camping at a lake. A memory I hold dear to my heart. I will have to make another haul tomorrow because the wind is at it again today. Every time I walk out side I pick up more dead limbs off the yard. I have to keep them picked up because I don't know just when the lawn guy will be here to mow. He only mows, and doesn't clean the yard. Besides I do need the exercise. I feel much better since I got outside and started doing some physical work.

I am feeling worse though about going off my diet, and started cooking so many no, no diet foods. I stayed on it a month, and lost seven pounds, I've been off of it a week, and and gained three back. How does that make sense? My doctor's appointment is next week and just so I don't weigh more this time than I did a year ago I'm o k. Heart doctor's are stright about their patient's weight. I enjoyed brown beans, and corn bread for lunch today. In a little while I will be eating the last piece of my favorite cake I made a few days ago. It's almost between a cake, and candy since the icing is candy-like. Shame on me, but that's what diet's always do to me. Uh, what else can I think of to make that I love to eat a lot of?

I'm sending my favorite President, Donald Trump, a donation today since he doesn't make a penny for being president. That's no joke, but because that's why I'm sending it is a joke. I support my president in every way I possibly can. He is fighting with his life to save our country from evil damnation. He doesn't need the money near as much as he needs our signature on his support list. Mine is on there, and now he knows he hasn't lost me. But most of all God knows he hasn't lost me. I ask our Almighty God to protect, and guide our President every night before I go to bed. I am positive God answers that prayer every minute of the day, and night. How is your faith holding out?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 15, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Short Life These Pink Roses Lived"

Jean's Comment's: "A Short Life These Pink Roses Lived":                   The weather has treated these pink roses terrible. 6-15-2020 Perryton, TX   Poor. pitiful, pink pearls. They are s...

"A Short Life These Pink Roses Lived"

                  The weather has treated these pink roses terrible. 6-15-2020 Perryton, TX

Poor. pitiful, pink pearls. They are struggling so hard to be pretty, but the hot, windy weather is so mean to them. Soon after I took this picture they fell to the ground. All that's left of my many roses is dead centers, and no rolls of beauty at all. My yard is so ugly I am ashamed of it. But I do have a yard, and that's enough to be thankful for. I would rather be home than anywhere I can think of. Even the mosquitos have bitten me through my cloths, and made big red stinging knots on my legs. I have never seen a mosquito this summer, but I am sure that's what has bitten me. I doctor those bites several times a day to keep down infection, and to stop the stinging. Staying at home don't keep everything perfect unless you stay out of your yard also. The hardest part of this hellish time we're going through is knowing what to believe, and what not. Lies can be more dangerous than mosquitos. The air is full of lies, and they seem to be breeding faster than any other poisonous invader. I truly believe this whole thing about the corona virus was created to shut our country down since nothing else the evil left had succeeded after several tries. Now the racist war has joined the other attempts. I don't believe life will ever come back to normal, and suffering will continue as long as we live. We ought to be able to see by now that man is not fighting against man, but Satan fighting against God. I know I may sound contradictory, but after my doomy remarks I still have joy in my heart. Christian believers cannot be beaten to death. Injured yes, but killed, no. I believe Christians who die from evil oppression will die with joy in their heart.

Pslam's 23:4. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Every Christian should recite this verse every day of their life, especially now since the time has arrived to be tried. Never, never argue with Satan, just let him see your strength through your actions, and not by boastful words. Remember we are not alone even in darkness. The light of the world is shinning upon us. We cannot save ourselves no matter how long we wear face masks, or proceed with any other method of safety if it is our time to go. Of course we have to follow the rules, but never forget God knows our hearts, and He will not hold it against us if we obey the law of the land. I will only wear the masks if I am forced to. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” This is needed every day because our strength weakens fast when we see spiritual swords being pulled every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Dying Beautiful Rose Hidden In Darknesss"

Jean's Comment's: "A Dying Beautiful Rose Hidden In Darknesss":     In the darkness of night lives a beautiful rose that refuses to die. 6-14-2020 Perryton, TX   What can I say? Scorching hot wind...

"A Dying Beautiful Rose Hidden In Darknesss"

    In the darkness of night lives a beautiful rose that refuses to die. 6-14-2020 Perryton, TX

What can I say? Scorching hot windy weather is adding to my frustration of civil unrest. I cannot possibly keep the grass watered enough to keep it from dying. The same for the roses. I found this one sick rose hiding among some thick bushes, and it was struggling to stay alive. Water doesn't help. It has just been blown nearly away form high, hot, destructive wind. It seems to never stop blowing. I spent a little time after church today sitting out on my screened in, covered patio. It was cool enough, and comfortable to swing back and forth in my patio swing. I could have gone to sleep, but I needed to post a blog. I cannot silence my voice because I believe God is telling me to keep speaking out. I do have a good many followers reading my blog every day, and that must be for a reason other than I am a good writer. I don't even want to be professional-like with my opinions. I just want to deliver my heart. I believe that is all God wants us to do. I turn my mind over to God for a short time for Him to show me what to talk about in my blog. I always get the message first then I pass it on to you. Oh, how I love these short moments that God is speaking to me. Many of the messages He gives me are personal. I cannot post them on my timeline, because they are given to me confidently. Those are the ones that keep giving me hope for the impossible. But this beautiful dying rose was worth a picture to remind people of what we are fighting for today. We must take it seriously enough to hide, when the heat gets too overwhelming. We must perk back up when a slight cool breeze comes along. The faith that God gave us when He redeemed us will never die unless we refuse to take the heat with the coolness. I am like lively one day, and fading the next. We will get to that Promise Land if we keep trusting God.

I hesitate to say this, but after I left church today I took home a feeling of too many of my Christians brothers, and sisters are feeling like the dying rose that I posted which was hiding in the darkness. God showed me that He was the healer of all things, and He would turn down the heat that has been blowing too long, and send us a cool, fresh, reviving spirit to make us shout the victory. I know now that I was being tested today, even though I never lost faith. It's plain to see that God is either testing the faith of this back-slidden church which He removed the false prophets from, and kept the fighters who would carry on His message. Those few fighters are wearing out their faith, but not to the point of giving up. I will never give up on a prayer I prayed for such a long time before God answered. Yes, I'm being tested, but no, I will not ever doubt that God did not answer my prayer. I could sit here and tell you many things that I see wrong that the people are doing, but I am leaving that up to God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The One Foot Tree That Grew To A Giant"

Jean's Comment's: "The One Foot Tree That Grew To A Giant":           The sun always finds me. Let it shine on me Dear Lord. 6-13-2020 Perryton. TX   'm sitting under the apple tree this a...

"The One Foot Tree That Grew To A Giant"

          The sun always finds me. Let it shine on me Dear Lord. 6-13-2020 Perryton. TX

  'm sitting under the apple tree this afternoon with the sun peeping down at me. I am watering the yard although It's a bad time to be watering. It's very hot, and windy, but everything is burning up. I can't even keep my big brimed hat on for the wind blowing it off. But it feels so good to have the cold water from the sprinkler to hit me in the face now, and then. I feel very contented sitting out in my yard relaxing while the television is blasting away in my living room talking about all the hell going on in our beloved country. I don't know how long I can enjoy my blessed freedom, and the pleasures of my home, but for now I am feeling safe. I heard yesterday that some of the churches have opened back up, but security measures had been taken to protect the worshipers. Our little city is just over 8,000, and has a very low crime rate. I feel sure something is going on that I haven't heard about. I don't plan to try to hide from any would be killers, or deny my Christianity to anyone, so my life may be on the line. I would rather be a martyr than to forsake Christ. I am not trying to spread fear except just to awaken people who do not believe anything could ever take our Christian heritage away from us. Also to assure people that without Christ we are bound for forever doom. The Word of God makes this very clear. John 9:4 “work while it is yet day for the night is coming when man's work is done.”

There is no need trying to find who caused all this evil to come on us. It happened because God had had enough. He allowed this sinful nation to be overcome with evil, and only He can stop it. The Christians must bear the pain that comes with sin. We are in the midst, and cannot escape except God willing to let it be. I do trust Him, and know nothing will happen to me that I don't deserve. I pray I have lived a life for the past sixty years that God can find acceptable. I know my life has not been perfect, but I did follow after God's direction the best I could. I still am following Him, and do not know from one day to the next what He will direct me to do. It takes a lot of humility to follow God. Whatever man may accuse us of has already been taken care of by our Lord, and Savior. Just think about it. Has some of those who falsy accused you been taken out of your life? I can say yes to that, but not that I wanted it to happen. God is the rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. Oh! Just to have the love of Jesus is to over come the world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Friday, June 12, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Touch Of Hope For All Living Beauties"

Jean's Comment's: "A Touch Of Hope For All Living Beauties": Canna Lily stands alone, but stands anyway. What happened to all the others? 6-12-2020 Perryton, TX The Canna Lilies are blooming fin...

"A Touch Of Hope For All Living Beauties"

Canna Lily stands alone, but stands anyway. What happened to all the others? 6-12-2020 Perryton, TX

The Canna Lilies are blooming finally. But the hot weather is taking a toll on them. They are opening one and far between. They usually line my fence row for several yards with solid blooms. I know I will be mocked for saying this, but I think the evil, corrupt, so called humans, has had a domino effect on every living thing. I notice that everything I used to admire so much has had a change in everything they used to offer. Not only my yard, but my neighbor who used to have a beautiful green, mowed, and watered yard is now looking sick. The public school yard where the ball players practice just across the street from my yard is brown as hay. It has always been green, and groomed every year before. What few flowers that are visible live a very short life. Even the birds are showing sorrow at the change of people's attitude. Yes, I do think they notice how could they not? People seem to be running to, and fro not knowing which way to go. We keep telling ourselves things will be better tomorrow, but instead things seems to be getting worse. I've made up my mind not to complain because I know God is allowing these unpleasant times to happen for a reason. We must be patient, and if necessary switch from steaks to quail for meat. After all we are no better than the Isralite's who were God's chosen people. We are no better than Jesus who was hung on a cross, and died for our sins. If we will keep an attitude like that we will come forth as gold. We must accept the things we cannot change. But we must help our President change the things that he knows God wants changed. It's not what we want, but what God wants.

With all this unwanted, wasted time on our hands, we must do the best we can to keep our sanity. That mostly involves prayer. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have to fight this evil. I will be in church each and every Sunday even if I don't like the change I see there. God is still moving among His people, and that's all I need to be lifted up above the shadow. I'm sorry to say God is not felt in a lot of churches today. Some of the leaders are quick to deny God's Spirit Gifted people to attend. They use the excuse that those talented ones make the others uncomfortable. Wow! be to those ignorant church leaders. So many will hear the words form God on that great judgment day, “depart from Me ye workers of iniquity, I know you not.” Matthew 7:23. I will never be convinced that Jesus did not say these words, and He meant them exactly as spoken. Man cannot change the Word of God to suit their own desire. They cannot delete the part of a scripture that makes people uncomfortable. While we still have a choice to serve God as we have known Him let us be willing to make the change. Not because we don't love the people who have been so kind to us, but because we know it's best to follow God's direction.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Jean's Comment's: Spiders Don't Live In The Ground Do They"

Jean's Comment's: Spiders Don't Live In The Ground Do They": Spider in the left corner of pic with a white bubble behind it's back, The white bubble is really green but don't show up. 6-11-20...

Spiders Don't Live In The Ground Do They"

Spider in the left corner of pic with a white bubble behind it's back, The white bubble is really green but don't show up. 6-11-2020 Perryton, TX

While planting radish seed in Chuck's yard today I dug up this gross-looking spider. I had never seen any that even resembled it before. It had long legs for the small size of it's body, and a green bubble-like tail thing that connected to its back. I am posting a picture I took of it, but it was crawling so fast I could hardly focus my camera on it. If you look to the lower left side of the picture you can make it out. Except the bubble-like thing connected to it's back doesn't show to be the deep green it was. I found this spider on google, and was surprised to see the exact same spider I saw today. I wanted to use the google picture to post, but it said may be subject to copyright. I didn't take the chance, but it was sure tempting. It was called a Green Orb-Weaver spider from the Araniella Cucurbitina family. It's body was about the size of a quarter, with several long legs. I haven't taken the time yet to look up the nature of this spider, and don't know if it was poisonous or not. I wouldn't touch it even if it wasn't poison. It looked freaky. I got the radish seeds sowed, but I used only the rake and hoe. My hands didn't touch the dirt. But that's not to say I won't be touching the dirt ever again at Chuck's house because I have okra plants to transplant. I assure you I will be very alert while putting those plants in the ground. I have already set out the tomato plants, and didn't see one spider. They are doing good, and are close to the blooming stage.

Chuck and I both love to garden, but he is unable to do any of it anymore. He can water, and that's the only reason I'm helping him to have a little garden. I won't be there to water, and protect the plants from bugs or disease, but Chuck can do that. He takes care of his plants like a mother takes care of her new born baby. It seems to just be a challenge for him. And I'll agree it's fun to watch things grow, and produce.

From the garden to the television to watch protesters take over the neighborhoods of Seattle Washington. Are you ready to give up your hard earned retirement days, and move to the streets? Who knows what lies ahead for America? It looks more and more hell-like every day. If people haven't learned by now they never will that God is the one who allows, or disallows this hell on earth to continue. We must accept what He has for us to endure. I believe He is a Just God, and will never give us something we didn't deserve. I trust Him whatever the price might be. I do believe that the only thing that will take us through is prayer, and not intelligence as some still think will work.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The End Of The Prune Story"

Jean's Comment's: "The End Of The Prune Story": Plums have all been harvested. The wild wind didn't want me making prunes. 6-10-2020 Perryton, TX So I won't be making prunes a...

"The End Of The Prune Story"

Plums have all been harvested. The wild wind didn't want me making prunes. 6-10-2020 Perryton, TX
So I won't be making prunes after all. We had a fierce wind storm all day yesterday, and almost every plum was lying on the ground this morning. More than a bushel of green plumes that were ready to start turning purple. I had found my information needed to make prunes, and was excited, but mother nature didn't think it was a good idea. Everything in my yard took a beating yesterday. Tree limbs lying everywhere. I'm thankful no trees got blown down. I did get a slight injury to my eye while walking to the bank. I could hardly see where I was walking from the car to the bank. I walked past a big ever green tree that slung a huge limb into my face, and it hit my eye with a force that nearly knocked me down. I thought I might need to go to the doctor, but I first prayed, and this morning my eye is still a little red, and a bit uncomfortable, but no permanent damage I'm sure.

As if the high wind wasn't enough to upset me the electricity went off at 6:30 p m. Five hours before I would be going to bed. I got a candle, and some matches ready for darkness because I was sure it would be morning before the power lines were repaired. I decided to go on to bed a little past 10 o'clock, so I blew out the candle, and crawled in. I was sure I had turned everything off that was on when the electricity went off, but a few minutes after I laid down I heard the t v in the living room. What a wonderful surprise. Today is nice and windless, but the grounds all look trashy. I'm in no mood for going out and cleaning the yard. I'm using my eye as an excuse. Instead I'm cooking up a different kind of storm. Bar-b-que ribs, and potato salad, peach cobbler, and a few extra things, are all easier to clean up after than tree limbs. My cooking storms are also appreciated more than the wind storms. I have some more changes coming my way that upsets me also, but If I am to keep living, I am to keep changing. Why in the world can't people leave things alone that have been good for us forever? I feel like I am attending classes every day trying to learn all the changes. I am strong, and stubborn, so I can take a lot of nonsense, even if I don't like it. After I get mad enough to choke somebody. I can usually figure out what they mean, not what they are saying, but what they mean. The language is different today than when I was going to school. A simple word can be made to become a new word in the dictionary. Usually you can find the old word still in the thesaurus. Why can't instructors just be simple anymore, and say it where you can understand it? So much for that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 8, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Beginning Of Prunes"

Jean's Comment's: "The Beginning Of Prunes":                     A hand full of soon to be prunes. Let it be Lord. 6-8-2020 Perryton, TX I wish I knew how to make prunes. I'm h...

"The Beginning Of Prunes"

                    A hand full of soon to be prunes. Let it be Lord. 6-8-2020 Perryton, TX
I wish I knew how to make prunes. I'm having so many big nice plums to be going to waste, because I don't know how to preserve them. They are sweet, and delicious when they get ripe, but with several trees loaded I can't eat them all. I'm thinking of seeing if google can help me to dry some for prunes. I do like a lot of things made with prunes. I have one prune cake recipe that is out of this world. I even like cooked prunes with thick whipping cream poured over them. Growing up as a child our parents taught us how to like a lot of good nourishing foods that most kids wouldn't touch today. I still eat that same nutritious food. I had my blood work done this morning for my doctor's appointment the 24 of June, and everything tested good. This was an order made by my heart doctor. I got a good report last year, and I'm hoping for a good one this year. I just go annually.

I was totally confused this morning when I walked into the hospital to have my lab work done. I had to wear a mask, have my temperature taken, and answer a lot of questions, then have my picture taken before I could continue with the paper work for the lab. Then I had to be escorted to the lab which I had walked to many times in the past. After the process was over I had to be escorted back to the front door I came in from. This hospital is not a large one by any means. I could almost walk all over it blindfolded. I said if our diet doesn't cause our death, this new way of treating patients like little children will. I think it all started with the idea of brain washing normal people. In other words our country is under communist attack. Nothing but the power of God can help us. I'm perfectly satisfied with God saying in His Word, He would never leave us nor forsake us. We will make it through if we don't forsake God.

I am here to say I believe we will continue to be tested, and tried for a very long time. We all need to find the most dedicated church family group possible, for it is there where the power of God will prevail. The weak, and indifferent type will not be able to stand when the going gets tough. When one walks inside a church, and they don't immediately feel that overwhelming presence of God's power, then they need to walk back out. “It's not by sight, nor by sound, but by My Spirit,” sayeth the Lord. I have found a church that has a beautiful sight, and a great sound, not only music, but a sound of voices praising God, and the Power of God all in one. A very long time prayer of mine has been answered. “Thank You Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Precious Word Of God"

Jean's Comment's: "The Precious Word Of God": The book that never lost it's popularity, The book that lives without food. 6-7-2020 Perryton, TX   I enjoyed a good church serv...

"The Precious Word Of God"

The book that never lost it's popularity, The book that lives without food. 6-7-2020 Perryton, TX

I enjoyed a good church service this morning. It's beginning to feel like old times again. I was in a group of people who boldly raise their hands in praise to God, in spite of all the threatening destruction of God's mighty power. I did not see one person there who looked the least bit worried about what is about to happen to our country, and to the church. I am so thankful that God has moved me to another Christian group of people who firmly stand on the bible, without waver or fear. This church is the same church believe that I was raised in. I have belonged to another church for several years, which I highly respect, but it lacks the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. The people there believe in the Holy Spirit, but no one allows it to be free to bless the way the Holy Spirit choses to bless. What will happen to them when their ship begins to sink during these stormy waters? The way I was welcomed this morning makes me know I am in the right place at the right time. I feel so encouraged, and certainly do not feel alone. I see great, and mighty things ahead for this small group of people who are all in one accord at this time.

Yes, this day has been a good day for me, and I believe many more good days are in my future. I heard the Pastor say this morning that he believed what he preaches, and he will stick to it. I say amen to that, and whatever happens to lessen our faith, never, never let it befall you. If God takes me to heaven tomorrow, or sooner, He will be taking one happy soul. I trust Him all the way, and welcome His timing for me to leave this world behind. I will be counting the days until next Sunday so I can be back in the place I fell in love with last Sunday. Yes, this is my second Sunday to worship at this church, and it gets better each time. I plan to cooperate, and not operate the duties of the church. Isn't that a sweet spirit to have dwelling within you? Of course I admire those who labor, and toil to make the church a wonderful place to come for persons like myself. They have my blessings, and anything else I may be able to add. I am not blind to their hard work, and much prayer to accomplish what God expects of them. Those who live on easy street while serving the Lord, like myself, are to be questioned sometimes as to the purpose we are here for. I am thankful for every blessing God gives me, but I do want to be worthy, although I know that is impossible. By faith I will follow God, and hope to do His will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, June 5, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "What Do You Say"

Jean's Comment's: "What Do You Say":                It's there but don't touch. otherwise it will bring blood. 6-5-2020 Perryton, TX   I've been waiting for t...

"What Do You Say"

               It's there but don't touch. otherwise it will bring blood. 6-5-2020 Perryton, TX

I've been waiting for the cactus plant in my yard to show me some beauty. It finally happened this morning. I had to climb up in a chair to get the top of this flower. The plant is four of five feet tall, and branches out about a foot all around it. Many blooms are forming on the branches, and it has to be interesting to watch. The thorns are as sharp as needles, and every leaf has a border of thorns. I do not know how this cactus got planted in my garden, but I have decided to keep it at least till it quits blooming. Sometimes our mind just welcomes a bit of wild, but we never want to get too close to it.

I couldn't explain the reason for unpleasant things even if I tried. I just know they have always been part of God's creation, and we must live with them. Without God's Word, the Holy Bible, it would be almost impossible to be useful in controlling the wild, thorny, human creation. When we reach an old age our best effort is prayer, and lots of it. We need to use less fighting words, and just stand back and watch the wild die off from their own harmful, spiritually unsupported, existence. We didn't chose them for our flower gardens, but for some reason they do spring up. If I should be able to vote next year whether I want the cactus plant in my yard I would vote no. Being the older person I am, when it is time to vote on who I believe is the less thorny, and more apt to bring peace, and joy to my heart I will be in the voting booth for my President. I am a firm believer that actions do sometimes speak louder than words.

I understand that President Trump must listen to his advisors, and consider their thoughts, which he does, but his actions usually back up his words. In his case words, and actions are necessary to win in this battle of good against evil. I speak good of President Trump, but I am careful not to get too close to the cactus plants. My thin skin is not as thick as it used to be. I bleed more easily, and I am responsible to use the wisdom God has given me to stay safe, and well. However, if God should chose me to do a job I rather not do, as has been the case before, I will obey mainly because I have no choice. The Spirit just takes over. I'm not expecting that to happen again at my age, but I would never say never. My life belongs to God, and I am subjective to Him, At this time I am enjoying my life of peace, joy, and happiness, with a positive belief of victory coming soon over this thorny, blood gashing cactus plant we call evil.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Another Reason To Smile"

Jean's Comment's: "Another Reason To Smile":                  A return from last year. It never fails to come back. 6-3-2020 Perryton, TX   I don't know the name of this flow...

"Another Reason To Smile"

                 A return from last year. It never fails to come back. 6-3-2020 Perryton, TX

I don't know the name of this flower, but it is a perennial that comes up from the bulb every summer. This is the first bloom this year, but several more will be opening in a few days, It will have eight or ten beautiful flowers at one time. There will be flowers blooming most of the summer, and some in the fall, but I didn't plant, or set out any new ones this year. It's my year to let nature do it's own thing. I am falling in love with anything that looks like a flower. No matter what color or breed, how thorny, and hard to handle they may be, if they have any color, and resembles a flower, I like them. I can't wait for the holy hawks to start growing, and blooming. They grow tall next to the fence, and have blooms all the way up the stalk. Then of course the sun flowers are almost ready to bloom. I've been going out and moving the water hose off, and on all day. I get to see the flowers a lot because of that. It's 95 degree today, and I need to stop watering, but the ground is so dry I can't even use common sense. We haven't had rain in so long. My water bill will be enormous, but I can't be worried about that. Have to keep us all alive.

I just went out and picked the new growth of cherries before the birds got them. We will have cherry pie tomorrow. Twill be the first pie from this cherry tree after 10 years of waiting. There usually is just a few, but this year I got enough for a small pie. However, the birds did get the first ones before I picked them. I didn't know birds ate cherries. Just to know that we raised these cherries is going to make a better pie. Chuck will have salmon patties with tater tots, and salad and cherry pie for desert tomorrow. I just remembered I already had something here for lunch tomorrow without going to the store. What a relief. I am too tired to go grocery shopping.

My, my what a mystery episode that's dominating the news now. I like mysteries, but this political nonsense is becoming too ridicules. My thoughts about it is the ignorance of all these people who try to out smart God, are going to be sorry they ever were born. They certainly will not get away with it, although it seems like our Justice System is broken. These ignorant people don't know that God's System is not broken. The Christians must keep praying for strength to endure the hardship that the evil ones causes us. We will prevail by God's grace. The faithful will be rewarded for their faithfulness. Something wonderful to look forward to. The evil have nothing but constant misery to look forward to. There is a big difference in the one lost sheep, and the entire fold of evil liberals, as I heard one person try to compare.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Put The Pretty Up Front"

Jean's Comment's: "Put The Pretty Up Front": The shade doesn't do well for the roses but they are in full bloom, and very colorful. 6-2-2020 Perryton, TX The roses are strutti...

"Put The Pretty Up Front"

The shade doesn't do well for the roses but they are in full bloom, and very colorful. 6-2-2020 Perryton, TX
The roses are strutting their stuff again this year. It looks like it will be a good year for them tp show off. I needed these beauties to help me through a trying time our country is going through. The last two years the roses have refused to enter the pageant, but they are fully ready for the contest this year. They tell me all is well with my soul. If all is well with my soul, then all is well with my tomorrow. I eagerly wait for the happy job of making a big difference in some ones life. I will try to be a rose garden, just like the one I have. Happiness likes company, and I will be seeking that need. My patience have been boosted, and don't ever think you have lost me. I need you as much as you need me. That's what God is all about. Oh, how anxious I am to create a new look in a bedroom at my son's house. I just finished with one, but another room needs more than what I first thought I was ready for. When Chuck moved out of his house a few years ago, he rented it to a single mother whom let her teenage kids decorate any way they wished. One teenage son chose a dark, dark turquoise, almost black, to paint his walls. It was so dark till Chuck called it his dungeon, and used it for a junk room. He was a bachelor, and had no concern about what his house looked like. Now after several years he has hired me to help him because of disabilities. He had two vacant rooms in his three bedroom house. I made one of them into my own headquarters, and am so pleased with my creation. Only using things I already had except for a T V, and one big comfortable chair. The walls were already white, so I have a bright, relaxing, atmospheric room to spend hours in when I go there to do my work, which doesn't take long, but I have to stay five hours each day I work. Now I am ready to turn that dungeon into a room that will make anyone wish they could sleep in it. Don't get me wrong, I am not putting much expense to this undertaking, but it will be all original, and somewhat interesting. Whoever buys this house when Chuck gives it up can lay their own carpet. We pulled up the old carpet only to find nice hardwood floors, but whoever painted the walls partly panted the floors since they knew they were going to lay carpet. The furniture, and some large rugs cover most of the ugly up. At least it's beginning to look like someone lives there.

No, I would not live in that house permanently, unless of course I had to. The way things are looking for America I may be glad to live in that house some day. I could adjust, but hopefully at my age I won't have to. Chuck would not trade his house for mine. He is not comfortable in what most people call nice homes. He is very happy, and contented, with his humble way of life. His teenage days were during the birth of hippie beginnings, and it always pleased him to live that style of life. God bless him for who he is, my son. Totally different than my other three, but has a brilliant brain.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, June 1, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Watching The Power Of Nature Grow"

Jean's Comment's: "Watching The Power Of Nature Grow":                               Amazing asparagus. looks like a tree. 6-1-2020 Perryton, TX   These asparagus plants came through the ...

"Watching The Power Of Nature Grow"

                              Amazing asparagus. looks like a tree. 6-1-2020 Perryton, TX

These asparagus plants came through the ground this spring on March 20, 2020. I took this picture of them today, about 2 ½ months later, and the tallest plant measured 12 feet. Is that not the fastest growing plant in the world? They only made eatable food for a few days, til they reached about three of four inches tall. But it was delicious I promise. The rest of the year they are interesting to watch grow. They require almost no water, but they are planted in mostly sand. These plants are approximately 15 years old. I let them grow from seeds in the house for three years before setting them out.

Today is a beautiful day, and it also is one of my lazy ones. I really can't think of anything interesting to do. Except watch Fox News of course. That really isn't interesting, but it keeps me posted on the terrible news about our country. That takes priority over everything else. There is no need of me denying it, I feel so sure that things will only get worse as time goes by. I believe it is a time of punishment for America because of the evil that had been tolerated for too long. Of course we want to hope we're wrong, but after reading the bible faithfully, it's hard to believe anything good will ever be allowed for America again. People ignored God's message too long. He is now showing that He is still in control, and no matter where the chips fall they will keep falling. The dedicated Christians will always have peace because they have believed God's Word, and obeyed it to the best of their ability. They are not looking for some earthly super power to save them. They have been saved by the Super Power of Jesus Christ.

I am still staying mostly at home but not because I fear the corona virus, but because I feel closer to God in my place of abode. He is fighting this battle for me while I enjoy my comfortable home He has provided for me. This is a house of prayer because our churches have lost most of their faith. I believe people are beginning to realize it now, but it's too late to build another worship tower since the people let the old one be torn down. The modern day of worship is so sad that most people don't want to be identified with that kind of worshipers. Only God can, and is bringing people to their knees like He said in His Word. Every knee shall bow before Him before the end of time. It may take a great deal of pain before some will ever humble themselves to that point. I know I am allowing myself to be hated as much as our President Trump is, but I will gladly suffer with him. We know what our reward will be if we never give into hate. I invite you to join the Heavenly Band, and blow your trumpet loud and clear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp