Monday, June 1, 2020

"Watching The Power Of Nature Grow"

                              Amazing asparagus. looks like a tree. 6-1-2020 Perryton, TX

These asparagus plants came through the ground this spring on March 20, 2020. I took this picture of them today, about 2 ½ months later, and the tallest plant measured 12 feet. Is that not the fastest growing plant in the world? They only made eatable food for a few days, til they reached about three of four inches tall. But it was delicious I promise. The rest of the year they are interesting to watch grow. They require almost no water, but they are planted in mostly sand. These plants are approximately 15 years old. I let them grow from seeds in the house for three years before setting them out.

Today is a beautiful day, and it also is one of my lazy ones. I really can't think of anything interesting to do. Except watch Fox News of course. That really isn't interesting, but it keeps me posted on the terrible news about our country. That takes priority over everything else. There is no need of me denying it, I feel so sure that things will only get worse as time goes by. I believe it is a time of punishment for America because of the evil that had been tolerated for too long. Of course we want to hope we're wrong, but after reading the bible faithfully, it's hard to believe anything good will ever be allowed for America again. People ignored God's message too long. He is now showing that He is still in control, and no matter where the chips fall they will keep falling. The dedicated Christians will always have peace because they have believed God's Word, and obeyed it to the best of their ability. They are not looking for some earthly super power to save them. They have been saved by the Super Power of Jesus Christ.

I am still staying mostly at home but not because I fear the corona virus, but because I feel closer to God in my place of abode. He is fighting this battle for me while I enjoy my comfortable home He has provided for me. This is a house of prayer because our churches have lost most of their faith. I believe people are beginning to realize it now, but it's too late to build another worship tower since the people let the old one be torn down. The modern day of worship is so sad that most people don't want to be identified with that kind of worshipers. Only God can, and is bringing people to their knees like He said in His Word. Every knee shall bow before Him before the end of time. It may take a great deal of pain before some will ever humble themselves to that point. I know I am allowing myself to be hated as much as our President Trump is, but I will gladly suffer with him. We know what our reward will be if we never give into hate. I invite you to join the Heavenly Band, and blow your trumpet loud and clear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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