Thursday, June 11, 2020

Spiders Don't Live In The Ground Do They"

Spider in the left corner of pic with a white bubble behind it's back, The white bubble is really green but don't show up. 6-11-2020 Perryton, TX

While planting radish seed in Chuck's yard today I dug up this gross-looking spider. I had never seen any that even resembled it before. It had long legs for the small size of it's body, and a green bubble-like tail thing that connected to its back. I am posting a picture I took of it, but it was crawling so fast I could hardly focus my camera on it. If you look to the lower left side of the picture you can make it out. Except the bubble-like thing connected to it's back doesn't show to be the deep green it was. I found this spider on google, and was surprised to see the exact same spider I saw today. I wanted to use the google picture to post, but it said may be subject to copyright. I didn't take the chance, but it was sure tempting. It was called a Green Orb-Weaver spider from the Araniella Cucurbitina family. It's body was about the size of a quarter, with several long legs. I haven't taken the time yet to look up the nature of this spider, and don't know if it was poisonous or not. I wouldn't touch it even if it wasn't poison. It looked freaky. I got the radish seeds sowed, but I used only the rake and hoe. My hands didn't touch the dirt. But that's not to say I won't be touching the dirt ever again at Chuck's house because I have okra plants to transplant. I assure you I will be very alert while putting those plants in the ground. I have already set out the tomato plants, and didn't see one spider. They are doing good, and are close to the blooming stage.

Chuck and I both love to garden, but he is unable to do any of it anymore. He can water, and that's the only reason I'm helping him to have a little garden. I won't be there to water, and protect the plants from bugs or disease, but Chuck can do that. He takes care of his plants like a mother takes care of her new born baby. It seems to just be a challenge for him. And I'll agree it's fun to watch things grow, and produce.

From the garden to the television to watch protesters take over the neighborhoods of Seattle Washington. Are you ready to give up your hard earned retirement days, and move to the streets? Who knows what lies ahead for America? It looks more and more hell-like every day. If people haven't learned by now they never will that God is the one who allows, or disallows this hell on earth to continue. We must accept what He has for us to endure. I believe He is a Just God, and will never give us something we didn't deserve. I trust Him whatever the price might be. I do believe that the only thing that will take us through is prayer, and not intelligence as some still think will work.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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