Monday, June 15, 2020

"A Short Life These Pink Roses Lived"

                  The weather has treated these pink roses terrible. 6-15-2020 Perryton, TX

Poor. pitiful, pink pearls. They are struggling so hard to be pretty, but the hot, windy weather is so mean to them. Soon after I took this picture they fell to the ground. All that's left of my many roses is dead centers, and no rolls of beauty at all. My yard is so ugly I am ashamed of it. But I do have a yard, and that's enough to be thankful for. I would rather be home than anywhere I can think of. Even the mosquitos have bitten me through my cloths, and made big red stinging knots on my legs. I have never seen a mosquito this summer, but I am sure that's what has bitten me. I doctor those bites several times a day to keep down infection, and to stop the stinging. Staying at home don't keep everything perfect unless you stay out of your yard also. The hardest part of this hellish time we're going through is knowing what to believe, and what not. Lies can be more dangerous than mosquitos. The air is full of lies, and they seem to be breeding faster than any other poisonous invader. I truly believe this whole thing about the corona virus was created to shut our country down since nothing else the evil left had succeeded after several tries. Now the racist war has joined the other attempts. I don't believe life will ever come back to normal, and suffering will continue as long as we live. We ought to be able to see by now that man is not fighting against man, but Satan fighting against God. I know I may sound contradictory, but after my doomy remarks I still have joy in my heart. Christian believers cannot be beaten to death. Injured yes, but killed, no. I believe Christians who die from evil oppression will die with joy in their heart.

Pslam's 23:4. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Every Christian should recite this verse every day of their life, especially now since the time has arrived to be tried. Never, never argue with Satan, just let him see your strength through your actions, and not by boastful words. Remember we are not alone even in darkness. The light of the world is shinning upon us. We cannot save ourselves no matter how long we wear face masks, or proceed with any other method of safety if it is our time to go. Of course we have to follow the rules, but never forget God knows our hearts, and He will not hold it against us if we obey the law of the land. I will only wear the masks if I am forced to. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” This is needed every day because our strength weakens fast when we see spiritual swords being pulled every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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