Saturday, June 13, 2020

"The One Foot Tree That Grew To A Giant"

          The sun always finds me. Let it shine on me Dear Lord. 6-13-2020 Perryton. TX

  'm sitting under the apple tree this afternoon with the sun peeping down at me. I am watering the yard although It's a bad time to be watering. It's very hot, and windy, but everything is burning up. I can't even keep my big brimed hat on for the wind blowing it off. But it feels so good to have the cold water from the sprinkler to hit me in the face now, and then. I feel very contented sitting out in my yard relaxing while the television is blasting away in my living room talking about all the hell going on in our beloved country. I don't know how long I can enjoy my blessed freedom, and the pleasures of my home, but for now I am feeling safe. I heard yesterday that some of the churches have opened back up, but security measures had been taken to protect the worshipers. Our little city is just over 8,000, and has a very low crime rate. I feel sure something is going on that I haven't heard about. I don't plan to try to hide from any would be killers, or deny my Christianity to anyone, so my life may be on the line. I would rather be a martyr than to forsake Christ. I am not trying to spread fear except just to awaken people who do not believe anything could ever take our Christian heritage away from us. Also to assure people that without Christ we are bound for forever doom. The Word of God makes this very clear. John 9:4 “work while it is yet day for the night is coming when man's work is done.”

There is no need trying to find who caused all this evil to come on us. It happened because God had had enough. He allowed this sinful nation to be overcome with evil, and only He can stop it. The Christians must bear the pain that comes with sin. We are in the midst, and cannot escape except God willing to let it be. I do trust Him, and know nothing will happen to me that I don't deserve. I pray I have lived a life for the past sixty years that God can find acceptable. I know my life has not been perfect, but I did follow after God's direction the best I could. I still am following Him, and do not know from one day to the next what He will direct me to do. It takes a lot of humility to follow God. Whatever man may accuse us of has already been taken care of by our Lord, and Savior. Just think about it. Has some of those who falsy accused you been taken out of your life? I can say yes to that, but not that I wanted it to happen. God is the rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. Oh! Just to have the love of Jesus is to over come the world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


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