Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"Another Reason To Smile"

                 A return from last year. It never fails to come back. 6-3-2020 Perryton, TX

I don't know the name of this flower, but it is a perennial that comes up from the bulb every summer. This is the first bloom this year, but several more will be opening in a few days, It will have eight or ten beautiful flowers at one time. There will be flowers blooming most of the summer, and some in the fall, but I didn't plant, or set out any new ones this year. It's my year to let nature do it's own thing. I am falling in love with anything that looks like a flower. No matter what color or breed, how thorny, and hard to handle they may be, if they have any color, and resembles a flower, I like them. I can't wait for the holy hawks to start growing, and blooming. They grow tall next to the fence, and have blooms all the way up the stalk. Then of course the sun flowers are almost ready to bloom. I've been going out and moving the water hose off, and on all day. I get to see the flowers a lot because of that. It's 95 degree today, and I need to stop watering, but the ground is so dry I can't even use common sense. We haven't had rain in so long. My water bill will be enormous, but I can't be worried about that. Have to keep us all alive.

I just went out and picked the new growth of cherries before the birds got them. We will have cherry pie tomorrow. Twill be the first pie from this cherry tree after 10 years of waiting. There usually is just a few, but this year I got enough for a small pie. However, the birds did get the first ones before I picked them. I didn't know birds ate cherries. Just to know that we raised these cherries is going to make a better pie. Chuck will have salmon patties with tater tots, and salad and cherry pie for desert tomorrow. I just remembered I already had something here for lunch tomorrow without going to the store. What a relief. I am too tired to go grocery shopping.

My, my what a mystery episode that's dominating the news now. I like mysteries, but this political nonsense is becoming too ridicules. My thoughts about it is the ignorance of all these people who try to out smart God, are going to be sorry they ever were born. They certainly will not get away with it, although it seems like our Justice System is broken. These ignorant people don't know that God's System is not broken. The Christians must keep praying for strength to endure the hardship that the evil ones causes us. We will prevail by God's grace. The faithful will be rewarded for their faithfulness. Something wonderful to look forward to. The evil have nothing but constant misery to look forward to. There is a big difference in the one lost sheep, and the entire fold of evil liberals, as I heard one person try to compare.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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