Sunday, June 14, 2020

"A Dying Beautiful Rose Hidden In Darknesss"

    In the darkness of night lives a beautiful rose that refuses to die. 6-14-2020 Perryton, TX

What can I say? Scorching hot windy weather is adding to my frustration of civil unrest. I cannot possibly keep the grass watered enough to keep it from dying. The same for the roses. I found this one sick rose hiding among some thick bushes, and it was struggling to stay alive. Water doesn't help. It has just been blown nearly away form high, hot, destructive wind. It seems to never stop blowing. I spent a little time after church today sitting out on my screened in, covered patio. It was cool enough, and comfortable to swing back and forth in my patio swing. I could have gone to sleep, but I needed to post a blog. I cannot silence my voice because I believe God is telling me to keep speaking out. I do have a good many followers reading my blog every day, and that must be for a reason other than I am a good writer. I don't even want to be professional-like with my opinions. I just want to deliver my heart. I believe that is all God wants us to do. I turn my mind over to God for a short time for Him to show me what to talk about in my blog. I always get the message first then I pass it on to you. Oh, how I love these short moments that God is speaking to me. Many of the messages He gives me are personal. I cannot post them on my timeline, because they are given to me confidently. Those are the ones that keep giving me hope for the impossible. But this beautiful dying rose was worth a picture to remind people of what we are fighting for today. We must take it seriously enough to hide, when the heat gets too overwhelming. We must perk back up when a slight cool breeze comes along. The faith that God gave us when He redeemed us will never die unless we refuse to take the heat with the coolness. I am like lively one day, and fading the next. We will get to that Promise Land if we keep trusting God.

I hesitate to say this, but after I left church today I took home a feeling of too many of my Christians brothers, and sisters are feeling like the dying rose that I posted which was hiding in the darkness. God showed me that He was the healer of all things, and He would turn down the heat that has been blowing too long, and send us a cool, fresh, reviving spirit to make us shout the victory. I know now that I was being tested today, even though I never lost faith. It's plain to see that God is either testing the faith of this back-slidden church which He removed the false prophets from, and kept the fighters who would carry on His message. Those few fighters are wearing out their faith, but not to the point of giving up. I will never give up on a prayer I prayed for such a long time before God answered. Yes, I'm being tested, but no, I will not ever doubt that God did not answer my prayer. I could sit here and tell you many things that I see wrong that the people are doing, but I am leaving that up to God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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