Friday, June 5, 2020

"What Do You Say"

               It's there but don't touch. otherwise it will bring blood. 6-5-2020 Perryton, TX

I've been waiting for the cactus plant in my yard to show me some beauty. It finally happened this morning. I had to climb up in a chair to get the top of this flower. The plant is four of five feet tall, and branches out about a foot all around it. Many blooms are forming on the branches, and it has to be interesting to watch. The thorns are as sharp as needles, and every leaf has a border of thorns. I do not know how this cactus got planted in my garden, but I have decided to keep it at least till it quits blooming. Sometimes our mind just welcomes a bit of wild, but we never want to get too close to it.

I couldn't explain the reason for unpleasant things even if I tried. I just know they have always been part of God's creation, and we must live with them. Without God's Word, the Holy Bible, it would be almost impossible to be useful in controlling the wild, thorny, human creation. When we reach an old age our best effort is prayer, and lots of it. We need to use less fighting words, and just stand back and watch the wild die off from their own harmful, spiritually unsupported, existence. We didn't chose them for our flower gardens, but for some reason they do spring up. If I should be able to vote next year whether I want the cactus plant in my yard I would vote no. Being the older person I am, when it is time to vote on who I believe is the less thorny, and more apt to bring peace, and joy to my heart I will be in the voting booth for my President. I am a firm believer that actions do sometimes speak louder than words.

I understand that President Trump must listen to his advisors, and consider their thoughts, which he does, but his actions usually back up his words. In his case words, and actions are necessary to win in this battle of good against evil. I speak good of President Trump, but I am careful not to get too close to the cactus plants. My thin skin is not as thick as it used to be. I bleed more easily, and I am responsible to use the wisdom God has given me to stay safe, and well. However, if God should chose me to do a job I rather not do, as has been the case before, I will obey mainly because I have no choice. The Spirit just takes over. I'm not expecting that to happen again at my age, but I would never say never. My life belongs to God, and I am subjective to Him, At this time I am enjoying my life of peace, joy, and happiness, with a positive belief of victory coming soon over this thorny, blood gashing cactus plant we call evil.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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