Monday, June 8, 2020

"The Beginning Of Prunes"

                    A hand full of soon to be prunes. Let it be Lord. 6-8-2020 Perryton, TX
I wish I knew how to make prunes. I'm having so many big nice plums to be going to waste, because I don't know how to preserve them. They are sweet, and delicious when they get ripe, but with several trees loaded I can't eat them all. I'm thinking of seeing if google can help me to dry some for prunes. I do like a lot of things made with prunes. I have one prune cake recipe that is out of this world. I even like cooked prunes with thick whipping cream poured over them. Growing up as a child our parents taught us how to like a lot of good nourishing foods that most kids wouldn't touch today. I still eat that same nutritious food. I had my blood work done this morning for my doctor's appointment the 24 of June, and everything tested good. This was an order made by my heart doctor. I got a good report last year, and I'm hoping for a good one this year. I just go annually.

I was totally confused this morning when I walked into the hospital to have my lab work done. I had to wear a mask, have my temperature taken, and answer a lot of questions, then have my picture taken before I could continue with the paper work for the lab. Then I had to be escorted to the lab which I had walked to many times in the past. After the process was over I had to be escorted back to the front door I came in from. This hospital is not a large one by any means. I could almost walk all over it blindfolded. I said if our diet doesn't cause our death, this new way of treating patients like little children will. I think it all started with the idea of brain washing normal people. In other words our country is under communist attack. Nothing but the power of God can help us. I'm perfectly satisfied with God saying in His Word, He would never leave us nor forsake us. We will make it through if we don't forsake God.

I am here to say I believe we will continue to be tested, and tried for a very long time. We all need to find the most dedicated church family group possible, for it is there where the power of God will prevail. The weak, and indifferent type will not be able to stand when the going gets tough. When one walks inside a church, and they don't immediately feel that overwhelming presence of God's power, then they need to walk back out. “It's not by sight, nor by sound, but by My Spirit,” sayeth the Lord. I have found a church that has a beautiful sight, and a great sound, not only music, but a sound of voices praising God, and the Power of God all in one. A very long time prayer of mine has been answered. “Thank You Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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