Tuesday, June 2, 2020

"Put The Pretty Up Front"

The shade doesn't do well for the roses but they are in full bloom, and very colorful. 6-2-2020 Perryton, TX
The roses are strutting their stuff again this year. It looks like it will be a good year for them tp show off. I needed these beauties to help me through a trying time our country is going through. The last two years the roses have refused to enter the pageant, but they are fully ready for the contest this year. They tell me all is well with my soul. If all is well with my soul, then all is well with my tomorrow. I eagerly wait for the happy job of making a big difference in some ones life. I will try to be a rose garden, just like the one I have. Happiness likes company, and I will be seeking that need. My patience have been boosted, and don't ever think you have lost me. I need you as much as you need me. That's what God is all about. Oh, how anxious I am to create a new look in a bedroom at my son's house. I just finished with one, but another room needs more than what I first thought I was ready for. When Chuck moved out of his house a few years ago, he rented it to a single mother whom let her teenage kids decorate any way they wished. One teenage son chose a dark, dark turquoise, almost black, to paint his walls. It was so dark till Chuck called it his dungeon, and used it for a junk room. He was a bachelor, and had no concern about what his house looked like. Now after several years he has hired me to help him because of disabilities. He had two vacant rooms in his three bedroom house. I made one of them into my own headquarters, and am so pleased with my creation. Only using things I already had except for a T V, and one big comfortable chair. The walls were already white, so I have a bright, relaxing, atmospheric room to spend hours in when I go there to do my work, which doesn't take long, but I have to stay five hours each day I work. Now I am ready to turn that dungeon into a room that will make anyone wish they could sleep in it. Don't get me wrong, I am not putting much expense to this undertaking, but it will be all original, and somewhat interesting. Whoever buys this house when Chuck gives it up can lay their own carpet. We pulled up the old carpet only to find nice hardwood floors, but whoever painted the walls partly panted the floors since they knew they were going to lay carpet. The furniture, and some large rugs cover most of the ugly up. At least it's beginning to look like someone lives there.

No, I would not live in that house permanently, unless of course I had to. The way things are looking for America I may be glad to live in that house some day. I could adjust, but hopefully at my age I won't have to. Chuck would not trade his house for mine. He is not comfortable in what most people call nice homes. He is very happy, and contented, with his humble way of life. His teenage days were during the birth of hippie beginnings, and it always pleased him to live that style of life. God bless him for who he is, my son. Totally different than my other three, but has a brilliant brain.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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