Wednesday, June 17, 2020

"Sticks Will Not Break My Bones"

             The hillbilly way to transfer trash to the dumpster. 6-17-2020 Perryton, TX

The picture I have posted is some of the limbs and sticks that blew off the trees during the terrible wind storm the other day. My wheelbarrow had a flat tire so I came up with another idea on now to transfer the limbs to the dumpster. An old tarp was not being used anymore so I piled all the limbs on it to pull to the dumpster. This was the real hillbilly way of getting things done when modern conveniences where not available. How well I can remember those days. My parents taught us that where there is a will there is a way. I think it's kinda fun to hussle and bussle, and figure things out one step at a time. This pile of dead limbs would have made a great bombfire at a lake. I have helped create many bombfires in times past while camping at a lake. A memory I hold dear to my heart. I will have to make another haul tomorrow because the wind is at it again today. Every time I walk out side I pick up more dead limbs off the yard. I have to keep them picked up because I don't know just when the lawn guy will be here to mow. He only mows, and doesn't clean the yard. Besides I do need the exercise. I feel much better since I got outside and started doing some physical work.

I am feeling worse though about going off my diet, and started cooking so many no, no diet foods. I stayed on it a month, and lost seven pounds, I've been off of it a week, and and gained three back. How does that make sense? My doctor's appointment is next week and just so I don't weigh more this time than I did a year ago I'm o k. Heart doctor's are stright about their patient's weight. I enjoyed brown beans, and corn bread for lunch today. In a little while I will be eating the last piece of my favorite cake I made a few days ago. It's almost between a cake, and candy since the icing is candy-like. Shame on me, but that's what diet's always do to me. Uh, what else can I think of to make that I love to eat a lot of?

I'm sending my favorite President, Donald Trump, a donation today since he doesn't make a penny for being president. That's no joke, but because that's why I'm sending it is a joke. I support my president in every way I possibly can. He is fighting with his life to save our country from evil damnation. He doesn't need the money near as much as he needs our signature on his support list. Mine is on there, and now he knows he hasn't lost me. But most of all God knows he hasn't lost me. I ask our Almighty God to protect, and guide our President every night before I go to bed. I am positive God answers that prayer every minute of the day, and night. How is your faith holding out?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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