Thursday, December 31, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Promise And A Bit Of Good Luck For Fun"

Jean's Comment's: "A Promise And A Bit Of Good Luck For Fun": Almost looks like  great fire in the sky. Oh! what the sun and clouds can do to the imagination. 12-31-2015 Perryton, Texas. There is ne...

"A Promise And A Bit Of Good Luck For Fun"

Almost looks like  great fire in the sky. Oh! what the sun and clouds can do to the imagination. 12-31-2015 Perryton, Texas.

There is never a dull moment in the sky. Every time I look up I can see something of interest. Each and every second something changes up there. It is the same way in life. From one minute until the next, one never knows what is going to happen. It could be bad, or it could be good. The only thing that never changes is God’s big hand. There is a verse of a song that says, hold onto God’s unchanging hand. If I ever let go that is the last of me. There are too many bad wolves waiting to grab me and shred me to pieces. When it gets dark at my house I lock up all the doors and stay inside. I believe God has taught us to be responsible for staying safe to the best of our ability. It is after we have done the wise things He has taught us that He pulls us out of trouble when we become entangled. I long for the day when all is peace and joy with no more troubles to bear. Until then I will keep on singing His praises all the day and night long. I must have learned thousands of songs while growing up, because it seems like every night a different old hymnal starts going through my mind. I sing myself to sleep almost every night. I harbour so many precious memories of being in different churches with several members of my family while growing up. Those memories are a continuous blessing to me.

I am sitting here tonight two hours before the new year arrives listening to fire works. Different people celebrate the new year differently. If Rick had been able we would be at church having fellowship with fellow members while waiting to enjoy black-eyed peas and cornbread at midnight. Rick is lying down, but says he wants to stay awake until after midnight. He still has a certain amount of child left in him. I am glad for that. I am so happy when he is happy, just as I am when all of my children and grandchildren are happy. I have sailed through most of this old year, but a few storms I did encounter which I had to push though. I am trusting that the new year will be calm and peaceful all the way. I feel peace already. “Happy are those who trust in the Lord for their strength shall be renewed. They shall mount up as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Join with me and stand upon this promise the whole year long.

I will now close and put the black-eyed peas in a bowl to soak. There were no fresh ones at the store today, and Chuck insists on non-pre-cooked peas. I will put the bacon pieces in to cook with them.

Good night and happy new year everyone.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Amazing Grace Is With Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Amazing Grace Is With Me": Myrtle Jean Sharp self portrait. Hanging with 8 other portraits at Perryton Senior Center, Perryton, Texas. 12-30-2015 Perryton, Texas. ...

"Amazing Grace Is With Me"

Myrtle Jean Sharp self portrait. Hanging with 8 other portraits at Perryton Senior Center, Perryton, Texas. 12-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Things are beginning to look normal again around here, praise the Lord! Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and then a new year will begin. I can’t begin to remember all my blessings in 2015, but I can say it was a bitter-sweet year. I started this past year off with great anticipation of finishing several paintings before the year ended. I was able to complete 15, but the past three months have been filled with caring for my son, Rick. He had a very bad health issue to happen unexpectedly, and I was totality committed to being there for him. He is now at home and seemingly doing very well. This is after the doctor had given up on him, and told me to take him home. His 165 pound, 6’1” body was down to 135. He hadn’t eaten in weeks, and he had no I V’s going. The case manager had not been able to find a place to put him so I brought him home. The same day we got home he begin to start improving. The first few days were hard for me without anyone to help except my other son Chuck, who did come and help me get him in the house, and any other things he could do to make things easier. But there wasn’t any home health nurses assigned as yet since it was the Christmas holidays. Amazingly Rick woke up and begin to help me a lot. The only explanation I have is that God was not ready for him yet. That made me very happy, but almost unbelieving. So now we are trying to think positive about the future, and I plan to resume my painting soon. Rick has also mentioned several things he plans to do when he gets a little stronger. We want to think everyone again who helped us through such a trying time. May God bless you all greatly.

I will remove all the Christmas decorations tomorrow, and try to make the house look like a home again instead of a hospital. Walkers, wheel chairs, potty chairs, and bags and bags of stuff the four hospitals sent home with us all have to go. Although I am thankful for all the needed equipment that was provided for us. After staying in motel rooms for nearly a month, it seems so wonderful to be at home. I don’t think I realized how much my home really meant to me. Nothing can take the place of ones home sweet home.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year. In spite of all the bad news we hear each day, I pray we can keep our spirits up while trusting in our God to take care of us. He has just proven Himself to our family again, and I know He will continue to do so. We must not give up no matter how rough the way may become. There will always be peace ahead.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Clean Delivery Room"

Jean's Comment's: "Not A Clean Delivery Room": Christmas day eve at the Sharp's house. Sun is sinking, but not before we enjoyed a beautiful day. 12-25-2015 Perryton, Texas. Mary ...

"Not A Clean Delivery Room"

Christmas day eve at the Sharp's house. Sun is sinking, but not before we enjoyed a beautiful day. 12-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Mary has now been delivered from our Lord and savior. It was a terrible night for her, but the angel didn’t fail to comfort, and heal her pain of the greatest degree. Lying on straw in the stock stable on a cold winter night, she gave birth to the son the angel had told her would happen. I wonder if ever she doubted that she may have been wrong about believing the angel spoke to her nine months earlier telling her she was going to have a baby boy whose name would be Jesus. Who, besides Mary could ever kept their faith when the worst of worst overtook them at the time of delivery? No room in the Inn, they were told, leaving them with no other choice but to seek refuge in the stable. No doctor, no nurse, no sedative, or no cloths for a new born baby. This was the Savior of the world? What a test God must have put Mary through. Not only at the time of Jesus’ birth, but all through his life. I feel as though my faith would have faded long before maturity.

I truly believe many are given a promise today, just like Mary, although not of the same magnitude, but because of ones own ideal of how it should happen, it never happens. I could almost say I believe that every Christian is given this type of promise sometime in their life. The faith just does not hold fast until the maturity date. Too often people let negative remarks rob them of their, would be, victory. Mary stood almost alone during her nine months of puzzled reality, yet she kept her faith in God, and took whatever He offered her to bear the hard fact of childbirth.

I cannot look for only rosy paths as I travel this long hard journey. I must follow the path my God has chosen for me. There are those who will mock, and call us names when we refuse to go another way, but like Mary if I have to be detoured to a remote area of the hardest of hardship, I pray I will be willing and obedient. That’s how much I want to please my Lord. And just like Mary, I cannot explain why I must endure such devastating pain, and be deprived of much self-desire, but I know I will understand by-and-by.

Our Christmas was merry in spite of much hardship with caring for my son. I am looking forward to a better time ahead, but in the meantime I want to be faithful to God’s children He gave me to bare and nourish until their death or mine, which ever comes first. I received several nice calls from family and friends. We had wonderful gifts of candy, fruit, cookies, cheese balls, crackers. Chips, and all sorts of other goodies, delivered to our door. It was a quite, but enjoyable day for Rick, Chuck, and myself. Thanks to everyone who thought and shared your love with us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Forever Lives"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Forever Lives": Black and white Christmas Eve. Faith is brighter than darkness. 12-24-2015 Perryton, Texas. How good it is to be at home this Christmas ...

"Jesus Forever Lives"

Black and white Christmas Eve. Faith is brighter than darkness. 12-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

How good it is to be at home this Christmas Eve. So happy to have Rick here with me. My other son, Chuck, just left, and together we had a very interesting conversation. All three of us have a bright out-look on the future. Rick missed hospice by a few inches. Faith kicked in at the last minute. We still don’t know the future, but things are looking better. I have been overly blessed with cards, telephone calls, care packages, and other means of encouragement. I am truly thankful for it all.

My home must be almost as good as my heavenly home. I love everything about it. It has always been a place of rest and peace, and relaxation, even in times of great tribulation. I am sure this is why Rick is improving since he’s been back home. His heart is in this place, and his daughter told me it always had been. She said he used to talk about his childhood home when she was growing up. He wanted to come back home to die. By the grace of God he will have that one last wish granted. I think I will always cherish this humble home God helped my husband provide for me. We have lived within these walls for 49 years. The first house we built we lived in for 9 years. When we outgrew it we had this one built. I can’t imagine the feeling of those who move from place to place, some without ever having a real home except an apartment, or mobile-home. My husband always said, “a rolling stone gathered no moss.” It sounded like he thought moss made a stone more interesting. I have to agree with that to a certain extent. I learned when we built a cabin in Colorado that moss is almost impossible to scrape off the stones. I had to disagree with our builder that moss on the rocks that our fireplace was built from was classic. I thought they looked nasty, but he used them anyway for a dominate effect. They were barely visible, but were there all the same.

Tomorrow will be the third Christmas we have had without my husband, and the children’s father, but somehow we have pretended he was with us making it more fun to celebrate. His recliner is still sitting in the same spot where he always sat. His humor is still making us laugh. He loved his home also, and didn’t want to give it up, but he understood that he had no choice. He trusted God for His transforming power to give him a new life, and a better home. I hope I can be that willing. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, December 18, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "He Brought Me Through"

Jean's Comment's: "He Brought Me Through": A typical morning in my computer room.  Stacks and files of papers with dozens of pictures hanging everywhere. This is the heart of my lif...

"He Brought Me Through"

A typical morning in my computer room.  Stacks and files of papers with dozens of pictures hanging everywhere. This is the heart of my life, and CRHISTmas glue holds it all together.  12-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

How great it is to be feeling normal this morning. The past two months have been a trying time for me, but this morning I feel like a re-built, “Model T.” It takes a few cranks to get me started, but then the old engine really gets fired up and runs like a top. I can still see my dad as he placed the crank into the crankshaft of our old Model T Ford using all his strength to turn it. Sometimes it wouldn’t start before all my dad’s strength was exhausted, and he would have to rest awhile. When it finally started, we kids would yell hurrah, and jump into the topless rig for a trip to grandma and grandpa’s house several miles away. It was fun, and as kids we thought we had the world by the tail. My dad was a pretty good mechanic, and he often had to re-build the motor of his cars. We lived on a farm, and there was little to do except explore the canyons, and visit the graveyard of an old abandoned church on our place. At one time I think I could tell you the names of everyone buried there. Now that I have become mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, I am made to appreciate the stressful days of my parents, which I didn’t know about at the time. Faith in God was a powerful tool used in our household every day. That tool has remained in my possession all these years. It is the crank that starts me up when my engine is having trouble co-operating with God’s plan. Sometimes we feel like our engine must to junked, but then a spark of fire arouses a new hope within me. “How Great Thou Art, Dear Lord.”

I awoke at 2:30 this morning, and couldn’t go back to sleep. I believed my son, Rick, was dying and I must get up and call the place where he is suppose to be recovering. I have had an awful battle with my “faith tool” working for me through this long procedure of Rick’s serious illness. When I look at his body with nothing left but bones, I have to become faint with my faith. I knew the rehab center would not give me an negative response even if Rick was still there. I decided to wait till morning to call. I plugged in the coffee pot, turned up the heat, and lay back down till the house warmed up. I was trying to condition myself for the worst. This morning I have called and found out I was right about Rick’s condition. He is ready to be transferred to a more critical facility. A nursing home with special care for his terminal condition. I am still grieving, but God has given me extra strength. I pray for forgiveness for all of my mistakes. I know Rick is right with God, and I can accept his transfer to his heavenly home. “Thank you Lord.” Your will be done,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Blue Christmas Tree"

Jean's Comment's: "A Blue Christmas Tree": I turned off all lights last night to take this picture of my fiber optic tree. It is a lovely blue with a continuous flashing of light...

"A Blue Christmas Tree"

I turned off all lights last night to take this picture of my fiber optic tree. It is a lovely blue with a continuous flashing of lights. 12-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The snow is coming down in large flakes this morning in Perryton, Texas. They are beautiful, but I really didn’t want any more snow right now. We still had piles of snow from the last snowstorm. I did get a lot of shopping done yesterday, and I’m glad for that. However I had planned to travel to Amarillo today to visit Rick who is in rehab there. He is not doing well, and I may not be able to go see him for some time. I don’t know what will happen when no one is there to sign papers for him if, or when, he becomes incompetent. I, and his daughter, are the only ones who can do that, and the daughter lives in Houston, Texas over 600 miles away.

We have been taking this terrible chapter in our life just one day at a time. It has been a long chapter, and it looks like it may be the last. Nothing has worked like I had hoped it would, but one thing for sure, God is on our side. Rick is ready to go, but he would rather come home to die if that is what is happening. Of course I would rather be by his side. God will have His way through it all. Its amazing how many lives Rick has touched since being hospitalized for over a month. I can say he has had the best of care. It will take a lot more to kill his positive attitude, and he won’t go down without his last word being a humorous one.

Last night I turned off all lights and took a picture of our little blue, fiber optic Christmas tree. It was so pretty, and I had hoped Rick could see it. Christmas always meant a lot to him. He told me all he wanted was a bible with tabs that had the names of the books on them. His bible now is full of highlights he has made, but he wanted a new one with easy to find chapters. I am getting that bible today if the snow doesn’t make businesses close up.

I have to stay positive. To not, would be to doubt my Lord who has never failed me yet. To stay positive means to trust no matter what happens. I have done this many times, and most of the time I was given complete victory over my surrendering to Him. This latest battle seems to be the hardest one yet however, I am sure I have just forgotten some of the agony that existed in other times. I will always remember the scripture that says, “by His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.

I have been baking a large ham for about two hours now. This will be part of our Christmas dinner. I don’t know what to do with all that meat, but Chuck delivered the ham to me yesterday. It smells good enough to have some now for lunch. I will be sending some of the ham, and all the other good stuff we have to those who need it most. I will be sending it through my prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Blanket For The Cold Angel"

Jean's Comment's: "A Blanket For The Cold Angel": Today December 16,2015 large piles of snow are on all the parking lots of Perryton, Texas. The temperature remains cold. When it snows i...

"A Blanket For The Cold Angel"

Today December 16,2015 large piles of snow are on all the parking lots of Perryton, Texas. The temperature remains cold.

When it snows in Perryton, Texas it stays with us for a long time, becoming an, “overstay welcome.” Of course the moisture is always welcome, but the sight of dirty snow piles is unbecoming. At least it keeps us reminded that Christmas is just around the corner. I often think how nice it would have been if I could have taken an extra blanket out to the cattle stable where Jesus was born, and wrapped it around His blessed Mother. No doubt she had taken off any clothing she could possible spare and covered the baby Jesus with it.

Who do we think we are today complaining about not having everything perfect? If we have a warm place to live, food to eat, and love in our hearts for everybody, we should be the happiest people on earth. A few aches and pains, and a few sacrifices of self desires should be counted as nothing compared to what Virgin Mary, and her baby boy went through. Shame on us for grumbling. Love is the key word for happiness. The bible tells us that love covers a multitude of sins, but what about those whom have not sinned much, but are still unloved? What kind of love do you call that? I call it shameful, selfish, jealous, and last, but not least, inspired by Satan, and not God. 

I have had to bend over backwards many times to recapture my love and respect for some whom I had sworn I would never do. I didn’t do this on my own free will. With reluctance I have been thrown into a mode of unforgivingness  without any way out. Its like, what happened? I can’t believe this. I have been made to bend to an evil thing brought against me. Our God is like that if we are living close to Him. He doesn’t ask us to do hard things. He does it for us. The sense of distrust for a person who has wronged us may never leave us completely, but God gives us grace to love that person just the same. We must accept people for what they are, and who they are, without holding grudges against them. God will take care of the problems without our help. I can live with, or without, those who use me for glorifying themselves. Jesus did, so can I. They just cannot take the Holy Spirit out of my life. Its there to stay, thanks to my Lord Jesus Christ. Where He leads me I will follow.

Just as the Virgin Mary could not understand why she was being asked to bear a baby without ever having know a man by having sex, so do I myself wonder why sometimes I am being used as a punching bag for those I love the most. I shared this thought with another mother recently, and was shocked at how much more criticism she was taking than I. Will we ever be able to understand it? Yes we will, and until then may we be strong enough to take our portion of suffering for the sake of Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Santa Is Back

Jean's Comment's: "Santa Is Back: Santa is back to be our #1 guest for the rest of the month. He turns around looking at everyone while he smokes his pipe. 12-15-2015 Perry...

"Santa Is Back

Santa is back to be our #1 guest for the rest of the month. He turns around looking at everyone while he smokes his pipe. 12-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Another beautiful pre Christmas day is blessing us this morning. Santa is sitting in his favorite spot a top our TV. He turns his head while smoking his pipe, and he really does make us feel happy. He will be our #1 guest for the rest of the month. Rick is still not home. He is in Rehab for the next ten days, but Santa will keep me company.

My letter was interrupted for reasons of getting some urgent business taken care off. Christmas is really a busy time even without sickness in the family. I had to meet the mail pick-up time because I had two important packages that had to go off today. Was very surprised to find out how much postage had gone up since I last mailed a package. The postal service is putting them selves out of business fast.

I did some grocery shopping while out on the business tour. I won’t have to do much more before Christmas. I did buy some cards, and a few gifts for those whom I cherish so much. Just a small favor for what they have done for me. The least I can do is wish them all a Merry Christmas. And wait for the time I can do something for them.

There are still mountains of snow piled high upon the parking lots of our shopping centers. The snow plows has piled it high. It will take some time for it all to melt. The temperature is a little above freezing but just barley. The snow mountains are not pretty because they are very dirty, The dirt from under the cars melted off before they plowed the parking lots. Red River, Colorado Ski mountains are lots prettier. I love those memories.

For all my friends over seas who are reading my blogs, I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Some of you may not call it Christmas, but whatever is your custom, may it be a peaceful and happy time. My prayers are always with you whoever you are. I have a good audience from Russia. God Bless all of my Russian friends. They too are going through some of the same problems America is. We all must live by faith, and not by sight. Know all of you that people both far and near are having difficult times, and prayer is the only hope for peace. No matter where you live we all are the same distance from God. He is waiting upon your call. He will not be too busy to answer you. I would suggest that as many family and friends you can be together with in this seasonal holiday, let it happen. Strength comes from many hands holding together to form a mighty fort in the name of Jesus.

When I was without electricity a few days ago, I began to wonder what I would do the next morning without coffee. I had some instant coffee, but no way to heat water. I don’t think I could drink cold, instant coffee even if my head ached off. Then I thought of candle heat. What an impossible way to heat a cup of water. Everything I use daily is operated by electricity. Suddenly I was thinking. What would I do if God was shut off of my life. No doubt I would die, but it would be a hard death. Torture can some times take weeks to kill a person. Let us be assured we cannot live a good life without God.  You cannot substitute Him for anything else. Make sure your connections are up to par and if not, fix them while you may.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, December 14, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Shout Of Joy"

Jean's Comment's: "A Shout Of Joy": This beautiful white December morning brings me cheer and good tidings. 12-14-2015 Perryton, Texas. The sun is shinning bright on the th...

"A Shout Of Joy"

This beautiful white December morning brings me cheer and good tidings. 12-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The sun is shinning bright on the thick blanket of snow in Perryton, Texas this morning. It is so beautiful to look upon. I miss having small children around to start rolling up a big snowman. It is this kind of snow that makes Christmas come alive. After being without electricity for six hours yesterday evening, and last night, this beautiful morning snow, and glow, makes up for it. I will be getting the Christmas decorations out today, after I had said I wasn’t going to decorate this year. 

I just spoke with Rick in his hospital room. His good cheerful attitude has already made my day a good one. He is waiting for a dietitian specialist, and a therapist to complete his stay in the hospital. After being hospitalized for 11 days already, he is anxious to get home. He had a serious intestinal disorder that had been bothering him for several months. Hopefully that has all been corrected this time. My praise for the good doctors, and nurses, at North West Texas Hospital, is strong. Not forgetting that our greatest healer was Jesus Christ. How thankful we are for everyone who remembered to hold us up in prayer. Rick’s words to me this morning was to let everyone know how well he is doing.

My church friends brought me a big box of goodies. So many home-made candies, cookies, cheese rolls, fruit, and much more good stuff. I certainly appreciated that since I had not felt like even going to the store for so long. What a great church family I am blessed with. I have missed a lot of church services, and the many Christmas activities I have always enjoyed at this time of year, but my spirit is always in the church. Next Christmas I will be in full swing again.

Nothing could be more interesting than to sit here at my computer looking out the window and watching large icicles drop off the trees. The bright sun is releasing them fastly. Yesterday the trees were solid ice with long icicles hanging down from them. This Christmas is a real picture of what I remember it being while I was growing up. The old Christmas carol “I Am Dreaming Of A White Christmas” stands out in my mind. We will miss our husband, father, and grandfather who left us three years ago, right after Christmas, but he still appears in our dreams. Somehow he still sits in the big recliner, making everyone laugh. I visited with him last night for a long time. It was so real, and I am glad God lets me do that quite often. Time goes by fast, and soon we all will have been transported to our eternal home never to have another hard time, nor shed any more tears.

Merry Christmas to all and God Bless.

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: Sharp family cabin in Stonewall, Colorado. Many dr...

Jean's Comment's: Sharp family cabin in Stonewall, Colorado. Many dr...: Sharp family cabin in Stonewall, Colorado. Many dreams still linger there. Painting by Myrtle Jean Sharp. 5-21-2015. Now hanging at Perryt...
Sharp family cabin in Stonewall, Colorado. Many dreams still linger there. Painting by Myrtle Jean Sharp. 5-21-2015. Now hanging at Perryton Citizens Center. 12-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My son, Rick, taken six months ago on our patio. Feeling great at this time. Doing lots of hard yard work, and having big dreams. Now he is struggling to claim victory from a near death situation. He won't give up. He loved going to our cabin and skiing. 12-13-2015 Perryton, Texas

 This morning as I was up early watching TV, The Lord spoke to me about writing a song for which he would help me with. I got pen and paper and this is what I came up with. I hope to get it set to music.

Bearing My Cross

He brought me through another storm, 

He heard my cry, a plan He formed.

With loving words, He spoke to me,

I am your friend, I am He.

This will be rough, the sea is mean,

I have you fastened, so be a Queen.

I freaked within, but did not bend,

I was being towed by my best friend.

I came to shore, but not for long,

Another storm replaced the calm.

My vessel threw its-self around,

before I climbed onto the ground.

Again I cried unto my Friend,

The Holy Spirit He did send.

I come to comfort you, He assured,

Life’s storms are real, and must be endured.

Take time to praise the storm’s commander.

He will remember you, as His Miranda.

Your reward will be worthwhile,

So live your life with a big sweet smile.

Keep on loving, those who don’t care,

Share their burdens, help them to bear.

Use my name to calm their storms,

I will be listening for your alarm.

Written by Myrtle Jean Sharp
December 13, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Like A Flag Before My Eyes Four Red Leaves Waved ...

Jean's Comment's: "Like A Flag Before My Eyes Four Red Leaves Waved ...: Amazing! Four red leaves are still hanging on this bare plum tree. It is a multi- fruit tree that when in full bloom there are three of fo...

"Like A Flag Before My Eyes Four Red Leaves Waved At Me"

Amazing! Four red leaves are still hanging on this bare plum tree. It is a multi- fruit tree that when in full bloom there are three of four kinds of leafs. 12-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

While sitting at my desk computer this morning I looked out the window to see four large, red leaves still clinging to a plum tree. The tree is completely bare except for these four leaves. This tree produces three or four kinds of plums when in blooming stage. These four leaves must be from the best tasting plums, however all have been tasty good. This tree is almost within touching distance of my window if it were open. I am surrounded by natures beauty the year round. Hope for a new life, and more fruit is forever taking first place in my thoughts.

A few days ago the nurse at North West Texas Hospital called in the doctor to visit Rick’s room. She thought he was sinking into the last minutes of life. His daughter, Rayna, and I had just came out of his room to break down, and hopefully to regain our composure when the nurse told us she had called in the doctor. Several nurses, and even the cleaning ladies put their arms around us and tried to comfort us. It did help so much to know someone cared about our terrible pain. We finally accepted the reality of life being over for Rick, and Rayna left to call some family. I walked back into his room and saw a “perked-up” Rick offering again some of his amazing humor. I was stunned. By the time the doctor arrived Rick was able to tell him he was doing well. The doctor tarried a few seconds and left smiling. I called Rayna to give her the news for which she too was amazed. Even with the miracle we witnessed, we both had to be a bit obstinate. It would happen again that old stubborn evil one told us. And he was right about his allegation. Rick would sink, then recover several times before we finally accepted the fact that God had healed him. All life support apparatus was removed and Rick is doing better each day. He has to gain back his strength and gradually increase his diet to a solid food. But just by hearing his voice on the phone, you would not guess anything had ever been wrong with him. He is the first to say God healed him. I had planned to go back to Amarillo this morning, but Rick told me not to come till he called me and said, “I am waiting at the front door.”

The four red leaves still hanging on a dead tree this morning was proof to me that Rick went through four stages of death, but managed to hang on to the last tree of everlasting life. We thank all of you who kept Rick in your prayers. What a blessing so many have been to us. May God bless all of you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jean's Comment's:  Even at night the sky is beautiful. Purple layers...

Jean's Comment's:  Even at night the sky is beautiful. Purple layers...:  Even at night the sky is beautiful. Purple layers of velvet draped the blue tones of heavens windows, 12-10-2015 Perryton, Texas. Oh! ...
 Even at night the sky is beautiful. Purple layers of velvet draped the blue tones of heavens windows, 12-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Oh! What a beautiful night fifteen days before Christmas. This night is probably typical of the night Jesus was born in a manager. 12-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I am writing just a brief message tonight to up-date everyone on my son, Rick’s, condition. I left him yesterday feeling a little better, while I came home to pay some bills. This morning when I called he was feeling worse. I will be going back in the morning to stay through the duration. Everyone has been extra good to us and I am so thankful for that. Rick told me this morning he was getting very good treatment from all the nurses and doctors. They have treated us all like family. Life is not without pain, but God sure helps the pain to be bearable. Sometimes it takes pain for us to forgive, and be forgiven, when we are not Christian enough to do it ourselves. God has a way of vanishing our stubbornness, even if it takes some pain to do it. The human nature in us makes us want to hang onto our own understanding even though it may not be the way God sees it. If, and when, we commit it all to Him, He already has a way planned to wipe away all bitterness and unforgivingness. How good it feels to be humbled and love everyone in spite of what we didn’t want to do.

I am looking forward to a happier day, and by the grace of God I will have just that. Not my will be done, but Thine oh Lord! If I cannot no longer speak because of grief pains, just look for my blogs. They will keep on speaking for me.

God bless all, and again thanks for the prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "He Who Walks With Jesus Is Never In Darkness"

Jean's Comment's: "He Who Walks With Jesus Is Never In Darkness": Bright sun again lighting up my life. The light of the world forever. 12-3-2015 Perryton, Texas. I missed writing my blog the last coupl...

"He Who Walks With Jesus Is Never In Darkness"

Bright sun again lighting up my life. The light of the world forever. 12-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I missed writing my blog the last couple of days, but I was too busy keeping my duties as a mother, nurse, and repair shop visits to do my blog. I made several trips to the druggist and grocery store before I had to put my vehicle in the shop to replace a fuse on the heater. I trust everything is running smoothly now. The sun seems to tell me that it is. “Thank you sunshine.”

I sat up last night until after midnight watching the news unfold about the terrible shooting in California. I have seen these kinds of things coming for a long time, and believe it will only get worse. The leader of this nation has opened every gate, and used every force he possibly could, including  unarming our police protection, in order to give our freedom to a group of evil believers. If he lives out another year as our leader he will have completed his mission. Why did this happen to America? Because of sinful, unbelieving, thug-type people who did not care about Jesus blood that He poured out for them. They will be unmarked by the blood, and will suffer a death that cannot be called merciful. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 KJV. What a great legacy some of us can claim, left by our parents and grandparents. I am so thankful to be among the blessed of God.

My mission is not over yet. I am trying every day to fulfill God’s will for my life. I am met with opposition every day, but it cannot over power my determination to hold out till the end. “Greater is He that is in me, than he who is in the world.“  1 John 1-5. I stand daily upon that scripture. He will never fail us. I believe God promised me my household, even though we sometimes wonder how that could be. Many will disagree with that, but I am positive the God of my life promised me that. I traded my blood for Jesus’ blood, and I gained a lot more than I lost. I will never forget to thank Him.

Reading in my local paper today I see where five people whom I have known for years have passed away. God is calling names pretty regularly  now. This city is small, and that many obituaries within a few day period is a lot. How real it all is becoming to me. I feel blessed to still be able to work for my Lord. When I can no longer work for Him, I am ready to go and live with Him forever. This life has been good to me, and I trust my children can say the same, but I will never say I was the perfect mother. I do believe I tried the best I possibly could to be that perfect mother. The record will answer for its self.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp