Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"Amazing Grace Is With Me"

Myrtle Jean Sharp self portrait. Hanging with 8 other portraits at Perryton Senior Center, Perryton, Texas. 12-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Things are beginning to look normal again around here, praise the Lord! Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and then a new year will begin. I can’t begin to remember all my blessings in 2015, but I can say it was a bitter-sweet year. I started this past year off with great anticipation of finishing several paintings before the year ended. I was able to complete 15, but the past three months have been filled with caring for my son, Rick. He had a very bad health issue to happen unexpectedly, and I was totality committed to being there for him. He is now at home and seemingly doing very well. This is after the doctor had given up on him, and told me to take him home. His 165 pound, 6’1” body was down to 135. He hadn’t eaten in weeks, and he had no I V’s going. The case manager had not been able to find a place to put him so I brought him home. The same day we got home he begin to start improving. The first few days were hard for me without anyone to help except my other son Chuck, who did come and help me get him in the house, and any other things he could do to make things easier. But there wasn’t any home health nurses assigned as yet since it was the Christmas holidays. Amazingly Rick woke up and begin to help me a lot. The only explanation I have is that God was not ready for him yet. That made me very happy, but almost unbelieving. So now we are trying to think positive about the future, and I plan to resume my painting soon. Rick has also mentioned several things he plans to do when he gets a little stronger. We want to think everyone again who helped us through such a trying time. May God bless you all greatly.

I will remove all the Christmas decorations tomorrow, and try to make the house look like a home again instead of a hospital. Walkers, wheel chairs, potty chairs, and bags and bags of stuff the four hospitals sent home with us all have to go. Although I am thankful for all the needed equipment that was provided for us. After staying in motel rooms for nearly a month, it seems so wonderful to be at home. I don’t think I realized how much my home really meant to me. Nothing can take the place of ones home sweet home.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year. In spite of all the bad news we hear each day, I pray we can keep our spirits up while trusting in our God to take care of us. He has just proven Himself to our family again, and I know He will continue to do so. We must not give up no matter how rough the way may become. There will always be peace ahead.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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