Thursday, December 10, 2015

 Even at night the sky is beautiful. Purple layers of velvet draped the blue tones of heavens windows, 12-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Oh! What a beautiful night fifteen days before Christmas. This night is probably typical of the night Jesus was born in a manager. 12-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I am writing just a brief message tonight to up-date everyone on my son, Rick’s, condition. I left him yesterday feeling a little better, while I came home to pay some bills. This morning when I called he was feeling worse. I will be going back in the morning to stay through the duration. Everyone has been extra good to us and I am so thankful for that. Rick told me this morning he was getting very good treatment from all the nurses and doctors. They have treated us all like family. Life is not without pain, but God sure helps the pain to be bearable. Sometimes it takes pain for us to forgive, and be forgiven, when we are not Christian enough to do it ourselves. God has a way of vanishing our stubbornness, even if it takes some pain to do it. The human nature in us makes us want to hang onto our own understanding even though it may not be the way God sees it. If, and when, we commit it all to Him, He already has a way planned to wipe away all bitterness and unforgivingness. How good it feels to be humbled and love everyone in spite of what we didn’t want to do.

I am looking forward to a happier day, and by the grace of God I will have just that. Not my will be done, but Thine oh Lord! If I cannot no longer speak because of grief pains, just look for my blogs. They will keep on speaking for me.

God bless all, and again thanks for the prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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