Friday, December 25, 2015

"Not A Clean Delivery Room"

Christmas day eve at the Sharp's house. Sun is sinking, but not before we enjoyed a beautiful day. 12-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Mary has now been delivered from our Lord and savior. It was a terrible night for her, but the angel didn’t fail to comfort, and heal her pain of the greatest degree. Lying on straw in the stock stable on a cold winter night, she gave birth to the son the angel had told her would happen. I wonder if ever she doubted that she may have been wrong about believing the angel spoke to her nine months earlier telling her she was going to have a baby boy whose name would be Jesus. Who, besides Mary could ever kept their faith when the worst of worst overtook them at the time of delivery? No room in the Inn, they were told, leaving them with no other choice but to seek refuge in the stable. No doctor, no nurse, no sedative, or no cloths for a new born baby. This was the Savior of the world? What a test God must have put Mary through. Not only at the time of Jesus’ birth, but all through his life. I feel as though my faith would have faded long before maturity.

I truly believe many are given a promise today, just like Mary, although not of the same magnitude, but because of ones own ideal of how it should happen, it never happens. I could almost say I believe that every Christian is given this type of promise sometime in their life. The faith just does not hold fast until the maturity date. Too often people let negative remarks rob them of their, would be, victory. Mary stood almost alone during her nine months of puzzled reality, yet she kept her faith in God, and took whatever He offered her to bear the hard fact of childbirth.

I cannot look for only rosy paths as I travel this long hard journey. I must follow the path my God has chosen for me. There are those who will mock, and call us names when we refuse to go another way, but like Mary if I have to be detoured to a remote area of the hardest of hardship, I pray I will be willing and obedient. That’s how much I want to please my Lord. And just like Mary, I cannot explain why I must endure such devastating pain, and be deprived of much self-desire, but I know I will understand by-and-by.

Our Christmas was merry in spite of much hardship with caring for my son. I am looking forward to a better time ahead, but in the meantime I want to be faithful to God’s children He gave me to bare and nourish until their death or mine, which ever comes first. I received several nice calls from family and friends. We had wonderful gifts of candy, fruit, cookies, cheese balls, crackers. Chips, and all sorts of other goodies, delivered to our door. It was a quite, but enjoyable day for Rick, Chuck, and myself. Thanks to everyone who thought and shared your love with us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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