Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sharp family cabin in Stonewall, Colorado. Many dreams still linger there. Painting by Myrtle Jean Sharp. 5-21-2015. Now hanging at Perryton Citizens Center. 12-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My son, Rick, taken six months ago on our patio. Feeling great at this time. Doing lots of hard yard work, and having big dreams. Now he is struggling to claim victory from a near death situation. He won't give up. He loved going to our cabin and skiing. 12-13-2015 Perryton, Texas

 This morning as I was up early watching TV, The Lord spoke to me about writing a song for which he would help me with. I got pen and paper and this is what I came up with. I hope to get it set to music.

Bearing My Cross

He brought me through another storm, 

He heard my cry, a plan He formed.

With loving words, He spoke to me,

I am your friend, I am He.

This will be rough, the sea is mean,

I have you fastened, so be a Queen.

I freaked within, but did not bend,

I was being towed by my best friend.

I came to shore, but not for long,

Another storm replaced the calm.

My vessel threw its-self around,

before I climbed onto the ground.

Again I cried unto my Friend,

The Holy Spirit He did send.

I come to comfort you, He assured,

Life’s storms are real, and must be endured.

Take time to praise the storm’s commander.

He will remember you, as His Miranda.

Your reward will be worthwhile,

So live your life with a big sweet smile.

Keep on loving, those who don’t care,

Share their burdens, help them to bear.

Use my name to calm their storms,

I will be listening for your alarm.

Written by Myrtle Jean Sharp
December 13, 2015

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