Thursday, December 3, 2015

"He Who Walks With Jesus Is Never In Darkness"

Bright sun again lighting up my life. The light of the world forever. 12-3-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I missed writing my blog the last couple of days, but I was too busy keeping my duties as a mother, nurse, and repair shop visits to do my blog. I made several trips to the druggist and grocery store before I had to put my vehicle in the shop to replace a fuse on the heater. I trust everything is running smoothly now. The sun seems to tell me that it is. “Thank you sunshine.”

I sat up last night until after midnight watching the news unfold about the terrible shooting in California. I have seen these kinds of things coming for a long time, and believe it will only get worse. The leader of this nation has opened every gate, and used every force he possibly could, including  unarming our police protection, in order to give our freedom to a group of evil believers. If he lives out another year as our leader he will have completed his mission. Why did this happen to America? Because of sinful, unbelieving, thug-type people who did not care about Jesus blood that He poured out for them. They will be unmarked by the blood, and will suffer a death that cannot be called merciful. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 KJV. What a great legacy some of us can claim, left by our parents and grandparents. I am so thankful to be among the blessed of God.

My mission is not over yet. I am trying every day to fulfill God’s will for my life. I am met with opposition every day, but it cannot over power my determination to hold out till the end. “Greater is He that is in me, than he who is in the world.“  1 John 1-5. I stand daily upon that scripture. He will never fail us. I believe God promised me my household, even though we sometimes wonder how that could be. Many will disagree with that, but I am positive the God of my life promised me that. I traded my blood for Jesus’ blood, and I gained a lot more than I lost. I will never forget to thank Him.

Reading in my local paper today I see where five people whom I have known for years have passed away. God is calling names pretty regularly  now. This city is small, and that many obituaries within a few day period is a lot. How real it all is becoming to me. I feel blessed to still be able to work for my Lord. When I can no longer work for Him, I am ready to go and live with Him forever. This life has been good to me, and I trust my children can say the same, but I will never say I was the perfect mother. I do believe I tried the best I possibly could to be that perfect mother. The record will answer for its self.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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