Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"A Blanket For The Cold Angel"

Today December 16,2015 large piles of snow are on all the parking lots of Perryton, Texas. The temperature remains cold.

When it snows in Perryton, Texas it stays with us for a long time, becoming an, “overstay welcome.” Of course the moisture is always welcome, but the sight of dirty snow piles is unbecoming. At least it keeps us reminded that Christmas is just around the corner. I often think how nice it would have been if I could have taken an extra blanket out to the cattle stable where Jesus was born, and wrapped it around His blessed Mother. No doubt she had taken off any clothing she could possible spare and covered the baby Jesus with it.

Who do we think we are today complaining about not having everything perfect? If we have a warm place to live, food to eat, and love in our hearts for everybody, we should be the happiest people on earth. A few aches and pains, and a few sacrifices of self desires should be counted as nothing compared to what Virgin Mary, and her baby boy went through. Shame on us for grumbling. Love is the key word for happiness. The bible tells us that love covers a multitude of sins, but what about those whom have not sinned much, but are still unloved? What kind of love do you call that? I call it shameful, selfish, jealous, and last, but not least, inspired by Satan, and not God. 

I have had to bend over backwards many times to recapture my love and respect for some whom I had sworn I would never do. I didn’t do this on my own free will. With reluctance I have been thrown into a mode of unforgivingness  without any way out. Its like, what happened? I can’t believe this. I have been made to bend to an evil thing brought against me. Our God is like that if we are living close to Him. He doesn’t ask us to do hard things. He does it for us. The sense of distrust for a person who has wronged us may never leave us completely, but God gives us grace to love that person just the same. We must accept people for what they are, and who they are, without holding grudges against them. God will take care of the problems without our help. I can live with, or without, those who use me for glorifying themselves. Jesus did, so can I. They just cannot take the Holy Spirit out of my life. Its there to stay, thanks to my Lord Jesus Christ. Where He leads me I will follow.

Just as the Virgin Mary could not understand why she was being asked to bear a baby without ever having know a man by having sex, so do I myself wonder why sometimes I am being used as a punching bag for those I love the most. I shared this thought with another mother recently, and was shocked at how much more criticism she was taking than I. Will we ever be able to understand it? Yes we will, and until then may we be strong enough to take our portion of suffering for the sake of Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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