Friday, December 18, 2015

"He Brought Me Through"

A typical morning in my computer room.  Stacks and files of papers with dozens of pictures hanging everywhere. This is the heart of my life, and CRHISTmas glue holds it all together.  12-18-2015 Perryton, Texas.

How great it is to be feeling normal this morning. The past two months have been a trying time for me, but this morning I feel like a re-built, “Model T.” It takes a few cranks to get me started, but then the old engine really gets fired up and runs like a top. I can still see my dad as he placed the crank into the crankshaft of our old Model T Ford using all his strength to turn it. Sometimes it wouldn’t start before all my dad’s strength was exhausted, and he would have to rest awhile. When it finally started, we kids would yell hurrah, and jump into the topless rig for a trip to grandma and grandpa’s house several miles away. It was fun, and as kids we thought we had the world by the tail. My dad was a pretty good mechanic, and he often had to re-build the motor of his cars. We lived on a farm, and there was little to do except explore the canyons, and visit the graveyard of an old abandoned church on our place. At one time I think I could tell you the names of everyone buried there. Now that I have become mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, I am made to appreciate the stressful days of my parents, which I didn’t know about at the time. Faith in God was a powerful tool used in our household every day. That tool has remained in my possession all these years. It is the crank that starts me up when my engine is having trouble co-operating with God’s plan. Sometimes we feel like our engine must to junked, but then a spark of fire arouses a new hope within me. “How Great Thou Art, Dear Lord.”

I awoke at 2:30 this morning, and couldn’t go back to sleep. I believed my son, Rick, was dying and I must get up and call the place where he is suppose to be recovering. I have had an awful battle with my “faith tool” working for me through this long procedure of Rick’s serious illness. When I look at his body with nothing left but bones, I have to become faint with my faith. I knew the rehab center would not give me an negative response even if Rick was still there. I decided to wait till morning to call. I plugged in the coffee pot, turned up the heat, and lay back down till the house warmed up. I was trying to condition myself for the worst. This morning I have called and found out I was right about Rick’s condition. He is ready to be transferred to a more critical facility. A nursing home with special care for his terminal condition. I am still grieving, but God has given me extra strength. I pray for forgiveness for all of my mistakes. I know Rick is right with God, and I can accept his transfer to his heavenly home. “Thank you Lord.” Your will be done,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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