Monday, May 31, 2021

"Sad Days Will Come And Go"

“Sad Days Will Come And Go” I am so glad this day is almost over. It has been a sad Memorial day mostly because the weather has been too bad for me to go to the Cemetery. My husband, and baby boy are both resting there until the Great Resurrection Day. The past eight years I have visited my husband's grave there, and visited with many friends who were there for the same reason. My baby has been there for sixty years. The Lord has comforted me today through His Word. How Great God is. Tomorrow I expect to be cheered up, and ready to continue to fight on in this troublesome world. I look forward to happier days. When we put our complete trust in God we can live a happy, contented life. I am in that place today. I do have some bad, dreary days, but they are soon passed, and I feel victorious again. I am one to feel like God is sad when we are sad. He loves us more than our earthly fathers did; And that was a lot. The song goes like this. “Everyone can sing when the sun is shinning bright, but we need a song in our hearts at night.” I do have that song at night, but sometimes in the day when the sun isn't shinning bright, that song just don't find me. “There is a time and a place for all things.” When I lost my baby at three days old there was a dark cloud that hung over me for months. I already had three children, but this baby was loved just as much as the others even though we never took him home from the hospital. The doctor was stunned at his death. They could not find any reason for him to die. He weighed almost nine pounds. I didn't understand it then, and I don't understand it now. I was like a zombie for years, but I never felt any anger toward God. I knew that all things work together for a reason. My life finally began to take meaning again, and I have had many more times of testing of my faith. When my time comes, I believe I will be taken peaceably, and my sorrow will finally be gone forever. Thank God for that everlasting peace. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Surprises Do Still Happen Everyone knows when it is a holiday week-end the church congregation will be smaller than usual. But did you ever expect that except for a visiting minister, and a couple who were conducting the service that you would be the only one in the congregation? Thirty minutes into the service I was such a person. I was trying to prepare myself for that sermon which I would be the only one to hear except the couple doing the preliminaries. Thank you Jesus for sending in five visitors who were such a blessing after all. The Sermon was super, and it turned out to be more than icing on the cake. How could I have ever felt let down after as many times as God has proven himself to me? I came home from church feeling better than I had in years. I cannot imagine what God has in store for Harvest Assembly Of God Church in Perryton, Texas. There is a revival scheduled there on Friday, June 25 starting at 7:00 p.m. Going through Sunday, June 27. Sorry to say due to a reservation I have in another city I will not be able to attend, but I will be praying for this meeting to be of great success. I believe this revival is the beginning of many more to follow. Miracles are waiting to be claimed with evidence as a witness. It's very hard to be rejoicing today even though we did have a happy ending in church this morning. The whole country is mourning the loss of precious loved ones and our brave warriors. We pay our respect to them although they do not see, or hear us. Our hearts are so heavy, and we try to gain enough strength to carry on with our duties until our time comes. Without God's help daily I could not make it. He never fails to wipe away my tears, and even puts a smile on my face. Today I have read where another long-time friend has just passed. I did not know she was ailing. I wish I could have told her good-bye, but God will continue to be her best friend. This friend was ten years younger than I, and it makes me wonder why did she leave us so young. I read in the Word a few days ago where David said life is just like a puff of wind. It's here just momentarily. I'm not claiming to be young, but neither do I admit to being old. I thank God for every day of my life. I trust I will be taken away as quickly as that puff of wind passes. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 29, 2021

"My Last Words At Night Thank You Jesus"

My Last Words At Night Thank You Jesaus We could talk forever about the evil that so rapidly is changing our world, but little would that help to call the sinner to repentance. The bible does say because of continued sin many would be turned over to a reprobate mind. Meaning that the conscience would no longer be touched by the most wicked happenings that at one time would have been unrealistic to those who now accept as good. It's very hard for the Christians to watch this terrible destruction come to our most beloved friends, and loved ones. We find ourselves praying for our own hurt, and sorrow. How long can the strongest of Christian servants continue to stay firm, and not weaken by such unbelievable, evil kidnappers taking our own away to another world of no return? We mourn, and cry, and our tears will not go away. A new day brings us new hope, but is soon yanked away from us. We can only look forward to that day of a new life with our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. With every decision I make I pray and ask God to direct my path. Sometimes I give into the thing that I said I never would, but sometimes God tells us to go ahead, and just trust Him to follow through. Those are tough decisions, but the pressure is so great God knows what's best for us. We can never escape all the bad things that happen to us, because Jesus did not escape them. But for certain we have a Heavenly Father who is always there to comfort us. He said “He would not put more on us than we were able to bare.” I can't stop thanking Him. Every night I go over the list of things God has done for me that day, giving Him thanks for it all. There is always a long list, and I'm sure I couldn't think of everything. This happens before I have read at least one chapter in the bible. Those precious words of God help me to sleep in peace all night. Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 28, 2021

"The Fear Of God Is The Beginning Of Knowledge"

“The Fear Of God Is The Beginning Of Knowledge” PSALMS 40, 1-5 I waited patiently for the Lord's help; then he listened to me and heard my cry. He pulled me out of a dangerous pit, out of the deadly quicksand. He set me safely on a rock and made me secure. He taught me to sing a new song, a song of praise to our God. Many who see this will take warning and will put their trust in the Lord. Happy are those who trust the Lord, who do not turn to idols or join those who worship false Gods. You have done many things for us, O Lord our God; there is no one like you! You have made many wonderful plans for us. I could never speak of them all—their numbers is so great! Just when we think our faith will never be tested again, we are so wrong. Until the day we die our faith will be tested. The bible tells us the last enemy we have to fight is death. But with saying that I am saying after every battle comes victory. “O grave where is thou sting?” The grave cannot hold us. Victory leaves the grave empty. Therefore, while we yet live let us comfort one another, and pray for those who are weak. Never be swayed by those who try to turn your faith into idol worship. I find that happening today in so many of our “”used to be” spiritual churches. We cannot be lifted out of a dangerous pit without the power of God. Idol worshiping is nothing but a type of entertainment. It may take you to the door of God's power, but that door will never open. There is something more that God wants from us than just telling him over and over all the things he has done. We must ask of him if we want to receive victory over sin, and evil. His ears are open for our request, but He doesn't hear the weak voice of those who hope He will read their lips, and answer anyway. But you say, if we make our voices too loud Satan will hear, and send us more trouble. You are right. No battle is a battle without a fight;. and where there is no battle there is no victory. The first battle started in Heaven when Satan tried to gain power over God. God cast him out, and he has been starting fights on earth every since. But God did not leave us to fight the battle by ourselves, God said,” the battle is mine, and not yours.” May we stop looking for sympathy from others, and put our trust in God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 27, 2021


BE BRAVE THROUGH IT ALL PSALMS 37, 30-34 A good man's words are wise, and he is always fair. He keeps the law of his God in his heart and never departs from it. A wicked man watches a good man and tries to kill him; but the Lord will not abandon him to his enemy's power or let him be condemned when he is on trial. Put your hope in the Lord and obey his commands; he will honor you by giving you the land. As sure as I live I believe God's people are on trial at this time. We are certainly trying to be killed by wicked men. In the past year and one-half hundreds of thousands have already died by the wicked hands of evil men. I can't say they were on trial because they died in nursing homes, and hospitals where they were already being cared for for disabilities. The vulnerable are always the easiest to take down. It happened so suddenly before anyone had a chance to come to their rescue. This is one of the things that Christians believing in God's Word cannot explain. But we can say that wicked men are at work to kill the good men. Quoting from God's Word, “it is not meant for man to know the mysteries of God.” We just must know that God does all things well. It would not surprise me to learn later on that millions of people who have taken the Covid shot and felt no side effects, will permanently be effected in some way. Let me quote again from today's scripture. But the Lord will not abandon the good man to his enemy's power or let him be condemned when he is on trial. How do we define a good man? A very serious question to think about. But we have no time to lose in deciding that. My best definition would be this, also coming from the scriptures. “Let us hide ourselves behind the cross, and lift up Jesus.” The world is shaking now with fear, and a grab for power is the reason for it. When the wicked get caught in their evil acts, they always have a back-up plan ready to use. They have no fear themselves because they have gotten away with so much till they are just laughing at God's people. I do believe in God's judgment upon all people, but I know He is a just God, and will not judge wrong. I must take my sentence, and thank God for whatever it amounts to. I fear a sad day is coming for many who were not expecting it. We must never, never deny God. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

"Whatever It Was It Is Not Now"

“Whatever It Was It Is Not Now” PSALMS 36, 5-12 Lord, your constant love reaches the heavens, your faithfulness extends to the skies. Your righteousness is towering like the mountains, your justice is like the depths of the sea. Men and animals are in your care. How precious, O God, is your constant love! We find protection under the shadow of your wings. We feast on the abundant food you provide; you let us drink from the river of your goodness. You are the source of all life, and because of your light we see the light. Continue to love those who know you and to do good to those who are righteous. Do not let proud men attack me or wicked men make me run away. See where evil men have fallen. There they lie, unable to rise. David's song to God is one we all should be singing every day of our lives. Especially in this time of evil that seems to be escalating daily. I for one, have been called to test the muddy waters. I am in wonder if all true believers of God will not be tested, and tried like I have just been. It is an awful experience to have to go through, but if we will just remember David's song we will soon see all evil men fallen, and unable to rise. Righteous men will always come out victorious. I do not like to be negative, but I feel so positive that Satan is not going to give up on God's people till things get much worse. I may even be tried again before I can declare victory forever, but I know now that I can come through with God's help. For those who do not yet know what I've been through, I had a nightmareous experience from a simple procedure that left me fighting day and night for my sanity. It also started five hours after I received the second Corina virus shot. I had never had such a horrible thing to happen to me before. For three weeks I felt like I was living in hell. Finally I got an answer from God, and now everything is back to normal. I have so much to be thankful for. But let me pass on some advise. Unless you are seeking God's help daily, and reading his Word, I doubt that you can withstand the terrible, not only nightmares, but wide awake visions of evil figures appearing before your eyes. I had just finished reading the book of Job before this happened, and believe me I understand Job's misery much better now. Be prepared for terrible times ahead. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

"I Am Still With You With A Sound Mind"

I am sorry to have been off my blogspot for eleven days. On April the 1st I got my second Covid 19 shot, five hours later I was in the emergency room with 200 plus blood pressure. I was kept in our hospital over night then sent to Amarillo by ambulance the next morning. I was admitted to BSA hospital for three days. During that time I was given every kind of test that could be thought of. The blood pressure stayed up most of that time. It was decided that I needed a stint for my heart and later on a procedure for two glands in my neck that were partly blocked. My daughter brought me home on the 4th of April. I had no pain, but was somewhat in a state of shock. My blood pressure had dropped some, but was still too high. I went through three weeks of semi-daze before my next appointment with the doctor. I had made plans to meet two of my sisters in Oklahoma City before any of this happened. My three week check up was the day I was to meet them. The doctor asked me how I was feeling. I said o k. Without any examination of any kind, he said I don't think you need anything else, and let me go within five minutes of his time with me. My son had come from Sherman to take me to the doctor that day, so I rode with him to Norman, Oklahoma where my sisters were waiting for me. I spent four days with them feeling well in body, but not so relaxed mentally. They brought me home on the fourth day of our visit and spent the night with me. I took my blood pressure when we got here, and it was 200 over 90. It was still up when they left the next morning, but I felt fine. I did not keep feeling fine, but I was trusting God to take care of the problem. I began to have horrible nightmares, like I had never had before. These were such till I felt sure something bad was happening to me. I called to talk to my doctor, whom I had never heard of before the procedure, and had to leave word for him to call me back. This was at 12 o'clock on Friday and I never got a call until the following Tuesday. Then it was from a person whom said she was helping out with the doctors and nurses calls. I had already decided I needed to go to Oklahoma City and get another doctor. I called my sister after waiting all evening for a return call, and told her I was coming down and get a doctor there. She was here early the next morning to get me. As soon as she got here I began to feel confident that all would be o k. That night when I went to bed in her apartment I slept the most peaceful I had ever slept. My mind was so relaxed till God could speak to me for the first time in a month. He explained all the pro's and con's of what I was going to try and do. I realized it was better to listen to God than do things the way I thought was best. He told me to go back home and trust the doctor I had been seeing. When I got up and had breakfast with my sister I told her everything. She said I can take you home anytime you're ready. We left the next morning. Then when the lady from the doctor's office returned my call the next day. I told her I was unhappy that I wasn't called sooner. Five days was too long when I felt like I needed to talk to a doctor right away. She said we're doing the best we can do. I had not had a night mare since returning home from Oklahoma City. My blood pressure was down, and I had been told to trust my doctor. The worse of the worst was over, and I am claiming victory. I am not discouraging anyone from taking the Covid shots, because I do not know if that had any effect on me or not, but it seems strange that five hours after I took the last one all hell broke out for me. Even Old Satan himself was coming after me day, and night. I am still fighting somewhat, but at least I have God's Word that I will eventually be o k. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 14, 2021

"If I Sound Confused Not Yet"

“If I Sound Confused Not Yet” How many times have you said, “I'm not going to do that, then the very next thing you do is that?” Why? Because God is your Life Manager. We may live in misery for a long time because we are holding onto that stubborn attitude, but when God is ready to change it, nothing can stop Him. I truly believe I have surrendered all of my personal desires to Jesus to direct my every day moves, yet I know the human part of me still says, I'm not going to do that.” It's much better to say, I can, and I will do that Lord, if You want me to. God always makes a way when He knows already our minds when we say, but You know God how that person, or persons treated me before. We may not get an answer from Him just now, but neither do we get the peace that's missing in our lives. Then there comes a time when we think we might need to change locations of our long-time residency for reasons that seem unpreventable, doctors, loneliness from family absence, or a number of other things. It just seems impossible, but then I remember the scripture that says “Jesus had no place to lay His head while here on earth,” yet He owned the world and all it's content. Day by day I am trusting Jesus to direct my path to peaceful living whatever that might be. I am happy, and peaceful most of the time, but if Jesus was tempted while here on earth, why wouldn't I be also? Yes, Jesus died for our sins, but what else goes with that? I don't think His Father allows for His Son to be trampled on by we, His children, live in disgraceful sin, and wickedness. I believe the Holy Word makes that clear. So day by day, little by little, I trug on with hope, and faith to fulfill God's expectations. Not everyone can understand that, but this one thing I am sure of, God has never left me, not once in all the 65 years I've been following Him. I am just as positive He will never fail me now. By faith I shall see Jesus, and dance with the Angels in Heaven. So don't mistake me if I sound discouraged, or asking for advise. I welcome all suggestions, and prayers. I certainly appreciate all physical help that I receive, and possibilities. I believe all these things work together for the good to them who love God, but until such time comes for otherwise, I believe God wants us to trust Him first. I am thankful to still have the wisdom to trust God. Love to all who support me, and pray for me. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

“Life Is Only Pre Eternity” I know I am one of just many who at this time are aware of worse times ahead. Only those who have their heads in the sand are claiming to be free from any worry about our future. These are times that God is testing us with great tribulation. I personally have had, and am still having trials like I've never had before. I make it through one then another one comes. America is the firing pot for all melting of iron works. I hope I am in that part that cannot be melted from the heat. Today was the day I should have been happy to the highest degree. I was delivered, and got installed an oven that I had been trying to get replaced for nearly a year. Due to the Covid plague the American economy was almost shut completely down. Then when the oven finally came in the service employ came down with a bad case of what appeared to be the Covid virus. Although he was tested twice, and told he tested negative, he had to be off work for a few weeks. Then when he started to install the oven it did not fit the opening. It was a wall oven, and there was no way seemingly that he could make it fit in the space even after cutting as much wood as was possible. After two hours he finally got it to fit, and I was simply thanking God with everything I had. However, the service installer had not much more than left till I began to feel so depressed. The total bill was over two hundred dollars less than I was quoted, so why was I depressed? Nothing sounded interesting to me. I asked God for a scripture to help me recover from this awful outlook on life, and here is what he gave me. Psalms 57, 1-3. Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me; for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up, Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. Is there any question that God is not with us? Absolutely not. For many, many years I hardly knew what depression was, but now I have entered that time of humanly nature where we must be tried in the fire to prove our faith in God. Jesus was tried just before He was nailed to the cross. The grave couldn't hold Him because of his faithfulness. I can face tomorrow just because Jesus lives. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 7, 2021

This comment was left on my blog titled "Welcome To The Search For Healing." This is a true story from a person I love dearly. I know the subject, and he holds part of my heart. I share the same hurt of this mother, and it has been very hard for almost 15 years. This has to be the one, and only description of a mothers "discovered peace." How much more can this grandmother take? Only God knows, but whatever reason terrible things happen I am willing to accept if it be God's will. Unknown commented on ""Welcome To The Search For Healing"" May 3, 2021 When i look amd work with my quadrapalegic son who is a ScI c1-c4 complete.And even being. Completely paralyzed he has AD (autonomic dysreflexia)which consists of extreme spasms, low and high blood pressure ,low or elevated heart rates,possible stroke.And this is the bodys way of responding to pressure or pain that he has no nerve connections to send back n forth the signals and although he cant feel the touch of someones handhe can feel internal pressures and pains. I FIND THIS INTERESTING.MY SON SAYS EVERY TALKS ABOUT THEIR PAIN, AT LEAST THOSE WHO HAVE PAIN CAN FEEL SOMETHING! And wow what a statement if he only knew how swvere his injury was painfully speaking hed realize hes blessed to not be able to feel the pain that would accompany his condition. And he has a point that sometimes to feel pain or anything would be better than not feeling anything at all.So thats physically speaking. My experience with emotional pain due to loss of a life i had for 10 years and suddenly seperated from was very traumatic for me it was sudden and a shock.Being so young it wasnt til later in life i realized that i cried and stayed in self destructkon for 4 years later bcuz the PAIN was the only thing i had left od the whols situation and i didnt wantbto let it go it was my keepsake so to speak..Then i let that go. And one more time i once asked GOD why do i lose everyone and everything ive ever loved? This was given to me , Love wasnt necessarily meant to possess forever or be kept.You see we expierence and learn of love from many things.Like animals, cars, music, food, people,money,sports and so on..Good and bad loss and joy..And so when weve gained knowledge and unselfishness thru these love expierience in life it comes a time when we must move on to the next lesson in love.And after i realized love wasnt something we look for or find it is something we have already and its to be given and shared and not kept..alot of my Pain subsided i wasnt a victim i was a blessed person . Those are some physical, mental and emotional expieriences ive had and one more view of mine just what ive learned recently. That pain and deapair ans geief anything other than Joy is true resistance to our natural flow of vibrancy.Its like a signal from our inner being saying go this way, go around the resistances that keeps us from receiving whats so freely available to its kinda like stubbing our toe or hitting the grab our attention.Thwse are my views amd past experiences.I never thought much more than that pain was the abscense of the true joy we were meant to live in...thanks for sharing what a good tooic and wanting to hear more from others who have differnt views.very Angela (Sharp) Farquer

"The Fight Is On"

Praise the Lord! I have returned from a recovery journey after having a stint placed for my heart. The same evening after I had the second Covid shot at 1 o'clock, I went to the ER. My blood pressure was very high, and I felt weak. From the ER I was taken by ambulance to Amarillo and admitted to the BSA hospital. It was a long Easter week-end so I had to wait till the following Monday to have the stint put in. I do not know if the shot had anything to do with my BP, but I have to think maybe it did. I went back to see my Doctor for a three week check up, and everything was fine. When I left the doctor's office I rode with my son to Norman, Oklahoma on his way back home. I met up with my two sisters whom I had already planned a week's vacation with before the procedure. I spent one week with them, and had a wonderful time. I felt fine. They brought me home, but the next day after they left my BP shot up again. I was short of breath, and was feeling depressed. My son called my Doctor's office, but they thought everything would be o k in time. I began to feel better at times, then worse at other times. I can say it has been a battle every since I got back from vacation one week ago today. I feel fine this morning, but wonder if I have completely recovered. One thing for sure, there has been a great change in my outlook on life. My faith is being tested severely. I pray it will end soon. I got the shot after my Doctor recommended it, and I felt sure in time it would be required before we could every have any peace again. Sadly, I still feel that way. It's plain to see the world has changed. I feel like all Christians will have a battle from now on trying to keep their faith. So far God has rescued me every time I called out to Him in desperation. But is rough until He rescues me, which has been several times lately. I don't know the future, but I know who holds the future. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp