Saturday, April 4, 2020

"Where Are The Jets In This Jet Age"

               Satan cannot destroy our sunshine. Never forget that. 4-4-2020 Perryton, TX
Amazing! A clear blue sky all around the globe, and not a jet stream can be seen any direction. From my yard I can nearly always see several jets going over, and especially on a clear day like now. The sun is the only thing moving in the sky today. This is what the corona virus has caused. Who ever thought that a nasty little bat could shut the whole world down. God chose a tiny dove to open up the way for Noah to come out of his ark. He has now chosen a tiny bat to close the world down. Even my computer is threatening to shut down. It is so slow till I almost don't even try to write a blog any more. As if I didn't make enough mistakes it makes more than I. I spend too much time correcting things. I expect before long even our internet service will go hay wire. The only good thing I have going for me is My Heavenly Father. He has a shield around me, and I will not fear. I don't feel grounded like a lot of people are feeling. I feel protected. The Great “I Am” is definitely showing His Power. I welcome every bit of it. It has been said many times, if God don't pour His wrath out on America soon, then He will need to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. God don't apologize, and He does all things justly. I wonder how many will be found in the few God spares.

I am seeing things happen today that my parents, and my church taught me out of the bible for as far back as I can remember until the time of their death. It may seem like a long time, but one day with God is as a thousand years. According to that I haven't lived a full day yet. That is the way we measure time theses days. We should all admit we are as filthy rags in God's sight, and stop acting like we are saints. That is what God calls us in the bible. Nothing but God's mercy can make us fit to be called “One of His.” I can never forget the day I found that out. I shall never forget to thank Him daily for that mercy.

As I wait patiently in my blessed home till God tells me I can come out, I will be content as the Apostle Paul told us to be. Whatever I can do to help others to believe on Him, I will certainly be doing my best as long as we have telephone service, or as long as I can get my blogs to go out on the internet. I may not receive a reward when I enter into my heaven of rest. I may barely make it in, but whatever I am given, I will be more than thankful. I know I did not deserve anything.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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