Monday, April 27, 2020

"This Heavenly Tree Is Dressing Up"

     I waited a long time for this. Heavenly Tree finally dressing up. 4-27-2020- Perryton, TX

My Heavenly tree is starting to dress up in it's beautiful yellow attire. I think it's celebrating the reopening of our Texas economy. We heard today Texas Governor Abbott has given a 50 percent release on several of the business that has been locked down for six weeks. It will begin this Friday, Then in one more week most all of the full release will happen on most of the businesses. How exciting to hear this good news. It has been a nightmare for a way too long. Much, much damage has been done to our country, and to many of it's good citizens. However, nothing that our President Trump, with God's help can't restore. If I'm correct this will be the fourth time he has made a come back from the evil left, and some foreign enemy countries. I'm sure there will be another try, and possibly several more, but we will endure. This war is not about flesh, and blood, but about Almighty God. I understand many experts are saying life will never be the same again. A complete change of education, and more to doing business from the internet. Lord have mercy on some of us older know-it-all's, who cannot learn a new way of life. I trust God will be merciful to us. We may not be able to check our bank accounts daily, or still have an individual person explain things to us, but if the time has come for computer management completely, I have some very smart children, thank God. They can't change my mind about right or wrong, but they can do all my on line business. My bible will always be my guide, and it's pretty self explained.

I bought groceries today, and even with the shelves being so empty-like, I got everything I needed except yeast. I did want to make bread, but that can wait. I don't know the rush for people to still be buying large quantities of things, but while the stocker's were working as fast as they could, the shelves were still emptying up. I've heard another bout of deadly virus will follow this one, and that crude oil will drop back to 0 again, but I am still not giving into fear. I feel safe as long as I trust God. If He wants me to survive He will provide. That's not saying I do not have to do my part to fight this evil enemy that has engulfed us, but I cannot do anything without God's help. I will try hard to follow His will. He knows my heart, and that is all that matter, I will say again I believe we are living in a time of God's wrath, and we must ride it out. Agree, or disagree, the bible is all truth, and it bears out a lot of what's going on today. I'm so happy that I am one of His own.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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