Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"Speak My Lord And I Will Answer Thee"

                                Positive thinking is good for the soul. 4-1-2020 Perryton, TX

It's April 1, 2020 and I am sitting outside waiting for my Lord to speak to me. You can't see my fur collar coat I have on, but it is cold enough till I had to wear it to stay warm. The sun is shinning, but the wind is blowing. From my expression you may think I am troubled, but really I am just anxious to see how long God is going to take to completely answer my prayer. I know that what we are going through today in the whole world is the beginning of what I, and most Christians, have been asking for. I did not ask for God to send a plague on us, and kill millions of people, but I did ask God to destroy all the terrible evil that had choked out all the good things God let our country depend upon for many years. I believed the time had come for all Christians to take a stand. And believe me I believe many, many Christians did take a stand. God is definitely in this world wide crisis, and I feel like this battle of good against evil will not end soon. I believe every human being will have to make a choice to let God take control of their lives, or be forever dammed. It's also my belief that is what's happening now.

I can personally say in recent years I have had leaders of certain churches treat me like I was a friend of Satan. The church I have been a member of for 35 years has not been one of those. I have been treated like all Christians should be treated. But here's another story. Sometimes God chooses us to carry His message to others outside our own church. Many times before God's messengers can do anything but be present in a church, certain leaders will tell you that you are not welcome because of the way you dress. I had this to happen to me a few years ago at a Wednesday night service by the pastor. I was wearing cloths that I wear to the grocery store, and the pastor said I made people nervous in cloths like that. It seemed like sweats, and jeans were the proper way to dress in that church, and tattoos were worn by several. I had trouble believing what I had just heard, and I wanted to walk out immediately, since church hadn't started yet, but I was so embarrassed I waited till church was over, then told the people “God bless You,” and said to them I will not come back. Yes, the same pastor, and the same few people still gather at that church, and needless to say it hasn't grown any.

Another church that I had been a member of for several years, and was almost a charter member, treated me worse than that when I felt like God had called me to go back. It was the same church organization that I had grown up in, but in another state. I had been a Sunday school teacher, a youth leader, and served in other capacities when I was in my twenties in this same church. Over the years this church had it's ups and downs. Members would come, and go. It was an unexpected calling when my husband and I both felt God had sent us back. From the first day we attended until one year later, we both had a struggle to stay there. But we both was determined to stay the course. God kept saying go farther out into the water. We did, but finally we got the message from God that it was time to leave. We left with our bodies, but our hearts stayed there. After we left many more began to leave. It took 18 years of that pastor's ruling to all but close the church doors.

I am using this summary to include in my request to God to destroy all the evil that has overwhelmed His great creation. I feel so positive that God is doing just that. In recent days I have had things happen to me that has got me rejoicing to the mountain tops. With all the terrible news that looks like America is headed for a downfall, and people dying by the thousands, fear has flooded our country, and nobody knows what to do, God's people who have remained faithful are being comforted through it all. No we do not know where this is leading, but we do know God will never leave, not forsake His own. And somehow I feel victorious.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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