Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"The Butterfly Said No Pic Of Me Today"

                          Cherry blossoms sharing with the butterflies. 4-22-2020 Perryton, TX

What a nice rain we had last night. ¾ of an inch. So happy to have gotten it since everything was drying up. I took a picture of these cherry blossoms because they have been on the tree for about three weeks. It's so unusual for them to stay on that long. Butterflies are feeding off their sweet nectar, but I couldn't get a picture of one. Hopefully this nice rain will make cherries replace the blossoms. The sun is shinning bright, and as soon as it dries the grass a little I will be calling the lawn guy.

My good deed for the day is in the making. I am making a big pot of beef and vegetable stew. I will be taking some to a friend who is not doing well at all. Depression has gotten the best of her. Unless one of her man friends, and I are able to do something miraculous for her she will not last much longer. We are praying, and trying to pull her through. She is a nice person, but has lost a lot of her mind which makes it hard to encourage her. If only she could get the right kind of medicine we think she would be O K. With times like this corona virus so devastatingly using all the medical specialist just to keep it under control, It's almost impossible to get a depressed person some help. The one and only daughter she has here is worn out trying to care for her. She also is staring to get very depressed. We have to ask ourselves where is this country headed? It looks mighty bleak to many. I will always trust God, but when He says enough is enough, it is enough.

I myself am having some difficulty staying positive. I cannot say how long we can wait before we all go crazy. It's very evident that God is punishing those who have trampled His Son underfoot calling Him a con-artist as well as many other demotic names. It's hard to understand why everyone has to suffer, but we all do have some guilt about our past. We know that the Almighty Judge is a just judge, and we have that to strengthen us every day. I have heard this sick friend say for years she wanted to die. She even said she thought God was punishing her by letting her live such miserable life. As of yesterday she became mentally deranged to the point she thought she was dying, and was crying I an scared, I am scared to death, I am dying. Even today she is saying I was so scared yesterday that I was dying, and I am still scared. I know my grand daughter won't come to my funeral, and I'm afraid my son, and daughter will not make up before I die. How do you talk to someone like that? We have been trying to talk to her a long time, but it just keeps getting worse. She will not let anything enter her mind, but dying without her family forgiving one another, as well as herself. Be faithful my friends, and never doubt the just God we serve.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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