Sunday, April 12, 2020

"This Is Not A Miff"

What time of the day did our Lord Jesus give up the ghost and die? 4-12-2020 Perryton, TX

This picture of the rising sun was taken three days ago April 9. The day my youngest son, Kent, came to be with me for three days. If my calculation is correct that was the day our Savior, Jesus Christ, was crucified. Today April 12, is the day He was risen from the grave. It has been a very windy, cold day, and no sunshine at all. All the churches are closed because of the corona virus, and I am feeling pretty low, especially after Kent left to go home. The past three days have been a real blessing to me. I hardly thought about our country being shut down. Kent was busy repairing my fence, and several other things. I was right beside him most of the time he was here. He was very positive about this terrible thing that shut our country down saying it would be gone by the end of the month. As long as he was here I was positive also, but now since he is gone, I am seeing, and hearing all kind of negative things on the news. I have always been a strong person, and I believe that is why my children are so strong, and fearless. But when one reads their bible daily and prays, how can you keep from wondering if this thing has been sent by God to punish a very sinful nation. For those who only believe in the New Testament I can understand their unconcern, but I truly believe in both the Old, and the New Testament. And I do fear for what some of God's people have done to destroy everything good God has created. The bible tells us that the good will have to suffer with the bad, but I believe that means we cannot continue to be the blessed nation we have enjoyed for years because of the punishment God has put on the ungodly. Every human makes up the plan of God. Certainly God knows the hearts of all. If I have to give up my fun time in life I know I can manage that. When God is ready for me to cease my foolishness, and spend more time declaring His Word, I will be listening for the call.

I can now add before this day ended I can now see the sun. What a thrill I get from that. I believe I can bounce back into my old routine, and wait for what I think is “the best is yet to come.” I truly believe that some of the most sinful people will eventually be
defeated before God lets up. It may take a long time, and a lot more sacrifice for the Christian people, but God will provide. I'm afraid a lot of people are going to be like the king of Egypt who every time a plague came upon them he would tell Mosses to take his people and go, but when the plague let up the king always changed his mind. It took several bad plagues with each one being worse than before, before the king finally let them go. Then he still decided to go after them and bring them back, but this time God did not let that happen. They were all drowned in the Red Sea. My plea is people please
don't change your mind after God has mercy on you. He may not have it a second time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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