Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"A Shelter In The Time Of Storm"

        God's anger is real. Take heed offer thanks for His mercy. 4-21-2020 Perryton, TX
The wind is getting up, and the temperature is dropping. We are under a severe thunder storm watch. The sky is looking wicked with many black clouds. I am at home to stay for sure. I spent the day at Chucks, but I got home before the black clouds started forming. This is my little place of heaven, and I thank God every day for it. I feel no fear from the storm clouds, or the corona virus clouds. The Lord is my shield and my buckler. He is my pain reliever, and my peacemaker. Of course I have to trust Him, and be sensible to receive these blessings. I would not argue that we are not living in perilous times. Death seems to be increasing every day, and reason tells us because of such hardship we have been placed in, and the panic that has flooded lives, there will continue to be increased deaths for possibly forever, I trust I am ready to accept whatever comes my way without panicking. I am so fortunate to have had a father who taught his children from the cradle up to respect, and trust God. Although he has been gone from this life for 48 years never a day passes that I don't remember some of his teachings. It's like a booster shot every day. His neatly cut black hair, and clean shaven face stands out in my mind clearly. The Lord blessed him with a beautiful woman, my mother, and together they had seven children. All of his children were married before he died with a heart failure. I was by his side when he quickly took his last breath.

Tomorrow is Wednesday a day when I used to go to the Center for lunch. Since this virus has plagued us it has now been five weeks since I have had lunch in the Center. The cooks are still making meals, but you have to call in an order, and drive by to pick it up. I haven't done that but once. I like the joy of sharing a meal with others, and look at their faces while we eat, and joke. I pray God will let us open back up, but I am just a bit pessimistic That don't mean I have given up all hope on enjoying my life again. I am too optimistic for that. If I have to I can ride my stick horse around the yard. Yea, become a child again. We can all give up a lot of our pleasures if God sees fit to take them. I have had to give up many of my loved ones, and God gave me grace to endure. He can do the same with my lifestyle if it need be. It is just a wait and see, but I feel sure the Christian believers will always be blessed. The other worshipers of money only, will probably be left without anything but sadness. Sadly they did not believe God's Word. “Lay your treasures up in heaven where neither moth or rust doeth not corrupt.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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