Saturday, April 18, 2020

"Take It Easy While You Can"

                        All alone, but not alone. I still feel blessed. 4-18-2020 Perryton. TX
I did get out of the house today even if it was just to the patio. I relaxed in my lounging cloths, and dreamed I was on a cruse. It really has been a long, boring day, but it's almost gone now, only to have another tomorrow. The week-ends are harder for me than the week days. Especially when the wind blows so hard you can't work in the yard. I did wash three loads of cloths, but it wasn't any fun. If I could I would open this entire American economy, and make fun of the evil leftist. I do not believe this horrible crisis was anything but the ruler of evil placing fear on the entire world. Of course a deadly virus was manufactured by our enemies, and they were not smart enough to keep it where they wanted it, but our God knew where to keep it. Fear took away the faith of many in a time when God was testing us the most. I have not worn a mask even once, or was forced to stay 6 feet away from anyone, but I do live in a community where not one confirmed case of the virus has been found. We have honest people here who do not report common flu or other sickness as the corona virus. I know I am not 100 percent positive when I say I know not one person here who is not for our President Trump. The only way he would not get re-elected is if somehow the democrats get their evil way of controlling the voting system. Since they made this virus thing successful I would not doubt they also make the cheating voting system successful. Why is God allowing this to happen? Because the sinful, evil minds of so many have made His creation into a mockery. It took five terrible plagues for God to finally free His people from the Egyptian slavery. But not any of His chosen people suffered with the plagues. I have to wonder if our time has come for such a cleansing. 

Don't be surprised at anything that may happen after the coronia virus has been conquered. We just must not forget who God is, and how powerful He has been since the beginning of time. I hope that most of us don't complain as much as the Israelits did. Let us brace ourselves for the worst. After all the Israelits committed some bad acts before they became slaves in Egypt. But because they were God's chosen people He did make a way for then to escape.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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