Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"What's Holding Up Breakfast"

                                    Even the birds must be patient. 4-29-2020 Perryton, TX

This early bird is waiting for his breakfast. He is the first in line because when the feeder is filled a lot of birds immediately swarm the serving stalls. They don't pay any attention to the corona virus rules. I can watch them eating from my recliner. It is quite entertaining. Due to the limit on how much food we can buy at the store at this time, even the birds have to be rationed. Is this a temporary change we are going through now, or is more burdens coming to us later on? I believe everyone is wondering about this question. My personal hope, and faith lies within a just God who still controls His creation. He does all things well, and is 100 percent just. If our country is being judged at this time, I am all for it. I still believe in justice for all. After the earthly trial is over, the sentence will be decided by The Greatest Judge in Heaven. Again I think it's time for that declaration to take place. I see so many people now who are very scared, because they are not ready to be judged. I can add that all of us hesitate to stand before the Great, and Notable Judge, but it is evident to happen. Those who have their faith anchored in God will be the least to worry. I declare my faith daily, without delay, to my Heavenly Father. I am truly convinced that He is just, and without favor. For that reason I can still have peace, and enjoy my life as to it's possibilities.

I had planned to write a different story today. I was ready to pen it yesterday, which unfortunately didn't happen, but my plan now is to write it tomorrow. I feel sure God wanted me to wait a couple of days, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because I was too emotionally unstable to write a miraculous testimony such as it. I was over come with joy. Somehow God gives his children extra blessings when they need an uplifting spiritually. Some would laugh at what I call an extra blessing, but I know when it is super spiritual, and when it is coincidental. When people pray with a sincere heart, as many were doing about this need, God answers prayer. While this special need was met, there is also another need pending. Details will hopefully be given tomorrow on my blog. Even by then maybe more than I know now can be added. The world is still revolving, and the sun is still shinning. My body may get tired, and my mind over whelmed with thoughts, but rest does come to the weary. Often we can see today what we couldn't see yesterday, even though it was there all the time. Here's hoping everyone has a good day today, and even a better one tomorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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