Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"A Weapon Print Is Visible"

                    Where the ax has been. Now I must fight rust. 4-14-2020 Perryton, TX

A light snow fell over Perryton, Texas last night. You can see the print of an ax on the table where I had removed it before I took the picture. If the last freeze hadn't already hindered the fruit from making I'm sure the freeze last night did. April the 14th is late for a killing freeze in our part of the country. However, the moister was good for the weed and feed my son spread on the yard while he was here a few days ago. It didn't take long for the sun to melt all the snow even though the temperature stayed in the forties. Kent also installed a new rain gauge for me, which I was needing badly. The several things he did for me while he was here has made me feel blessed more than usual. I'm trying not to complain a lot although I am having a hard time accepting the virus plague that has been put upon us. If my father was still alive he would be saying it's good for us. It will teach us not to underestimate the power of God. He would take it with a grain of salt. However, there were no televisions back then, and we never got a newspaper or even had a radio to constantly be hearing all the bad stuff we hear today. Even if it had of been afforded to us, my dad would still have had the same attitude. I don't think I inherited many of his genes.

Staying home a lot doesn't bother me as much as when I do go to the grocery store or other essential places I don't even recognize my best friends. Their faces are covered with a big mask, and I can't get closer than six feet to them. I feel so restrained. No doubt many will not be able to come through this frightening time with a sound mind. I believe a permanent brain damage will result for many. I'm in wonder myself if I need to change the life style I've lived for seventy some years, and have felt blessed every day of it. I think I will be an over comer, but it will take some mighty strong faith. After all we are not saved by works, but by faith. Faith cometh by hearing, and not by sight. I will be looking out for myself because what good are we to God if we lose our own faith, then our body to death? Otherwise it would be like jumping into a river to save someone without a boat or a life jacket. There comes a time when prayer is our best rescue effort. Of course God expects us to use our faith to help build other's faith, but sometimes it just don't resonate. We have to be willing to let go, and plead their case before God. Our tears will keep flowing for them, but we can keep our victory.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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