Monday, April 20, 2020

"10,000 Plus Calaories In One Potato"

This potato head is winking at you. It is 20" from top of head to chin around, and 11 and 1/2 " around it's face. 4-20-2020 Perryton, TX

Let me introduce you to Mr. Potato Head. I found him on top of a #20 bag of potatoes I recently bought. I have been known to do some very stupid things, and I can't deny this one. First of all Mr. Potato Head weighs exactly 2 pounds. He is 20 inches around length wise, and 11 1/2 inches around the middle. He comes from a giant family of potatoes. This is how I came to know him. I went to the store for groceries, and needed potatoes. Since my son, and I don't eat many potatoes I always buy a #5 bag. But this time the different size bags of potatoes were lined up side by side. The #5 bag was marked $5.00. There were no #10 bags, but some #20 bags were also marked $5.00. A fellow customer, and I thought there had to be a mistake so we asked a sales person and he replied they are both the same price. Needless to say we both put a #20 bag in our grocery cart. When I opened the bag for some potatoes I discovered these giant-sized potatoes. Now I know why they were marked $5.00. They are too heavy to hold in your hand while you peel them. Impossible to bake, and even one potato is too much for two people a meal. A bargain is not always a bargain after all. However, I hope this one I have posted is the biggest. I think I have a few more than 10 potatoes in that bag. I do have a hatchet in my shed if I need it.

At 1 o'clock I feel like I have used up about all of my energy for the day. Yet I have some more planned jobs to do. Things that require the help of others, so I have to stay positive. Sometimes it's not just when we feel like it. A push has to take place. God has never failed me yet. We can find pleasure in some things that used to seem like hard work. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a good bible verse to practice. “Love and pray for those who despitefully use you,” is another. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” We need to tank up on this kind of fuel every day. We can rest after we have accomplished. Bodily pain is real, but mental pain is much worse. Fight with all your might to stay positive. Pick someone up who has fallen, and drag them if needed to get them to a safer place in Christ. It is required of us. The more we stick together the stronger we become in Christ. We must not let fear overtake us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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