Wednesday, May 1, 2019

"It's Just Plum Good To See These"

            Plums gloria. Six trees loaded with plums. All varieties.  5-1-2019 Perryton, TX
Yea! We made it without a late freeze. This post is what six trees of plums look like in my yard. All of them different varieties. They grow big, and are very sweet. I expect to have plums for anyone who wants them. There are also two cherry trees that are loaded with delicious cherries, plus two apple trees. It has been a good spring so far. We have had plenty of rain also. I feel so blessed. When all my flowers start blooming I am going to be so happy.

Yesterday I met up with two old friends that I hadn't seen for a long time, We had a snack at one of the little eating places here, and I was so excited to be with them again. We agreed to do this again almost every day. I could not be more pleased with this new beginning. Several years ago I visited with these two on a regular basis. Both of them are ex-hair dressers, and they both have done my hair. We were all three married then, and all three are widows now. God knew what we needed, and put us all three together again. When I am finished with this blog I'm headed for the get-together. It's something to look forward to every day. These two sweeties are not in no way interested in politics. That is why I'm excited about spending time with them. I need a break from so much worry about our country. I will continue to keep involved when alone at home, but I will not take politics with me when I go out to be with these ladies.

I am guilty of staying home from lunch today at the Center. The Attorney General, Robert Barr, was being drilled before Congress about his findings from the Mueller report. I just could not miss one word of that, however I will not be mentioning it with my two political apathy friends. I will listening to their daily experiences with life without a happy home. I can be thankful that I am not in that position. I may get bored sometimes, but I never get angry to the point of taking revenge on someone. That is not my way of getting rid of boredom. I believe in self respect, but not destroying an ignorant person. God will take care of that for me. I do have a temper, but I know how, and when to use it. Every time I use it, I have to ask God for forgiveness. I believe God would rather hear less of me asking for forgiveness. Although He knows I ask Him every night for forgiveness of things I'm not even aware of doing wrong. In my opinion this is the only way to know your sins are forgiven every day. I turn my back on accusers, and ask God to forgive them. I just have to answer for my life, and no one elses.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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