Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Message By Way Of The Sun"

Jean's Comment's: "A Message By Way Of The Sun": Not the way I usually see the sun when it pops up in the morning. My day was going to be different. 1-31-2017 Perryton, Texas. I went to...

"A Message By Way Of The Sun"

Not the way I usually see the sun when it pops up in the morning. My day was going to be different. 1-31-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I went to bed last night a little confused as to what I should do these next few days. Amazingly I slept better than I had in a long time. Then when I pulled back the curtains after getting up this morning I was taken aback by the rising sun. It certainly was different than I had seen before as far as I could remember. I almost wondered if it was the sun or something else. This sunrise probably looks no different to you than any other, but something about it was telling me to prepare for a surprise today. I surprise came a couple of hours later. I will not specify what happened, but let me say it was almost like the evil force of Satan had knocked me out. It was a message I didn’t want to hear, but I knew it was ordained of God. I accepted the blow when after a short time I had a wonderful peace sweep over me. This entire day has been bringing me joy and satisfaction although I did not want to believe what God was telling me. There is only one thing worse than death and that is a loved one who has died but is still alive. Its like death now, and death again later. Grief does come, but the peace that follows does always make life bearable. I believe we are made wiser each day by accepting our disappointments with a smile. Sometimes we need to change our attitude, but hadn’t realized it. For that reason we do not know how to change it. Apologies don’t help unless the attitude changes. That means we often have to change our company which is giving up the things we loved the most. There is no need waiting for something about people to change. The bad attitude has grown to full maturity and cannot be replaced. We bury our hopes and turn our lives in another direction.

In the book of Deuteronomy God tells His people He will not forgive them again. In so many words the very people who have paid the biggest price will be denied the greatest blessing because they failed to ignore the complaining of unthankful people. The younger of the Israelite's who had sacrificed the least would get to go into the Promised land and live a blessed life every after. Does it seem unfair? The fact is the anointed ones had more to be responsible for than the complaining normal’s. Let us not judge someone by the way we think they should be, but pray that we ourselves will not be judged by God and cast into the unforgiving group. We can bury the love of our lives and still know that they are yet living. This is not judging. It is parting company before we do start judging them. The bible tells us God hates jealously. I feel like this is the most unforgiving sin that people are tied to. Only God can relieve a soul from that sin.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Ugly Piles Of Trash"

Jean's Comment's: "Ugly Piles Of Trash": Broken limbs at my son, Chuck, house. The white house with red trim is his. 1-26-2017 Perryton TX                                    An ...

"Ugly Piles Of Trash"

Broken limbs at my son, Chuck, house. The white house with red trim is his. 1-26-2017 Perryton TX
                                   An all day job to clean them up. 1-26-2017 Perryton, TX
Waiting for the crew to clean up Chuck's limbs broken off by ice storm. 1-26-2017 Perryton, TX

The ice storm from two weeks ago has many homes still waiting to be cleaned up from broken limbs. I was fortunate to get mine cleaned up in a week. Almost everyone who had a tree in their yard had, or still has, broken limbs piled up. It looks like a bomb hit every tree, but left the houses standing. Most of the trees that have broken limbs are going to have to be sawed off and shaped up. Some limbs are still hanging by a thread. In all the sixty years I have lived in Perryton I have never seen anything like this. Trees that used to look beautiful are now looking shabby and completely without shape. May we all get over it and hope for a better winter next year. I did eat my black-eyed peas on New Year’s day.

Today has been one of the most trying days that I have had in a long time. I won’t go into detail, but it was like I was loaded for bear. Everything that upset me, and there  were several, I let go with both barrels. I was shooting at the evil all around our nation, not to mention other nations, but was limiting it to my own small world. At the end of the day I did get an apology or two, and gave one back. Tonight I feel like I have been visited by several angels who came to my rescue. Sometimes we have to take a stand and defend ourselves or else we will be run over and left for dead. Today I did defend myself several times. I am very much alive tonight.

At this time I don’t intend to put my double barrel on the shelf any time soon. I am tired of being the nice person who is too stupid to defend themselves. I had always believed you could kill a person with love. I don’t accept that idea any more. I believe we must start to hold people accountable for their actions when they cause harm and attack our integrity. Of course it’s always nice to feel sweet and act even sweeter, but when the thing is getting completely out of bound it’s time to take a stand. So sorry that I waited far too long to learn this lesson. Now I am regretting my failure to take that stand and help a nation to survive. Nation meaning smaller areas of where life is shared by Christians who have been piled upon by evil forces. We so often ran instead of firing back. I can say I have been a winner in latter days after I heard the call to fight back.

I am so impressed with the way our new President, Donald Trump, is firing back and not running from anyone. He is leading a huge army to victory that has been trying to win with love and compassion. It is now time to fight or grab our rubber nipple and go to sleep. Are we ever going to grow up? Only if we take the stand against surrendering to everyone’s orders to “do it their way.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Why Does Ice Storms Happen"

Jean's Comment's: "Why Does Ice Storms Happen":                         Neighbors still have limbs on their yard. 1-24-2017 Perryton, Texas.            Another neighbor's limbs. Li...

"Why Does Ice Storms Happen"

                        Neighbors still have limbs on their yard. 1-24-2017 Perryton, Texas.
           Another neighbor's limbs. Limbs are still everywhere. 1-24-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I have all the limbs off my yard, but several neighbors still have theirs piled up. There are a lot of stripped trees around this city. Even though my limbs are gone I still will have a lot of raking up smaller pieces when the weather gets warmer. If anyone is reading my blog for the first time we here in Perryton had a terrible ice storm about ten days ago, and many big limbs broke lose from the trees and caused streets to be blocked as well as many yards were piled high with limbs. Much work has yet to be done before the city will look decent again. In some places the entire tree broke near the base of the ground. We are thankful that it wasn’t worse. I’m anxious for spring to arrive even though it will mean a lot of yard work for me.

I’m staying busy with my painting, but watch the news a lot also. I have never in my life been so involved with the welfare of our country. I don’t want to leave the television for very long at a time. I am completely at ease with having a new president, but that’s not to say we are not still in a civil war in the US. It’s very plain that our country is divided with little hope of it getting better. The good side of America may not be the best, but the bad side is the worst of the worst. I don’t think women can stoop any lower than what they have while marching in these anti-Trump parades. I think most men would be ashamed to march with them even if it were a mixed gender parade. It is no wonder that this country is in shambles. Sin and shame have taken center stage since the liberal, brainwashed, freaks have gained control. I believe we the people have a chance now to redeem part of our integrity, but I fear many lives will end before it happens.

I used to fear to speak out publicly because there was so many evil people just waiting to cut your throat, but I got to the place where I felt that I had to or else be held accountable by God. I have been almost daily for two years on the internet denouncing sin that I felt could not possibly be mistaken for minor. I am not a judge, but I am charged by God to be a witness to His word. Therefore I used the bible to condemn sin that I saw so aggressively being practiced. I would not say I am out of the woods, but so far I have not been personally attacked. I took a stand for good, and went all the way with it. I believe I have been protected so far, and if God wills I will keep on denying evil and trust Him more. No one is a good soldier if they are too scared to face the enemy. Millions have died, but they died an honorable death. Think about it. Are you closing your eyes to awfully bad stuff so you can say I didn’t see it? God forbid. There is no place to hide when your name is called into question.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Change In Procedure"

Jean's Comment's: "A Change In Procedure": National Inaugural Prayer Service for President Donald J. Trump. 1-21-2017 Perryton, Texas. President Trump signing orders a few hours a...

"A Change In Procedure"

National Inaugural Prayer Service for President Donald J. Trump. 1-21-2017 Perryton, Texas.
President Trump signing orders a few hours after being sworn in as President. Losing no time on his promises. 1-21-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I just finished watching the National Inaugural Prayer Service for President Trump. It was impressing, but lacking in one important thing. There was no sermon delivered this year. Several scripture readings and a few prepared prayers, but no sermon was delivered. I searched the web to see if I could find out why. I found that President Donald Trump did not want a sermon preached at his Inaugural Prayer Service. I think he was wise for deciding against a sermon at this time and condition of our nation. President Trump did invite his critics to participate in the services. A good decision also, I believe. Of all the words of prayer comments I heard, not one word was said against our Lord and Savior. Shocked, yes but could this part have been edited before the ceremony began? I do believe several prayer speakers who spoke at this service do not believe in Jesus, although they did not let it be know in their short prayer. I can’t say that I know the mind and intentions of President Trump, but I can say I trust that he does know what he’s doing, and I think it is a good thing.

In comparing President Trump’s Inaugural National Prayer Service to president Obama’s there is a world of difference. This is my opinion only. I believe President Obama knew the path he was heading down before he ever took the oath of office. A Muslin path to eventually rule the world. I think it was his thought. To have two well known Christian Ministers to preach a sermon at his Inauguration Prayer Service would cast doubt upon his true plan. Rev. Sharron Watkins from The Disciples of Christ and Rev. Rick Warren from The Saddleback Church both preached sermons at President Obama’s Prayer service. I heard and read part of both sermons. Although I am a Christian believer I have never fully agreed to either of the two chosen Ministers whom President Obama picked to deliver the sermons. I believe they are both true in their belief, but not exactly right, as is the case of most of us. Whatever the case might have been President Trump wanted to leave off all sermons.

I believe as time goes by we are going to see more surprises than ever before in our lives. I think we have the Hand of God at work for America, and anything good can happen anytime. Some won’t think it’s good because they are following a false doctrine, but for those who have them anchor fastened to Christ, they will not be disappointed. America is in war, no doubt. The past eight years has been devastating, but we have been heard by our Heavenly Father who has sent us help. As an individual we do not know our future, but neither does President Trump. But if we put God first we will not be sorry in the end. Only the Father knows when its our time to come home.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Me Now And Me Then"

Jean's Comment's: "Me Now And Me Then":             Self portrait of Myrtle Jean Sharp. Just finished. age 84.  !-19-2017 Perryton, Texas.                First self portrait of...

"Me Now And Me Then"

            Self portrait of Myrtle Jean Sharp. Just finished. age 84.  !-19-2017 Perryton, Texas.
               First self portrait of Myrtle Jean Sharp age 50.  1-19-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I have just posted the two self portraits of myself. The first I painted when I was fifty. The second I just finished it yesterday age 84. I find it a little harder to steady my hand anymore when working with oils. But I still enjoy painting as much as ever. Its always a challenge to start a new portrait as I cannot always get the brush to say what I want it to say. Stubborn is the word. Sometimes everything just goes on the canvas so smoothly till I almost think I’ve finally learned the trick. But the next time nothing seems to agree with me, and I spend hours, even weeks, trying to satisfy my eyes. That one last touch of satisfaction is slow in coming making it hard not to give up. I have learned not to linger on the same painting for long.

The weather here has cleared off nicely, and I am waiting for the crew to clean up our broken limbs. Some people were without power here for a week. They had no heat and it was very cold. I was fortunate to just be without power for twelve hours. I offered my home for a friend to come and stay with me, but she wanted to stay home. I think she stayed in bed most of the time. I thought about all the plagues God put upon His people when they grumbled and complained about hardships they were having to deal with after leaving Egypt. This is probably because I have been  reading the Old Testament when the children of Israel were being led out of Egypt. They faced many desperate times when they didn’t even care if they died. God put some terrible plagues on them including deadly snakes that bit and killed many. I get real depressed when I read the Old Testament, but its still part of God’s word that He included with the New Testament. We cannot count it as a horror story. It is as real today as it was when God delivered his children out of Egypt. Of course we as of today have Jesus blood to help us, but we do not have the right to treat Him disrespectfully. I have to believe God still sends hardships to warn His Children about getting too possessed with easy, careless living. I also believe punishment is still in style just like in days of old. The ice storm was an act of God, no doubt. Some will say that’s nature. Of course that’s nature, but who controls nature? I can say this, God will always judge His children according to their deeds. He will not, not forgive anyone who asks for mercy and seeks to live a better life. I suggest when we have bad things happen to us, let us examine our own lives to see if we have missed something. A daily repentance is a good habit to form, and reading the bible daily is the icing on the cake.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 16, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Time Of Tree Trimming"

Jean's Comment's: "A Time Of Tree Trimming":                       More iced limbs in my yard this morning. 1-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.               The second day that ice has brok...

"A Time Of Tree Trimming"

                      More iced limbs in my yard this morning. 1-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
              The second day that ice has broken big limbs of trees in my yard. 1-16-2017 Perryton TX.

A terrible ice storm has crippled our community. The city is working around the clock to clear off the streets, but the limbs keep breaking off. The power is off in many homes and business here in Perryton. Chuck came to spend the night with me after struggling with moving big limbs off his driveway. He was told it would be at least late Monday night before the power can be restored, and maybe not then. I am one of the lucky ones to still have power and television. We have enough food supply to last a few more days. We are blessed, and appreciate it greatly. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I think the weather announcer got it wrong last night. They said it would get up to 50 degree today, but so far it is still freezing and more limbs are falling. The entire sky area is solid white. I’m looking forward to that beautiful sun and moon shine again.

I do have my painting passion in full swing. Nothing can be more fun than painting noses on faces, especially my own. My nose is bigger than I like, and I keep trying to size it down. But guess what, it don’t look like me when I try to adjust my nose. Stubborn people usually waste more time than the submissive kind. As a result satisfaction never comes until the willingness to be honest happens. When we get a chance to draw our own faces we like to change them a wee bit. But do we want the truth or a false impression? I do agree that editing, or enhancing can be done without changing the real image. I’m guilty of that. A face book friend of mine, whom I’ve never met, recently posted a picture of her hair. She is somewhat a news reporter, and has a lot of contacts. Her hair was so breath-taking beautiful I commented to her asking if it was real. “If not,” I said, “ it is very beautiful.” It had different shades of blond with highlights of white, beige, tan and a few other shades. It appeared to be thick and long. This friend answered me back saying, “ its real. No editing at all, just a few strands missing.” That meant to me that she had not put any color on her hair at all, but she could have put some “liven-it-up” a bit making the shine appear as different shades. That is what I try to do with my portraits. “liven them up a bit.” Sometimes I have to pray before I paint my true feelings because I feel too relaxed in being honest. Do we want the best, or the worst of the best? When doing a painting of someone I ask my self this question, what does this person want me to say about them? I have to make that decision myself, trying to be honest, but with appreciation of who they are. More portraits will be posted soon.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Broken Limbs Not Hearts"

Jean's Comment's: "Broken Limbs Not Hearts":         Last night's ice storm broke several big limbs off my trees. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.                         The pine tre...

"Broken Limbs Not Hearts"

        Last night's ice storm broke several big limbs off my trees. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.
                        The pine tree is drooping with tons of ice. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.
                                  I'm glad I don't live in Alaska. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I never expected to see what I saw this morning when I woke up. Chuck called before I had gotten out of bed to tell me his yard and the street had high piles of iced limbs on it. The City was quick to clear the limbs off the street, but they piled them on top of what was already in Chuck’s yard. Nothing less than a chain saw and a long day’s work will clear up the mess. When I looked out in my yard I saw the same thing had happened here. I don’t have as many large trees as Chuck has, so my problem is minor compared to his. The only good thing about it is an inexpensive way to get your trees trimmed. I think we can haul the limbs off ourselves. Nature is always a good thing. Man’s muscle’s are another good thing. What a creation we live in and, enjoy every minute of it. Hot or cold our inner minds has a way of accepting it, and being thankful for a less severe hardship. “Laugh and the world laughs with you.” One of my favorite quotes . “If you don’t use your muscles you lose them,” is another good quote. I truly believe both of these quotes are 100 percent correct. We certainly can’t apply these two rules by spending most of out time in bed or relaxing in our recliners. Even retired persons have to follow these rules.

Speaking of getting up, and out, and about, I did them all last night. The weather was not especially good all day yesterday, but it was not freezing. I had not been called and informed that the little widow’s and widower’s club I belong to had been cancelled so I drove to the meeting place. The Pizza Hut was the chosen place for last night. The waitress told me they had not been called either so she assumed the meeting was still planned. I sat by myself for forty-five minutes before I finally ordered a pizza to take home. The place was packed and I couldn’t believe no one showed up but me for the pizza treat and fun time of sharing crazy old folks thoughts, and ideas. I love the true personalities of those old people who forgot to be someone else. I am one of the few who is having a hard time forgetting that. I learned as a child to have manners and memorize. I have always tried to practice that teaching, but sometimes we go beyond the limits of what is necessary. I do pray that I will never lose what I received from the Great Teacher while studying the Holy Bible. I didn’t learn everything, but I know the basics of God’s word. False pride is not an accepted part of the equation. Neither is stupidity to the point of embarrassing one’s self or others. God help us to know the difference and apply it to our hearts. Get in the mood to move on to higher ground of respect and tranquility.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "The Friendly Exotic Animals"

Jean's Comment's: "The Friendly Exotic Animals":                      Three alpacas graze in pasture near my home. 1-11-2017 Perryton, Texas. This is another breed of Llamas, but I fail...

"The Friendly Exotic Animals"

                     Three alpacas graze in pasture near my home. 1-11-2017 Perryton, Texas.
This is another breed of Llamas, but I failed to get its name. He is in the alpacas herd. 1-11-20017
Perryton, Texas.

As promised I am reporting on the animal find I ran across yesterday. I went back to the location and rang five doorbells before I found someone to give me information. It happened to be a guy who was raised up with my son, Chuck. He knew a lot about the animals, but I can’t write it all down. He told me something about the strange-looking one that I didn’t find out its identity. He told me it was a cross between a Llama and a donkey. I also need to make a correction from yesterday’s blog. I wrote that the distance from my house to the animal’s pasture was four blocks. Its more like ½ of a mile, but still within the city limits.

My surprise today was meeting a childhood friend of my son’s. While growing up he and his two brothers spent a lot of time with my two sons, Chuck, and Rick. They lived across the street from us. I was glad to visit with he and his wife for a few minutes. A super nice couple living in a nice comfortable home. I was ringing doorbells a little before 5’oclock so I guess both parties of the house were still at work. The location is one of the better homes in Perryton. It smells of oil field success. So proud of some of Perryton’s pride. With our new President elect we expect the oil business to boom again soon.

I spent several hours painting today. I will be posting another portrait of myself in a few days. This one is the exact identity of my 84 year old face. The only other portrait of me was painted when I was a fifty year old. Thirty four years difference in the two. My next project will be a large portrait of Donald Trump. I am anxious to get started on it. It will be my biggest portrait of all the others. I want this one to be the real, distinguished President, Donald Trump. I will put my everything into it.

I will be traveling to Amarillo tomorrow to take Chuck for a procedure that requires someone to drive him home. It will take most of the day, and I am anxious to get it over with. We will be driving through deer country for several miles in the dark. I so often see dead deer along that road when I am traveling it. I am told the car lights blind the deer and they jump out in front of the cars. I will be driving very slowly. Hopefully we will be back home before night. If not we will stay in a motel. I have every reason to be thankful for the good health both Chuck and I have been privileged to enjoy. God does take care of we both. The weather is supposed to be good tomorrow, but the report is bad weather Friday. Again we are blessed with good weather.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Animals Trot To Barn When The Sun Sets"

Jean's Comment's: "Animals Trot To Barn When The Sun Sets": Four blocks from my house is an open field where the sunset can be viewed perfectly. I took this pic today at 5:30 p.m. 1-10-2017 Perryton...

"Animals Trot To Barn When The Sun Sets"

Four blocks from my house is an open field where the sunset can be viewed perfectly. I took this pic today at 5:30 p.m. 1-10-2017 Perryton, Texas
This is the barn where Llamas go to sleep at night. They are living in Llama heaven. 1-10-2017 Perryton, Texas
This little guy lives here with the Llamas. I don't know what he is, but he wanted to be friends with me. 1-10-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I saw this beautiful sunset this evening and wanted to take pictures of it. I was standing by a fenced in pasture where Llamas and other animals were pasturing. The sun was still giving off light and the animals came to the fence and poked their heads through wanting to be friends with me. These animals have a nice barn to shelter in that would make some homes look sick. They are protected by a five foot white metal, slat fence that is magazine ready. The owner of this property lives within yards of the place in a near mansion-like home. I think he has these animals as a hobby, but not for sure. These friendly creatures entertained me while I snapped pictures of them and the sunset. If I were a news reporter I would learn more about this nice piece of land fenced in with awesome white metal slats and housing several exotic animals. But since I’m not I fear I might be thought of as nosy if I start asking questions. It was fun anyway visiting them and making them think I was deaf and dumb. They did make a few funny sounds and try to reach me through the fence. I will put more pictures on tomorrow of these friendly animals. I am engrossed with them.

It seems as if every day I meet up with a surprise. I didn’t expect to see the animals today, and yesterday I had another surprise. I met an old friend at the grocery store who I hadn’t seen in so many years I didn’t recognize her. She immediately recognized me, and we had quite a lengthy conversation. She had just moved back to Perryton after being gone for several years. I asked her to come and visit me for I know it will take some time for her to adjust after loosing her oldest son whom she lived with. Sometimes it takes more than an invite. I hope I can be of more help to people who are grieving than I have been in the past. I just have to let God lead the way. I want everyone to know that I truly am here to assist them in any way I can when they need someone to pray with them or just share a memory or whatever. It is my pleasure to sat, chat, pat, and wrap my arms around the ones I joke and laugh with. If we wake up every morning with a desire to bless someone, I believe God will make it possible. It may be a surprise to us, but whatever the Lord has ordained us to do, He will pave the way. I hope I am not holding back on anything I should be doing just because I may not like the atmosphere of how some can create. Everyone is human and all humans are sinners saved by grace. With God’s help we can endure misgivings no matter how great they may be. Apprehension must not be a winner in our lives.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "Icicle Please Melt"

Jean's Comment's: "Icicle Please Melt": Mystery unsolved. Temperature did not get above freezing yesterday but this morning this 4' icicle was hanging from the eave of my roo...

"Icicle Please Melt"

Mystery unsolved. Temperature did not get above freezing yesterday but this morning this 4' icicle was hanging from the eave of my roof. 1-8-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I was quite surprised to see this 4’ icicle hanging from the eave of my roof this morning. The temperature didn’t get above freezing all day yesterday. There is not one sign of thawing this morning. How did a four foot icicle form on the eave of my roof last night? Just another sign that I don’t understand all things happening these days. I just need someone around to discuss things with now and then. I believed that my husband knew everything, but he is not around anymore. I can live with the excitement I feel even with a 4’ icicle forming in the freezer.

I managed to walk out of my garage last evening onto the solid iced driveway, and get into the car of a friend. She had come to take me to a first-time meeting with widowed ladies and gentlemen. Because of the bad weather just a few showed up, but I enjoyed the dinner and fellowship. I met two people for the first time, and was pleased with their kind and interesting conversation. I’m looking forward to attending more of these meetings in the future. This group does not meet to collaborate. It is strictly meant to share joy and concerns, and fill the need for regular friendship togetherness. Although a forming of hands clasped together as one lead in prayer before the meal, religion was not mentioned. I feel too often people over step the subject of religion. I believe one’s own interpersonal feelings about God should be kept locked up when not in a group of such kind. Love and compassion can be shared without forcing God into the center of every discussion. Our own lives should reflect our feelings without words. Kindness, gentleness, patience, understanding, without malice, without jealously, without self-pity, without judging, and especially without attempts to convert others to our own way of thinking religiously. I can express my views of religion on my blogs, but in meetings I have been invited to I do not feel at liberty to do so. We should always respect others right to believe what they want to, even though we may not agree with them. I think if people would quit preaching to the choir and start preaching to themselves, they would enjoy better health and prosper more. So many people are locked into their own stupidity till they can’t possibly find the key. Excuse the insulting remark, but I am writing on my blog  The fact is they are not looking for the key. They see themselves as anything but stupid. Prayer is the only hope for these kinds of people, and patience is the key. I love all people, even the stupid. It is the greatest of all ten commandants. How can I love without respecting others feelings? An insult can be lived with, but it is never forgotten. Its like a scar from a wound. The pain stopped, but the reminder is always there. Let us take our place where we chose, but let us remember it was a blessing to be included, not a must.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 6, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "A Glowing Snow"

Jean's Comment's: "A Glowing Snow": OH! What a beautiful morning. Sun shinning bright on 3" of snow last night. 1-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.       Soft, white, snow cover...

"A Glowing Snow"

OH! What a beautiful morning. Sun shinning bright on 3" of snow last night. 1-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.
      Soft, white, snow covered out city last night. So beautiful. 1-6-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I need to hunt up my sun glasses this morning before going out. The bright glow from the snow is blinding. We received about 3”. A real blessing to the wheat farmers. The lawns also will be happy when the warm weather arrives. How thankful I am for Mother Nature and her love to all humanity. I will be staying inside today painting and watching all the exciting news. I have plans for tomorrow to attend a single’s dinner and I hope the snow will be melted off by then. I just can’t take too much shut-in time. Get up and go are my favorite words these days.

It was a pleasure talking to my oldest sister this morning from her retirement apartment in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We finished a call we didn’t complete last night. It took three attempts to satisfy our aging memories. How blessed I am to still have all three of my sisters in good health, except for slow memories sometimes. My three brothers have all passed on, and I miss them so much. I treasure their memories and speak to my sisters about them often. It’s almost like they are still living, but I just don’t see them as often. I feel the same way about my parents and all my other loved ones who have departed this evil world. I pray that my mind will hang onto my faith that tells me we shall all be together again in a perfect place of peace and joy that will never end.

I feel completely regenerated since we have elected a new president for 2017. Nothing seems to get me down anymore. I have so much confidence in this President-elect till I don’t even think he needs my advise. That’s saying a lot about me. I can now go on about my business, and not have to worry about the world’s business. I give my God credit for all of this happiness, and will praise him forever. I may have to be tied down because I have been bouncing around like a ball. I don’t want to stop having fun. Am I living in my second childhood or something? If so I hope I live it as long as I did the first one. That would make me the oldest person to live since old testament days. I could do a lot more paintings, and maybe reach the one hundredth result. I’m thinking about getting wicked with the brush and seeing what happens. I have never followed my art instructor’s advise and painted without bounders. I hope to do that starting soon. He told our class that an astute artist could interpret a painting even though the artist themselves was not able to make the impression clear. That is the interpreter could read the frame of mind the artist was in at the time of the painting. It worked with me once, and I’ve never tried it again. He interpreted it slightly different than I had hoped he would. I became afraid of painting something that would make a liar of me. Maybe I don’t know myself as well as I think I do. A friend of mine did a portrait painting and the instructor told her she was being too honest, whatever that means. So goes my career of painting.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Jean's Comment's: "My First Painting Of 2017"

Jean's Comment's: "My First Painting Of 2017": Receding glaciers left these rocks behind in what is now New York City's Central Park. I just finished this painting today. 1-3-2017 P...

"My First Painting Of 2017"

Receding glaciers left these rocks behind in what is now New York City's Central Park. I just finished this painting today. 1-3-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I returned home yesterday from my New Years Eve trip to be with my sisters and a good friend in Clinton, Oklahoma. We had a great time and no one wanted to leave to go home. We ate our black eyed peas on New Year’s day with cornbread I had taken from home. We did have good luck, although I can’t say we brought a lot of money home. Money can’t buy the fun and relaxation we shared during our two days together. I think I am the only one of the four who came home a few dollars short, but I feel like I received more in the long run. I came home ready to get back to my painting, and finished this painting I was very ready to put in a frame today. I think I got a full charge while I was gone. My sisters both received a quit a bit of love- gift money from our friend who loves to give gifts to others. I have had my share in the past. What a wonderful friend we have. She and I were raised up together and have know the good ole days of poor times with boo-coo’s of love for free. In recent days this friend has been blessed with good business success, and an inheritance from a special friend she met and enjoyed friendship with for many years before he died with cancer. She provided him with all the special needs he needed, and stayed by his side till he passed. My sisters both saw a special love within this friend the like of which they had never seen before.

I must tell you just how much we all believe God takes care of us no matter where we may be. This friend was having good luck at the casino, and she always carries a lot of money with her. Doing a lot of excitement from hitting a jack pot three times on the same machine she walked off and left her playing card in a machine. When she missed it she ran back where she knew she left it. A man was playing the machine. “Did I leave my card here” she asked? “You sure did he replied, and your billfold too.” She hadn’t missed her wallet and was almost speechless when she saw it in the man’s hand. She never tells anyone how much she gives away, but knowing her I know she gave that man a big reward. She probably had more than $10,000 in the wallet. We definitely believe God takes care of us since He has proved Himself to us many of times. I have had several such instances happen to me as well as has my sisters. Yes, I mean all of which were in a casino. I know there are some bad people that go to casinos, but I can say there are far more honest and decent people by far than bad ones. That includes the workers and attendants who manage the casinos. I seriously doubt you will find any more bad people percentage wise in a casino than what you find in the churches. Our lives are what we make of them no matter where we go. I am thankful that my Heavenly Father allows me to have fun and enjoy myself as long as I do unto others what I would have them do unto me. He even gives us health to enjoy our lives to the fullest. No one is ever pain-free, but He is a merciful God to say the least. When He is through with us here on earth He will gracefully take us home to be with Him.

Happy New Year to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp