Sunday, January 15, 2017

"Broken Limbs Not Hearts"

        Last night's ice storm broke several big limbs off my trees. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.
                        The pine tree is drooping with tons of ice. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.
                                  I'm glad I don't live in Alaska. 1-15-2017 Perryton, Texas.

I never expected to see what I saw this morning when I woke up. Chuck called before I had gotten out of bed to tell me his yard and the street had high piles of iced limbs on it. The City was quick to clear the limbs off the street, but they piled them on top of what was already in Chuck’s yard. Nothing less than a chain saw and a long day’s work will clear up the mess. When I looked out in my yard I saw the same thing had happened here. I don’t have as many large trees as Chuck has, so my problem is minor compared to his. The only good thing about it is an inexpensive way to get your trees trimmed. I think we can haul the limbs off ourselves. Nature is always a good thing. Man’s muscle’s are another good thing. What a creation we live in and, enjoy every minute of it. Hot or cold our inner minds has a way of accepting it, and being thankful for a less severe hardship. “Laugh and the world laughs with you.” One of my favorite quotes . “If you don’t use your muscles you lose them,” is another good quote. I truly believe both of these quotes are 100 percent correct. We certainly can’t apply these two rules by spending most of out time in bed or relaxing in our recliners. Even retired persons have to follow these rules.

Speaking of getting up, and out, and about, I did them all last night. The weather was not especially good all day yesterday, but it was not freezing. I had not been called and informed that the little widow’s and widower’s club I belong to had been cancelled so I drove to the meeting place. The Pizza Hut was the chosen place for last night. The waitress told me they had not been called either so she assumed the meeting was still planned. I sat by myself for forty-five minutes before I finally ordered a pizza to take home. The place was packed and I couldn’t believe no one showed up but me for the pizza treat and fun time of sharing crazy old folks thoughts, and ideas. I love the true personalities of those old people who forgot to be someone else. I am one of the few who is having a hard time forgetting that. I learned as a child to have manners and memorize. I have always tried to practice that teaching, but sometimes we go beyond the limits of what is necessary. I do pray that I will never lose what I received from the Great Teacher while studying the Holy Bible. I didn’t learn everything, but I know the basics of God’s word. False pride is not an accepted part of the equation. Neither is stupidity to the point of embarrassing one’s self or others. God help us to know the difference and apply it to our hearts. Get in the mood to move on to higher ground of respect and tranquility.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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