Monday, January 16, 2017

"A Time Of Tree Trimming"

                      More iced limbs in my yard this morning. 1-16-2015 Perryton, Texas.
              The second day that ice has broken big limbs of trees in my yard. 1-16-2017 Perryton TX.

A terrible ice storm has crippled our community. The city is working around the clock to clear off the streets, but the limbs keep breaking off. The power is off in many homes and business here in Perryton. Chuck came to spend the night with me after struggling with moving big limbs off his driveway. He was told it would be at least late Monday night before the power can be restored, and maybe not then. I am one of the lucky ones to still have power and television. We have enough food supply to last a few more days. We are blessed, and appreciate it greatly. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I think the weather announcer got it wrong last night. They said it would get up to 50 degree today, but so far it is still freezing and more limbs are falling. The entire sky area is solid white. I’m looking forward to that beautiful sun and moon shine again.

I do have my painting passion in full swing. Nothing can be more fun than painting noses on faces, especially my own. My nose is bigger than I like, and I keep trying to size it down. But guess what, it don’t look like me when I try to adjust my nose. Stubborn people usually waste more time than the submissive kind. As a result satisfaction never comes until the willingness to be honest happens. When we get a chance to draw our own faces we like to change them a wee bit. But do we want the truth or a false impression? I do agree that editing, or enhancing can be done without changing the real image. I’m guilty of that. A face book friend of mine, whom I’ve never met, recently posted a picture of her hair. She is somewhat a news reporter, and has a lot of contacts. Her hair was so breath-taking beautiful I commented to her asking if it was real. “If not,” I said, “ it is very beautiful.” It had different shades of blond with highlights of white, beige, tan and a few other shades. It appeared to be thick and long. This friend answered me back saying, “ its real. No editing at all, just a few strands missing.” That meant to me that she had not put any color on her hair at all, but she could have put some “liven-it-up” a bit making the shine appear as different shades. That is what I try to do with my portraits. “liven them up a bit.” Sometimes I have to pray before I paint my true feelings because I feel too relaxed in being honest. Do we want the best, or the worst of the best? When doing a painting of someone I ask my self this question, what does this person want me to say about them? I have to make that decision myself, trying to be honest, but with appreciation of who they are. More portraits will be posted soon.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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